Michigan's Jim Harbaugh, NCAA working toward 4-game suspension over recruiting investigation Jim Harbaugh (哈寶弟, 密西根大學總教練) 因為違反疫情期間招募禁令 面對到可能 4 場禁賽的處罰 Yahoo: Ross Dellenger Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh and the NCAA are working toward a negotiated resolution that is expected to see him suspended four games this season in penalties stemming from alleged false statements he originally made to investigators, sources tell Yahoo Sports. 哈寶弟教練面臨被禁賽四場 The agreement is an initial version of the negotiated resolution and is not yet finalized. The resolution must now be approved by the NCAA Committee on Infractions, which could take several days if not weeks. The committee has authority to adjust penalties. NCAA 懲戒委員會還在作最後討論 Michigan’s first four games are all at home, with three against teams from the Group of Five (East Carolina, UNLV and Bowling Green). On Sept. 23, Michigan hosts a Rutgers team that finished 4-8 last season. The Wolverines, who return several key major pieces from the team that finished 13-1 a season ago, are expected to begin the year inside the top five of the preseason rankings. 前四場的都是主場出賽 東卡羅萊納、UNLV、包林格林州立大學和第四場羅格斯 Harbaugh’s impending suspension is centered on an NCAA investigation into recruiting violations committed by he and Wolverines staff members. The NCAA enforcement staff alleged that Harbaugh was dishonest about the recruiting violations in his initial meeting with investigators. A quick resolution broke down in January after Harbaugh refused to admit that he lied to NCAA staff. The 59-year-old coach has maintained he didn’t recall the events when first speaking with investigators but that he was never purposefully dishonest. 他的罰則來自於對於調查官沒有誠實回答 哈寶教練的答辯則是說他不記得有那個對話 The University of Michigan did not immediately respond when asked for comment. 密西根大學並沒有立即回應 A previous Harbaugh staff member did not escape unscathed. Former defensive coordinator Mike Macdonald, now the defensive coordinator for Harbaugh’s brother John at the Baltimore Ravens, is expected to receive a one-year show-cause penalty. Show-cause penalties make it more difficult for coaches to land jobs in college athletics. 前防守教練也會被連帶受到行政懲罰 Two current Michigan assistants are also expected to receive sanctions, including offensive coordinator Sherrone Moore and tight ends coach Grant Newsome. 進攻教練和邊鋒教練也會受罰 For Harbaugh, the negotiated resolution is a signal that the coach acknowledged some sort of dishonesty. The NCAA considers lying to investigators as a Level I violation, the most serious on the organization’s scale. A Level I violation could carry with it a six-game suspension and significant recruiting restrictions, according to NCAA statutes. 對 NCAA 調查人員說謊是屬於一級違規行為 最多可判罰六場禁賽 Harbaugh’s alleged initial cover-up was worse than the crime itself from the NCAA's perspective. In a notice of allegations sent to Michigan last year, the association cited four Level II violations, including meeting with two recruits during a COVID-19 dead period, texting a recruit outside of an allowable time period, having analysts perform on-field coaching duties during practice and having coaches watching players work out via Zoom. 原先他被調查的原因是在疫情期間違規在場外和想招收的學生球員聯絡 在疫情期間派人去指導要招募的學生 並透過 ZOOM 指導學生練習 Harbaugh eventually acknowledged that the program committed the Level II violations but refused to sign any document or publicly state that he was ever untruthful with the enforcement staff. 哈寶最終承認有違反招募規範 但卻不承認項調查人員說謊 The NCAA defines Level II violations as resulting in “less than a substantial or extensive recruiting, competitive or other advantage.” It further calls them “systemic violations that do not amount to lack of institutional control.” Punishments are usually minor. 一開始的違規招募反而屬於比較小的二級違規 However, lying to investigators is thought of as a much more serious matter. A resolution between the NCAA and Harbaugh seemed distant a few months ago. During two meetings in January, the NCAA and Harbaugh held firm and refused to back down from their positions. The NCAA said the coach lied. The coach said he merely forgot otherwise insignificant actions. An impasse resulted. 哈寶說他只是忘了 NCAA 認為他在說謊 兩方都不讓步 All of it occurred during an eventful time for the football program. The Wolverines lost to TCU on New Year’s Eve in the semifinals of the College Football Playoff. It capped a 13-win season that saw the Wolverines win the Big Ten and defeat Ohio State for the second consecutive year. 事情是發生在 去年快年四強賽時 當時密西根輸給德州基督大學 Within days, Harbaugh’s name emerged again for various NFL head coaching openings, including the Denver Broncos, with whom he spoke. Then news broke of the NCAA infractions case and Harbaugh remained coy about returning to his alma mater for a ninth season. 大學球季結束後 哈寶的名字有被幾支找尋新總教練的職業球隊提到 如 丹佛野馬 NCAA 調查的事件曝光後 哈寶說他會回到他的母校執教第九季 Later in January, Harbaugh and the university stated he would be back for the 2023 season, but the looming NCAA case remained. 一月,密西根大學宣佈會由哈寶擔任 23 球季總教練 即便當時 NCAA 已在調查這項事件 Comments 季初跨聯盟的比賽盟禁四場好像也還好,可能只是輿論觀感不佳的問題。 這樣一開始就承認不就好了~ 好奇一開始承認,二級違規不知道要禁幾場 但在疫情期間連看視訊評論球員和球員聯絡也不行,這規範也有點奇怪 Thoughts? --

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