作者ping5350830 (小蒨)
標題[試題] 99下 齊東耿 歐洲文學1800以後 第一次期中考
時間Mon Apr 11 12:42:04 2011
試題 :(滿分60)
Comment on the following statement by Faust: "Two souls live in me, alas /
Forever warring with each other. / One, amorous of the world, with all its
might / Grapples it close, greed of all its pleasures; / The other fights
to rise out of the dust / Up, up into the heaven of our great forbears."
How is this expressive of Faust's fundamental problem (and, thus, how does
it explain Faust, along with Hamlet and several others, as a quintessential
character of the modern world)? Relate your answer to contemporary
concerns of Goethe (and keep in mind the late medieval context).[10]
Why does Mephisto refuse to negotiate with Faust during their first encounter
Explain by reference to the narrative context. [10]
Explain Faust's bet. "Werd'ich zum Augenblicke sagen: / Verweile doch! du bist
so scho:n! / Dann magst du mich in Fesseln schlagen, / Dann will ich gern
zugrunde gehn!" (1699-1702)--"If ever I plead with the passing moment /
'Linger awhile, oh how lovely you are,' then shut me up in close confinement,
/ I'll gladly breathe the air no more." Why this? What does this mean? [10]
Describe Margarete. What kind of girl is she (background, moral character,
etc.)? Why does she "fall for" Faust (in the various senses of the term)?
Where does this lead her? Why is she saved in the end? [15]
Why does Faust avoid Margarete at the moments of his most intense passion? [5]
What does Faust answer when Margarete asks him if he believes in God? [5]
What, according to Immanuel Kant, is "Enlightenment"? [5]
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