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PTT首po就來功課版回饋社會吧,有缺一些題目,請大家將就。 106學年度 第一學期 心理測驗 期中考 任課教授:游琇婷 共45題選擇題: 1.In psychological testing. Skewed distribution usually signify that the test developer has (A) a bias that favors one or more subgroups of persons (B) purposely set out to produce a test with skewness (C) underestimated the ability of some subjects (D) included too few easy items or too few hard items 2.For true-false items, the optimal level of item difficulty is (A) .5 (B) .75 (C) 1.0 (D) 100 3.Classical test theory assumes that measurement errors (A) are not correlated with true scores (B) do not exist (C) are correlated form one test to the next (D) can be determined for the individual subject 4.How well each preliminary test item contributes to accurate pre,we would use (A) item-difficulty index (B) item-reliability index (C) item-validity index (D) index of item discriminate 5.The difference in underlying raw score points between percentiles of 90 and 99 is _____ the difference between percentiles of 50 and 59. (特指常態分佈 下) (A) greater than (B) less than (C) the same as (D) unknown relation to 6._____ test typically contains items of uniform and generally simple level of difficulty. (A) speed (B) power (C) intelligent (D) personality 7.The forced-choice methodology is designed to counter the problem of (A) guessing (B) social desirability (C) distractor difficulty (D) all of the above 8.Correlations based upon a homogeneous subset of subjects tend to be lower than for the entire group. This is known as _____. (A) correlation shrinkage (B) power testing (C) restriction of range (D) none of the above 9.On a scale, respondents who endorse one statement also agree with milder statements pertinent to the same underlying continuum. (A) Thurstone (B) Likert (C) Guttman (D) Binet 10.A graphical of the relationship between the probability of a correct response and the examinee’s position on the underlying trait measured by the test is called (A) item-difficulty index (B) item-reliability index (C) item-characteristic curve (D) cumulative difficulty 11.The first step in test construction is (A) defining the test (B) selecting a scaling method (C) constructing the items (D) testing the items 12.Which is the correct order for levels of measurement? (A) ordinal, nominal, interval, ratio (B) ordinal, nominal, ratio, interval (C) nominal, ordinal, ratio, interval (D) nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio 13.The concept of “intelligence quotient”(IQ) was suggested by _____ in _____. (A) Galton , 1884 (B) Binet, 1905 (C) Stern, 1912 (D) Terman, 1916 14.The scaling method that utilizes a rating from “Strongly Agree” to “ Strongly Disagree” is called _____ scaling. (A) Thorndike (B) Guttman (C) Likert (D) Rasch 15.Likert scale is also referred to as a _____. (A) rational scale (B) summative scale (C) classification scale (D) ratio scale 16._____ is a statistical index of how efficiently an item discriminates between persons who obtain high and low scores on the entire test. (A) item-discrimination index (B) item-difficulty index (C) item-validity index (D) item-tension index 17.Suppose we obtain the following response patterns on a multiple choice question with correct answer “C”:(以下表格手機板可能會跑掉) ┌──────┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┐ │ │ A │ B │ C │ D │ E │ ├──────┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┤ │high-scores │ 5 │ 6 │ 80 │ 5 │ 4 │ ├──────┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┤ │low-scores │ 15 │ 14 │ 40 │ 16 │ 15 │ └──────┴──┴──┴──┴──┴──┘ What needs to be done to improve this test items? (A)too easy (B)too hard (C)nothing, this is a good test 18. 19.The ICC of three items are illustrated below (Y-axis: probability of answering correctly, X-axis: ability level) Which item is the most difficult item: (A) item 1 (B) item 2 (C) item 3 (D) cannot tell by ICCs 20.The ICC of three items are illustrated below (Y-axis: probability of answering correctly, X-axis: ability level) Which item has the most discrimination power: (A) item 1 (B) item 2 (C) item 3 (D) cannot tell by ICCs 21.當受試者有可能不誠實的作答時,下列哪一種題型最能使受試者正常的回答? (A) multiple-choice (B) matching (C) true/false (D) forced choice 22.What is the tendency of some test takers to provide or choose answers that are perceived to be most acceptable or that present the test taker in a favorable light called? (A) social acquiescence (B) social faking (C) social desirability (D) social responding 23.Which one of the following ranges of item p (item difficulty) values yield distribution of scores with the most variation? (A) 0 to .3 (B) .4 to .6 (C) .7 to 1 (D) 1 to 3 24.When test developers examine the discrimination indexes of each item, which one of the outcomes do they consider being most desirable? (A) low positive numbers (B) low negative numbers (C) high positive numbers (D) high negative numbers 25.Which one of the following provides important information for increasing the test's internal consistency? (A) discrimination index (B) difficulty level (C) interitem correlation matrix (D) coefficient of multiple correlation 26.A test question has bias when it (A) has a high discrimination index (B) does not correlate with other test items (C) does not correlate with the test’s raw score. (D) is easier for one group than for another group. 27. 28. 29.The psychological tests focus on _____ outcomes, surveys focus on _____ outcomes. (A) group; individual (B) individual; group (C) specific; broad (D) broad; specific 30.Who coined the term “mental test”? (A) Alfred Binet (B) Victor Henri (C) James Cattell (D) Charles Spearman 31.The right of informed consent refers to testtakers; right to know (A) why they are being evaluated. (B) how the test data will be used. (C) what, if any, information will be released to whom. (D) all of these 32.T score is to 50 as (A) z score is to 10 (B) percentile is to 100 (C) stanine is to 5 (D) stanine is to 9 33.If all scores in a set of test scores were the same, the variance would be equal to? (A) 0. (B) 1. (C) -1 (D) 10 34.What is an advantage of T scores over z scores? (A) z scores have no negative numbers. (B) T scores have no negative numbers. (C) T scores are more precise (D) a T score has greater statistical flexibility 35.If a person scores at the median on a test, and if the scores on test are normally distributed. The individual will be in which stanine? (A) the first (B) the fifth (C) the ninth (D) the seventh 36.Which of the following is the equivalent T score for an IQ score of 115 on an IQ test that hxx mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15? (A) 40 (B) 50 (C) 60 (D) 70 37.A perfect correlation is indicated by (A) +1.00 (B) 0 (C) -1.00 (D) both A and C 38.A group of people whose performance on a particular test is analyzed for reference in evaluating the performance of future testtakers. This group is called a (A) normative sample (B) stratified random sample (C) test validation group (D) population sample 39.Assigning numbers in accordance with empirical properties of subjects or traits is referred to (A) measuring (B) quantifying (C) scaling (D) normalizing 40.The definition of a norm-referenced test as compared to a criterion-referenced test difficult primarily with respect to (A) the error thought to be present in measurement. (B) whether or not the test is theory-based. (C) the score to which testtakers are compared. (D) the difficult level of the test in question. 41.What is “DIF” we discussed in class about item bias: (A) Discriminant Index Function. (B) Data Interchange Format. (C) Differential Item Functioning. (D) Diagnostic Important Factor. 42. 43. Items for which the p value falls in the range of .90 to 1.00 are usually considered (A) too difficult. (B) somewhat difficult. (C) somewhat easy. (D) too easy. 44. What provides us with a standard against which we can compare individual test scores? (A) z scores (B) norms (C) percentiles (D) descriptive statistics 45. Whereas psychological tests focus on _____ outcomes, surveys focus on _____ outcome. (A) group; individual (B) individual; group (C) specific; broad (D) broad; specific 試題結束。 --

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1F:推 waltervic: 感謝! 12/05 00:22
2F:推 RZhan: 推 12/15 09:41
3F:推 Tesarus: 推 12/15 16:38
4F:推 deleteee: 推 12/18 18:05
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