NTHU_Talk 板


教務處又想出神奇的 idea 了~ - 各位同仁,大家好: 日前新聞媒體刊載:「清華大學學生選課出奇招,有學生透過大數據分析,彙整出過去超過1700堂成績分布,讓學生輕鬆選到易得高分的「甜甜課……」。 公布成績分布乃方便學生在成績系統中查閱自己的單科成績百分比,作為申請奬學金或研究所的參考。學生以大數據的方式,將成績分布上網並作為選課參考,從教育的觀點來看並不適合;學生選課應以系上的修課規定、學生本身的學習規劃及課程內容(大綱)為依據,而非選修易得高分之科目。為避免學生將「單科成績分布表」作不合宜之運用及誤導選課,請各位教師於評分時,確實依照本校「學生成績作業要點」之附表三評分(如附),讓評分更具鑑別度。 另外,教務處也將調查各授課教師是否同意將修課成績分布表公開,教務處將尊重每位教師的意願,採取彈性作法,公布該課程之成績分布表。意願調查之事需待計中程式修改完成後方能實施,預計7月1日上線。 教務處謹啟 108/6/21 Dear Instructors, A few days ago, the news media published: “National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) students have developed a “Magic Course Selection APP” which has collected and analyzed grade distributions of more than 1,700 courses offered at NTHU in the past. Students can use this app to choose the so-called “sweet courses” and receive high scores in these courses…”. The University’s purpose in releasing course grade distributions is to help students check their academic performance range, which can serve as a reference when applying for graduate studies or for scholarship applications. Given the university’s goal of fostering learning, it is inappropriate for students to regard receiving high grades as the sole course-selection purpose. Students are expected to take courses based on university or departmental requirements, their own study plans, and the course syllabi. In order to prevent students from misusing the “individual course grade distribution,” it is advised that all instructors abide by the grading rubrics (see the attached Regulations) and try to enhance the validity and reliability of grading. In addition, the Office of Academic Affairs, will investigate whether instructors will agree or disagree to disclose their grade distribution. We will respect your decisions and will adopt a more flexible approach on releasing grade distributions in the future. The above-mentioned survey will start to run after the Computer and Communication Center modifies the relative programs around July 1, 2019. Sincerely, The NTHU Office of Academic Affairs 21 June 2019 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/NTHU_Talk/M.1561145378.A.D3E.html
1F:推 BusterButter: http://i.imgur.com/4OhtMSR.jpg 06/22 04:12
2F:推 orzkk88: 資訊不對稱 06/22 04:40
3F:推 SFV650: 噓餿主意 06/22 08:54
4F:推 AnnAnnNiHow: = = 06/22 11:38
5F:推 kevin1212: 這是學校解決問題的方法嗎= = 06/22 11:51
6F:→ kevin1212: 這樣學生權益會受損吧 包含如果之後研究所被問某些科目 06/22 11:53
7F:→ kevin1212: 的成積之類的 你又不能說這個教授很硬 要有數據吧= = 06/22 11:53
8F:推 ya870323: 這會變成Adverse selection吧 06/22 13:29
9F:推 LaAc: 哪一家媒體文章這麼賤啊…… 06/22 13:38
10F:推 breadking: 不過隔壁都沒在公布的就是了... 06/22 13:44
11F:噓 ggpickpocket: 夠爛 06/22 14:40
12F:推 loveqn: 掩蓋問題 06/22 15:56
13F:推 Hscyin: 不公開的話學生要怎麼證明這門課很硬啦 喜憨制度誒 06/22 17:00
14F:推 jrsh0906: 剛剛問113的朋友,只有知道自己的成績,連班平均都沒有 06/22 17:12
15F:推 LPCbaimlly: 怎麼不問為什麼教授都給這麼高= = 06/22 18:45
16F:推 alan23273850: 台大也沒在公布的阿... 06/23 10:49
17F:推 iComic: 至少通識保留吧 有些真的不知道在硬幾點 A+不到5% 06/23 12:04
18F:推 alan23273850: 順帶一提,清大還公布修課同學名單,台大也沒有,我 06/23 21:40
19F:→ alan23273850: 是覺得公布修課同學這點很母湯就是... 06/23 21:40

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