作者peter850130 (KC)
標題[試題] 99下 經濟學原理與實習下 期末考
時間Sat Jun 25 00:31:45 2011
課程名稱:經濟學原理與實習下 期末考
試題 :
1. When the money market is drawn with the value of money on the verti
-cal axis, an increase in the money supply creates an excess
(a)supply of money, causing people to spend more.
(b)supply of monet, causing people to spend less.
(c)demand for money, causing people to spend more.
(d)demand for money, causing people to spend less.
2. Last year, Tealandia produced 50,000 bags of green tea, and tea was
the only good Tealandia produced. Each bag sold at 4 units each of
Tealandia's currency - the Leaf. Tealandia's money supply was
40,000. What was the velocity of money in Tealandia?
3. A citizen of Saudi Arabia uses previously obtained U.S. dollars to
purchase apples from the United States. This transaction
(a)increases Saudi net capital outflow, and increases U.S. net
(b)increases Saudi net capital outflow, and decreases U.S. net
(c)decreases Saudi net capital outflow, and increases U.S. net
(d)decreases Saudi net capital outflow, and decreases U.S. net
4. Other things the same, if the money supply rises by 2% and people
were expecting it to rise by 5%, then some firms have
(a)higher than desired prices which increases their sales.
(b)higher than desired prices which depresses their sales.
(c)lower than desired prices which increases their sales.
(d)lower than desired prices which depresses their sales.
5. According to the doctrine of purchasing-power parity, which of the
following should depreciate if over thhe next year the inflation ra
-te is higher in the U.S. than in the Euro area?
(a)both the U.S. real exchange rate and the U.S. nominal excha
-nge rate
(b)the U.S. real exchange rate, but not the U.S. nominal excha
-nge rate
(c)the U.S. nominal exchange rate, but not the U.S. real excha
-nge rate
(d)neither the U.S. nominal exchange rate nor the U.S. real ex
change rate
6. An increase in the budget deficitt makes domestic interest rates
(a)rise because the supply of loanable funds shifts left.
(b)fall because the supply of loanable funds shifts left.
(c)rise because the demand for loanable funds shifts right.
(d)fall because the demand for loanable funds shifts right.
7. The sticky-wage theory of the short- run aggregate supply curve say
-s that when the price level rises more than expected,
(a)production is more profitable and employment rises.
(b)production is more profitable and employment falls.
(c)production is less profitable and employment rises.
(d)production is less profitable and employment falls.
8. According to the theory of liquidity preference, an increase in the
price level causes the
(a)interest rate and investment to rise.
(b)interest rate and investment to fall.
(c)interest rate to rise and investment to fall.
(d)interest rate to fall and investment to rise.
9. Suppose that the money supply increases. In the short run this decr
-eases unemployment according to
(a)both the short-run Phillips curve and the aggregate demand
and aggregate supply model.
(b)neither the short-run Phillips curve nor the aggregate dema
-nd and aggregate supply model.
(c)the short-run Phillips curve, but not the aggregate demand
and supply model.
(d)the aggregate demand and aggregate supply model, but not
the short-run Phillips curve.
10. Which of the following would shift the long-run Phillips curve
right ?
(a)expansionary fiscal policy
(b)an increase in the inflation rate
(c)increases in unemployment compensation
(d)None of the above is correct.
11. Which of the following would tend to shorten recessioons associate
-d with anti-inflation policies by central banks?
(a)People adjust their expectations of inflation rapidly.
(b)Pelple believe policy announceents made by Fed officials.
(c)The short-run Phillips shifts rapidly.
(d)All of the above are correct.
12. As the price level rises
(a)people will want to buy more bonds, so the interest rate
(b)people will want to buy fewer bonds, so the interest rate
(c)people will want to buy more bonds, so the interest rate
(d)people will want to buy fewer bonds, so the interest rate
13. Suppose that the central bank must follow a rule that requires it
to increase tthe money supply when the price level falls and
decrease the money supply when the price level rises. If the
economy starts from long-run equilibrium and aggregate demand shif
-ts right, the central bank must
(a)decrease the money supply, which will move output back towa
-rds its long-run level.
(b)decrease the money supply, which will move output farther
from its long-run level.
(c)increase the money supply, which will move output back towa
-rds its long-run level.
(d)increase the money supply, which will move output farther
from its long-run level.
14. Consider the following rule for monetary policy:
r = 2% + π + 0.5 . ── + 0.5 . (π - π*),
where r is the nominal interest rate, y is real GDP,y* is an
estimate of the natural rate of output, π is the inflation rate,
and π* is the inflation target. Which of the following statements
is not correct?
(a)If aggregate demand shifts right from long-run equilibrium
, this rule unambiguously implies that the Fed increases th
-e nominal interest rate.
(b)If aggregate supply shifts right from long-run equilibrium
at the inflation target, we cannot tell without more inform
-ation whether the Fed should increase or decrease the nomi
-nal interest rate.
(c)If output is at its natural level, but inflation is above
its target, the Fed must increase the nominal interest rate.
(d)If inflatioin is at its targeted level, but output is above
its natural rate, the Fed must decrease the federal funds
15. In the long run, fiscal policy primarily affects
(a)aggregate demand. In the short run, it affects primarily
aggregate supply.
(b)aggregate supply. In the short run, it affects primarily
saving, investment, and growth.
(c)saving, investment, and growth. In the short run, it affects
primarily aggregate demand.
(d)saving, investmnet, and growth. In the short run, if affects
primarily aggregate supply.
計算題請說明推理過程, 答案已讓批改者瞭解為原則。
跟進美國降低貿易障礙的作法, 好處依舊在。」
(b)(5%)由於歐美景氣轉壞, 許多境外基金為求避險, 外國經理人紛紛
外國基金購買大量台灣資產會使得新台幣升值或貶值? 若央行
的目標為穩定新台幣匯率, 則應該如何在外匯市場操作?
(c)(5%)某經濟體目前的失業率高於自然率, 政府欲使用寬鬆的貨幣政策
曲線理論, 你認為這是為什麼?
2.(10%)桃花源本年度總產出(Y)為10,000, 政府支出(G)為1,500, 淨稅收(T)
為1,700。桃花源的消費(C), 投資(I), 出口(X), 進口(M), 淨資本流出(NCO)
如下:C = 5,500;I = 2,700 - 50r;X = 500 -50E;M = 20 + 50E;
NCO = 600 - 100r;其中桃花源實質利率為r%, 桃花源貨幣的實質匯率為E。
(a)(2%)實質匯率升值時, 淨出口量會如何變動?
(c)(4%)桃花源政府為了刺激出口, 舉債增加政府支出150來做國際形象
廣告。桃花源的出口因為政策增加為 X = 600 - 50E。假設此一
政策不影響總產出。請問政策後的均衡利率, 實質匯率各為多少
3.(10%)請考慮凱因斯的流動性偏好理論。假設某國經濟原先處於長期均衡, 今因
大地震的緣故, 大量生產設備短時間無法運作, 因此總和供給線左移。
(a)(4%)請問短期時, 該國的利率會上升還是下降?因此總和需求線會如
(b)(3%)若該國本來處於流動性陷阱, 此時貨幣需求為水平線, 短期利率
(c)(3%)承上。若該國政府的目標在於回復災後的產出, 請問採取財政
w p 1000
4.(15%)桃花源的生產函數為 Y = 2,000√L, 其勞動需求為─ = ─ x ───
p p^e √L
,其中Y為總產出, L為勞動量,W為名目工資,P為實際物價水準,P^e為廠商
預期的物價水準。桃花源的勞動供給為 L = ──,桃花源目前物價水準為
(e)(2%)承上,假設桃花源的總和需求改變成Y = 50,000 - 200P。請問短
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