原文新聞: 肯塔基教練卡拉佩里解釋為什麼不在岡薩加主場打比賽 When John Calipari and Mark Few announced their agreement to a home-and-home series, there was a small -- but significant -- distinction in the lingo used by the two legendary coaches. Few said he was excited to take his Gonzaga team to Rupp Arena, the Kentucky's home court, whereas Calipari notably stopped short of committing to take his Cats to The Kennel. 卡拉佩里(肯塔基總教練)和 馬克.福 (岡薩加總教練)宣布從今年開始 兩校將進行比賽 2022 年由肯塔基先作客華盛頓州斯波坎市 但其中有一點不同 岡薩加大學將會在肯塔基的校園場地客場征戰 肯塔基大學選在斯波坎市的體育館的類客場出戰 Turns out, it was not a coincidence. As Gary Parrish explained in detail, the choice in language by the Hall of Fame coach was intentional. Calipari then confirmed on Thursday the selective distinction and explained why Kentucky -- set to make the trip to face Gonzaga on Nov. 20 this year -- will not play on the Bulldogs' typical home court, but instead at the 12,000-seat Spokane Arena. 就像 CBS 名記者 Gary Perrish 所述 這樣的安排並不是巧合 是因為兩校對於誰先出戰客場後的妥協 "I'm excited about playing Gonzaga. I'm disappointed that we have to go there first, but to make it happen I was willing to do that," Calipari tweeted. "Playing in front of 13K crazy fans in Spokane Arena will be exciting just like it will be in front of 22K fans in Rupp next year. 卡拉佩里表示 「我很興奮可以和岡薩加大學交手,但是卻對於肯塔基先於客場出戰 感到失望」 在可容納一萬三千人觀眾的斯波坎小巨蛋打,就是像是明年岡薩加 來肯塔基大學的拉普體育館一樣刺激 "Anybody that wants us to play in a 6,000-seat facility, wants us to lose!" Calipari added. "And I get that. I tried to look back and find the last time UK played in a true regular-season road game with 6,000 or fewer fans. I stopped looking after the 70s." 卡拉佩里繼續補充 「任何要我們在六千人的小場館打就是要看我們輸球」 「我了解,我嘗試著找肯塔基大學最後一場在少於六千人的客場出賽紀錄 我發現那大約是在一九七零年代」 Amid all the excitement in this week's announcement of the series, it was somewhat lost that this always seemed like a possibility. Not only did Calipari stop short of committing to play at The Kennel, he showed some somewhat awkward tension about the whole deal, figuratively puffing out his chest in front of Big Blue Nation when announcing it. 雖然兩校官宣後大學籃球圈感到相當興奮及期待,但其實也不特別意外 這個對戰組合每年幾乎都有被討論 但是這個場地的小轉折其實也反映出兩校對於賽程安排的矛盾 還有兩校對戰合約中微妙的緊張關係 "This guy gets on me all the time. He wants to schedule a game," said Calipari in a call with Few that aired in front of UK fans while Kentucky was helping with a telethon to raise funds for flood victims. "But everything's got to be on his terms. I thought we were Kentucky?" 「岡薩加一直找我打比賽,但是卻要依照他們的意思,我以為我們是 大學籃球學統純正的肯塔基大學?」 卡拉佩里在一個為肯州洪災募款的場合向球迷說 "First of all, we were fine," Few playfully poked back. "We were looking good, and you just said, 'Hey, you wanna play?' And I was like, 'Yeah, I'm good with playing.'" 馬克福這邊幽默回應 「我問他,你們想要打嗎?要的話我們可以」 It certainly stinks for college hoops fans that this isn't a true home-and-home series as it initially appeared. Big teams playing in big, home environments are what makes the sport so great. But it's Kentucky and Gonzaga, after all. Two teams that project as preseason top-five teams in 2022 and will almost certainly be in that same mix a year from now when the series concludes. Even if The Kennel won't be the venue in November, this game should still be a great one. 當然這對於大學籃球的球迷而言有些許失望 畢竟不是真正的校園主場對主場的出賽合約 而大學籃球的最大賣點就是 強隊打強隊加上在學校出賽的環境 但即便如此 兩隊皆被列為下個賽季的前五強 並且很有可能又在瘋狂三月對戰到 肯塔基沒有到岡薩加大學的 The Kennel 體育館出賽也瑕不掩瑜 隨手翻~ 歡迎補充評論 這場的確很令人期待 --

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1F:推 edgelee: 很多學校就是很不愛排 out of conference 的 True road g 08/06 13:25
2F:→ edgelee: ame… 08/06 13:25
3F:→ icecreamdog: 對的~ 排賽程也是大學問 強校只想跟強校打 08/06 13:38
4F:→ icecreamdog: 而且強校也比較不願意出遠門客場出戰 08/06 13:38
5F:→ icecreamdog: 到了季末就會發現 賽程排得好 泡泡會縮小 08/06 13:38
6F:推 kkl522608: 推 08/07 09:27
7F:推 rabbiteggy: 推 08/17 17:41

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