作者Joey818 (生活會玩弄你)
標題[MIX ] Vince Carter vs Tracy McGrady part2
時間Fri Aug 11 23:55:35 2017
Vince Carter vs Tracy McGrady Offense Highlights Montage (PART 2)
This video is meant to highlight the dominant offensive games of cousins and
ex-teammates Vince Carter of the Toronto Raptors and Tracy McGrady of the
Orlando Magic. NO DUNKS! This video only contains footage from the 2001-2004
seasons. It's not fair to compare 2000 Vince Carter to 2000 Tracy Mcgrady
because T-Mac wasn't an all-star yet. This video series will only compare
these players during their all-star years.
I've heard for too long people say when comparing these 2 players "McGrady
was far better. All Vince did was dunk". I'm hoping this video will show you
that BOTH players were DOMINANT when it comes to offensive games. They could
BOTH get whatever shot they wanted, BOTH were incredibly crafty, and BOTH
were money in the clutch.
We all know they could both dunk. So this video has no Vince Carter dunks, no
Tracy McGrady dunks ... just pure offensive goodness.
飛行兄弟 第2輯
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/NBA_Film/M.1502466938.A.58E.html
1F:推 MonkeyCL: VC巔峰時期運球和腳步還是差了一點 08/12 02:25
2F:→ MonkeyCL: 不過卻能夠打到現在,真的很神XD 08/12 02:25
3F:推 MonkeyCL: 這影片每球都不像人類在打球... 08/12 02:28
4F:推 BoYuYou: 讚 期待Part3 08/12 05:43
5F:推 luxylu: TMac必推 08/12 07:17
6F:推 forehead: 好看 推! 08/12 08:34
7F:推 danson555: 推推 08/12 14:15
8F:推 howardgj94: tmac巔峰腳步也不是特別好啊...只能說,印象真重要,t 08/12 17:31
9F:→ howardgj94: mac巔峰年也是個人神,球隊爛 08/12 17:31
10F:推 aimjvc: 運球和腳步不夠好@@?比其他大部份球員好了吧,不然是打體 08/12 20:01
11F:→ aimjvc: 能球嗎@@ 08/12 20:01
12F:推 henrygod: 說真的 當初我看VC打球 以為他大概32就開始準備要退了 08/12 20:19
13F:→ henrygod: 結果是搖擺人裡面打最久的 真不愧是偶像 08/12 20:19
14F:推 MonkeyCL: 就真的是靠體能彌補一些細節上的處理啊 08/12 22:06
15F:→ MonkeyCL: 但是還是難以阻擋 08/12 22:06
16F:→ starcry: VC這種能能中距離 三分又好 其他技術也平均的 除非本身有 08/12 22:51
17F:→ starcry: 大傷或不願屈就替補邊緣人 能打得久不是問題啦 08/12 22:51
18F:推 Gsun: 說真的 那時候在暴龍(籃網也是)傷傷停停 本來以為他撐不久 08/12 22:59
19F:→ Gsun: 但現在看他還在場上奔馳就非常感動 感謝VC打我臉 08/12 22:59
20F:推 LizardChang: 他在籃網有傷傷停停嗎,我記得他在籃網頗健康 08/12 23:56
21F:推 Tradesque: 暴龍轉籃網+籃網時期,平均每季出賽79場 08/13 00:55
22F:推 swatch44: half man half retire!! 08/13 02:17
23F:推 mouse800819: 天阿 好久沒看過這種姿勢的球員了...現在還有這種的 08/13 14:13
24F:→ mouse800819: 嗎? 華麗的球風 配合後仰的 08/13 14:14
25F:推 ken96155339: 一個水平點滿 一個垂直點滿.... 08/13 16:36
26F:推 xerophil: KG/VC/TM/KB/AI這批2000年代的,當年沒拍怪物奇兵2可惜了 08/13 16:40
27F:推 elviscarter: 單論體能Wiggins是接近VC、TM的,但是球風不夠狂野 08/13 23:13
28F:→ elviscarter: 2000年初期超級搖擺人大戰超級精彩呀!!!! 08/13 23:13
29F:→ elviscarter: 除了4大,還有PP、RA、Finley、Spree、牛排屋、大狗 08/13 23:17
30F:推 ake1987: VC的運球其實還不錯,應該是體能太好,讓他很多時候人過 08/14 01:09
31F:→ ake1987: 一半就收球做出手動作,加上他球感真的很好,出手不用太 08/14 01:09
32F:→ ake1987: 多的準備動作,看他的外線出手,很多時候根本沒站穩或是 08/14 01:09
33F:→ ake1987: 跟TMAC一樣做一個腳步的調整再做旱地拔蔥 08/14 01:09
34F:推 elve7878: 魔術時期的TMAC...好無解 08/14 12:16
35F:推 peter331: 現在比較接近大概剩DDR,所以才會對他有所期待 08/14 12:24
36F:→ peter331: 可惜天賦上實在還是差2000年代的人一大截 08/14 12:24
37F:推 swatch44: Tmac這程度都進名人堂了 VC應該沒問題 08/14 21:12