NTU-Exam 板


課程名稱︰翻譯與習作上 課程性質︰系必修 課程教師︰廖朝陽 開課學院:文學院 開課系所︰外文系 考試日期(年月日)︰2011/11/8 考試時限(分鐘):110分鐘 是否需發放獎勵金:是 (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : I. Select the answer that is the most appropriate (12%): 1. Which of the following is characterized by parataxis: (A) greatly amazed (B) at the edge of despair (C) 不吃拉倒 (D) 她對你沒意思。 2. Which of the following is characterized by hypotaxis: (A) greatly amazed (B) shops and markets (C) 屢戰屢敗 (D) 輸都輸了。 3. One way to use the hypotactic style is to use it for (A) irony. (B) more analytical text. (C) loosely connected ideas. (D) more expressive text. 4. Which of the following contains an embedded clause? (A) They, as concerned citizens, will agree. (B) He opened the door and went out. (C) No one is right unless I say so. (D) Bauxite is an ore which looks like clay. 5. "In the week before their departure, when all the final scurrying about had reached an unbearable frezy, an old crone came to visit the boy." This sentence is a good exaple of (A) parallelism. (B) periodicity. (C) sarcasm. (D) parataxis. 6. 「打起來了,怎麼辦?」This sentence is a good example of (A) 形合。 (B) 多動句。(C) 綜合型語言。(D) 意合。 II. Choose the best traslation, taking care to favor hypotaxis/embedding (51%) 1. We were about two miles from the bridge when disaster struck. _____離橋約 兩英理處,災難就發生了。(A) 我們還沒走到 (B) 我們的位置在 (C) 當時我們在 (D) 我們走到 2. 很抱歉,我不能同意。(A) I apologize and disagree. (B) Being sorry, I can't agree. (C) I'm afraid Ican't agree. (D) Sorry, I disagree. 3. 他的話言不由衷,實在可笑。 What he said was (A) insincerely laughable. (B) insincere in being laughable. (C) laughably insincere. (D) laughed at insincerely. 4. 他上街買書去了。He went out (A) to buy books. (B) and bought books. (C) so he bought books. (D) having bought books. 5. 他搖搖頭,看起來很痛苦。(A) He shook his head, looking painful. (B) He shook his head to shoe pain. (C) He seems in pain, shaking his head. (D) He shook his head in anguish. 6. 這篇報告偏離事實,無可挽救。 The report was (A) hopelessly inaccurate. (B) inaccurate and hopeless. (C) inaccurate and hopless to save. (D) inaccurate and not to be saved. 7. 作者文筆流暢,大大提高了這本書的可讀性。 The author's _____ made the book highly enjoyable. (A) prose style was fluent and that (B) prose style have fluency and (C) prose style fluently (D) fluent prose style 8. 雨下得大,就可能成災。 (A) There was heavy rain, and disaster was possible. (B) When rain is heavy, there may be disaster. (C) Rain being heavy, we have disaster. (D) Heavy rain can be a disaster. 9. Hitler's "blitz" carried him very far. (A) 希特勒的閃電戰法帶他走了很遠。 (B) 希特勒大大發揮了閃電戰法。(C) 希特勒使用閃電戰法而橫掃敵境。 (D) 希特勒快速作戰而深入敵境。 10. He rose gloomily as the train stopped. _____,他站起來,心情悶悶不樂。 (A) 火車停了 (B) 火車停下時 (C) 當火車停住 (D) 因為火車停了 11. Women received preference over men. 女性 (A) 的優先權比男性高。(B) 享有高於 男性的特權。(C) 獲得優先考慮。(D) 享有優先的地位。 12. 他花了許多力氣才成功。 He (A) made great efforts. (B) succeeded in making efforts. (C) managed to do it after making strenuous efforts. (D) made efforts to succeed. 13. 他悄悄改變作風,不再說粗話。 He ____ profanities. (A) silently gave up (B) secretly chang his way of using (C) unnoticeably switched his style and abandoned (D) stealthily stopped using 14. 如有危安物品請使用自願放棄箱。If you have prohibited items, please use the (A) contraband disposal container (B) voluntary discard box (C) unfored disposal box (D) discarded possesions container. 15. 他沒來,我不放心。His ____ worries me. (A) not coming (B) having not come (C) failure to show up (D) not showing up 16. Technology comes and goes. ____ 不斷更新。(A) 科技 (B) 科技公司 (C) 科技產 品 (D) 流行科技 17. They were the only people who helped us. (A) 沒人願意幫忙,只有他們。 (B) 他們是唯一幫我的人。(C) 他們是幫我的僅有的人。(D) 他們肯幫忙,沒有別人 III. Following principles learned in class, translate the following: (37%) 1. 天氣熱,教室都變烤箱了。(5%) 2. 到圖書館要五分鐘車程。(5%) 3. 他的婚姻死氣沉沉,已經到了無可挽救的地步。(6%) 4. After the banquets and the concerts, he would work on the drafting of the communique.(5%) 5. 他們問一些私人問題,這是沒有必要的。(5%) 6. Their story was precisely not the case.(6%) 7. 北方農民有極強的生命力,磨折不了,壓迫不倒。(5%) --

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