NCCUPSYstudy 板


一、選擇題 20% 1. A student failed miserably when taking a course through correspondence, but she excels repeating the course with a live tutor. Her improved grade reflects her learning A. within a phylogenenic context. B. in the zone of proximal development. C. as it was liberated from th A-not-B error. D. in which assimilation and accommodation are balanced. 2. The child’s understanding that others have their own unique thoughts, feeling, or beliefs is called a(n) A. appearance/reality distinction. B. microgenenic reflection. C. contra-egocentrism. D. theory of mind. 3. Piaget coined the term _ to describe developmental on the age of mastery for various types of conservation. A. decentrated scaffoldation B. ontogenenic inconsistencey C. theoretical preudoerror D. horizontal decalage 4. Children acquire language through imitation and reinforcement. “This is the viewpoint of A. interactionism. B. nativism. C. Piagetian cognitive developmentalism. D. empiricism. 5. “Mutual exclusivity” is a word-meaning constraint that A. says a name applies to the entire object. B. means categories are separate and nonoverlapping. C. means categories enclose objects with resemblances. D. states each word has its own unique meaning. 6. The child begins to display secondary emotions (pride, envy, shame, etc) A. prenatally in the womb. B. immediately following birth. C. during the first year. D. during the second year. 7. The highest levels of positive feelings toward a parent who returns following an absence are felt by babies with _ attachment. A. disorganized/disoriented B. avoidance C. resistance D. secure 8. Two-year-old Einstein quickly learns new words every day by efficiently applying the technique called A. mental exercise of Wernickcke’s area. B. transformational grammer. C. phonemic acceleration D. fast-mapping. 9. The idea that gender-role stereotypes are obsessively strong during early adolescence is called A. psychological androgyny. B. gender stability. C. gender intensifcation. D. gender-reassignment surgery. 10. During the “strange situation” assessment, infants with _ attachment display an ambivalent approach to their parent, remaining close but rejecting any contact initiated by the parent A. secure B. resistnece C. avoidance D. disorganized/disoriented 二、解釋名詞 1. Neo-nativism vs. theory theories 12% 2. Declarative gestures VS. Imperative gestures 12% 3. Dual representation 6% 4. Syntactical bootstrapping 6% 5. Goodness of fit model 6% 6. Caregiving hypothesis of attachment 6% 三、問答題 1. Compare Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories of cognitive development. 16% 2. Describe the interactionist view of language acquisition and explain how this model incorporates nature and nurture influences. 16% 老師竟然大發慈悲(?)地說考題不用收回去, 暑假一開始好無聊所以就打上來了, 有錯字或是什麼的大家再幫忙指正一下吧~~~~ 祝大家暑假愉快+嗨趴!!!!! --

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1F:推 lkjhvcxz2002:辛苦了! 推推~ 06/28 09:13
2F:推 imbiggenius:耶!!LOVE YOU 04/01 12:23

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