NTU-Exam 板


課程名稱︰組織行為 課程性質︰ 課程教師︰吳玲玲 開課學院:創意創業學程 開課系所︰資訊管理學系 考試日期(年月日)︰100.4.18 考試時限(分鐘):約180分鐘 是否需發放獎勵金:是 (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : 選擇題(40%,2% for each) 1. Which one of following description is NOT a feature of "Organization"? A. Organization is consciously coordinated social unit. B. Organization composed of two or more people. C. Organization must have some rules which clearly defined. D. Organization usually has functions in order to achieve some specific goals. 2. Which one of the following statement is true about the "Challenge and Opportunities for OB" today? A. In order to respond to globalization(全球化),we should work with people from different cultures more than before. B. Organization should use the same ways to manage all of it's employees, despite there is a workforce diversity(員工多樣性) issue. C. Concern for employee's loyalty(忠誠度), we should reduce to hire temporary workers. D. Organization structure should be hierarchical(階層性) in order to be managed easily. 3. Which one of the following statement is true about "Organizational Behavior"? A. OB is the study of what people do in an organization and how their behavior affects the organization;s performance. B. The researches on OB are mainly focus on two determinants of behavior in organizations: individuals, groups. C. OB is built on contributions from a number if behavioral disciplines, mainly psychology(心理學),social psychology(社會心理學),and sociology (社會學) D. All of above are correct 4. Which one if the following statements can describe the relation between Behavior and Attitude properly? A. Behavior always follow Attitudes, because people's behavior are always follow what they thought. B. Attitudes always follow Behavior, because people are always doing things rationally. C. There is no systematic relation berween behavior and attitudes, because people have cognitive dissonance(認知失調) D. None of above is correct. 5. Which of following responses to job dissatisfaction is the most constructive one to the organization? A. Voice(闡述) B. Loyalty(維持忠誠) C. Exit(離去) D. Neglect(忽視不管) 6. Which of following statements about Type A persons is NOT correct? A. They strive to think or do two or more things at once. B. They can always relax without guilt. C. They are alwaus moving, walking, and eating rapidly. D. They measure their success in terms of how many or how much if everything they acquire. 7. According to personality-job fit theory(人格-工作適配理論), which person may be the most satisfied with his/her job? A. Peter is a shy,genuine and hard-working man. He workd as a product manager. B. Julia is always self-confident and ambitious. She is a teacher of elementary school. C. Howard is the kind of person who prefers rule-regulated and unimaginative activities. He now works as a bank teller. D. Tiffany is a creative woman who sometimes would be a little bit too emotional. She works at a factory as an assembly-line worker . 8. Which of the following statement is true about "Organizational Commitment"? A. According to research, continuance commitment(延續性承諾) is lower among Chinese employees than among Canadian, British, and South Korean workers. B. Normative commitment(規範性承諾) is the perceived economic value of remaining with an organization. C. According to research, employees in different cultures think of commitment to their employers, they do in quiet dissimilar way. D. According to research, Chinese employees appear to have lower levels of normative(規範性承諾) and affective(情感性承諾) commitment and higher levels of continuance(延續性承諾). 9. Which of the following statement is true ablout Cognitive Evaluation Theory?(認知評價理論) A. Extrinsic rewards(外部報酬) would negatively affect intrinsic rewards (內部報酬). B. Extrinsic rewards(外部報酬) increase intrinsic rewards(內部報酬). C. Verbal rewards(口頭獎勵) decrease intrinsic motivation(內部動機); tangible rewards increase it. D. All of the above. 10.An employer complains:"Our salary had been higher than those of other companies until two months ago, but the job satisfaction was never proportional. Now, we only lower down our salary a little bit, and many complaints appeared." Which of following theory best describes the statement above? A. Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory. (Herzberg的雙因子理論) B. Alderfer's ERG Theory. (Alderfer的ERG理論) C. McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y. (McGregor的X、Y理論) D. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. (Maslow的需求理論) 11.Which of the following statement is a common way to minimize Groupthink (群體迷思)? A. Encourage group leaders to be impartial. B. Reduce the size of the group to 10 or less. C. Use exercises on diversity. D. All of above are correct. 12.Which one of the following statement is true about Group Size? A. Evidence indicates smaller groups are faster at completing tasks than larger groups. B. Social loafing(社會懈怠) is the tendency for individuals to expend more effort when working collectively than when working individually. C. Social loafing phenomenon is usually found in smaller groups than larger groups. D. All of above are correct. 13.Which of the following statement is true about Hawthorne studies(霍桑實驗)? A. Worker behavior and sentiments were closely related. B. It is a research designed to discover the relation between Group standard s and individual workers. C. Group standards were barely effective in the output of individual workers. D. Group standards were less a factor in determining worker output than were money sentiments, and security. 14. Which of the following statement is NOT true about Adams' Equity Theory? (亞當公平理論) A. Employees compare their ratios of outcomes-to-inputs of relevant others. B. When state of equity exists, there is no tension as the situation is considered fair. C. An underrewarded state causes anger, and motivates people to act to bring their situation into equity. D. Overrewarded states cause happiness, and people are satisfied with the state. 15. Which one of the following statement is NOT true about Big Five Personality Model(五大性格模型)? A. Of the Big Five Traits, emotional stability(情緒穩定性) ismost strongly related to life satisfaction, job satisfaction, and low stress levels. B. The "Extraversion dimension"(外向性) captures our comfort level with relationships. Extraverts tend to be reserved, timid, and quiet. C. The "Agreeableness dimension"(親和性) refers to an individual's propensity to defer to others. Highly agreeable people are cooperative, warm, and trusting. D. The "Conscientiousness dimension"(負責性) is a measure of reliability. A highly conscientious person is responsible, organized, dependable, and persistent. 16.Which one of the following description is true about "Job Rotation" (工作輪調)? A. Job Rotation is a period shifting process of employees from one task to another with similar skill requirement at different organization levels. B. Job Rotation is a method to increase the work flexibility and avoid layoff. C. Job Rotation can increase employee's motuvation, and help employers to better understand how their work contributes to the organization. D. Job Rotation should be used frequently because there is no drawback with it. 17.Which of the following statement is true about Halo Effect?(月暈效應) A. The tendency to selectively interpret what one sees on the basis of one's interests, background, experience, and attitudes. B. The tendency to draw a general impression about an individual on the basis of a single characteristic. C. Evaluation of a person's characteristics that is affected by comparisons with other people recently encountered who rank higher or lower on the same characteristics. D. Judging someone on the basis of one's perception of the group to which that person belongs. 18.Which one of the following statement is true about "Attribution Theory"? (歸因理論) A. Self-serving bias(自利歸因) can use to explain which individual tend to attributetheir own succcesses to internal factors and put the blame for failure on external factors. B. Internally caused(內在歸因) behaviors are those we believe to be under the personal control of the individual. C. Externally caused(外在歸因) behaviors is what we imagine the situation forced the individual to do. D. All of above are correct. 19.Which one of the following statement is true about "Job Enrichment" (工作豐富性)? A. An enriched job organizes tasks should allow to the worker to do a complete activity, increases the employee's freedom and independence, decreases responsibility and provide feedback. B. "Establish client relationships" is a way to enrich employee's job by increasing the direct relationship between workers and their clients. C. "Form natural work unit" is a way to enrich employee's job by letting employees know how well they are doing and whether their performance is improving, deteriorating, or remaining constant. D. All of above are correct. 20.Which one of the following statement is true about "the Five Stage Group Development Model"(五階段群體建立模型)? A. Although there are five stage in this Group development model, it is usually going on several stages simultaneously. B. Forming stage(形成期) is a stage full with uncertainty, members "test the water" to determine what type of behaviors are acceptable. C. Because of the organizational context, not all the group developments follow this five stages model. D. All of above are correct. 問答題 (60%) 1. In the case of Wolfgang Keller at Konigsbrau-Hellas, Keller believed that Petrou's formal and distant management style hurt his effectibeness as the commercial director. At the same time, Petrou felt that Kellet was intruding on the commercial department's activities. What;s the problem of Keller's management style? if you're Keller, how would you get along with Petrou? If you're Keller boss, Andreas Carellas, what would you do to solve the problem? (10%) 2. In the case of NASA, who should be responsible for the outcome of the Challenger launch? (Larry Mulloy, NASA's Solid Rocket Booster manager; Roger Boisjoly, Morton Thiokol's engineer; Bob Lund, Morton Thiokol's management) Why? Also, what are the differences between advocaccy orientation and inquiry orientation in a group decision making process? Which approach was adopted by Larry? Which approach should he adopt? Why? (10%) 3. In the case of Engstrom, when the bonuses stopped, the workers responded with anger and suspicion. What is the problem of the bonus plan of Scanlon adopted by Engstrom? Bent, the plant manager, had to determine whether to scrap Scanlon, change it, or look elsewhere for solutions. If you were Bent , how would you solve the problem facing Engstorm? Why? (10%) 4. In the case of Kathryn McNeil, Kathryn McNeil was eventually fired. Put yourself in Foley's shoes. If you're Foley, would you fire Kathryn McNeil? Why or why not? Explain for your choices. If not, what would you do to address the tension between Kathryn and Lisa? (10%) 5. According to your experiences in playing the NASA Game during the class, what are the differences between "Individual Decision Making" and "Group Decision Making"? Please describe the diffences based on your own experiences and the textbook. (10%) 6. What is the research purpose of the "Zimbardo's Prison Experiment"? How did the research proceed? What is the result? Finally, how do you interpret the result? (10%) --

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