作者airandy41 (airandy41)
標題[心得] from millions of angry NBA fans in Taiwan
時間Thu Apr 9 14:19:38 2009
Hi I am from Taiwan and have been watching NBA for over 15 years.
I was wondering why our NBA internet links are suddenly directed to
the china website? We are totally different countries you moron!
Someone really fucked up big time. Instead of enjoying the original
version of videos, we have to go through a bunch of shit to get to
the daily videos since the China website sucks so bad. And listen to
commentators that don't know dick about the NBA. Yelling Yi Jin Lian
and praising him when he's not even on the scene. I'm just telling
you, you guys really messed up big time. Change the links and change
it now!
from one of the millions of pissed off NBA fans in Taiwan
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:→ eminem4ever:難怪會被刪掉 XD 04/09 14:20
※ 編輯: airandy41 來自: (04/09 14:22)
3F:→ airandy41:寫信去抱怨吧 04/09 14:24
4F:→ airandy41:啊連結貼錯了,應該是這個 04/09 14:29
6F:推 Armuro:不錯 只是有些文法有錯 04/09 14:30
7F:→ airandy41:哪些有錯? 04/09 14:33
8F:推 QQ29:寫真好 我都不知道怎麼罵這種口語的語氣 推~ 04/09 14:38
9F:推 Armuro:例如wonder後面不是加問號 小錯拉 不重要 04/09 14:57
10F:→ Armuro:用since也不太恰當:p 語意小怪 04/09 14:59
11F:→ sniper578:我覺得憤怒歸憤怒,但措詞會髒到NBA不想理我們 04/09 14:59
12F:→ airandy41:用since很恰當啊,老美說話就是這樣啊! 04/09 15:01
13F:→ airandy41:他們這樣會有熟悉的感覺也會覺得很親切 04/09 15:02
14F:推 Armuro:你覺得ok就ok摟 這不是重點:P 04/09 15:04
15F:→ Armuro:另外我也在國外 知道老美怎麼說話:) 04/09 15:04
16F:推 Spearm1nt:語氣蠻鳥的 04/09 18:30
17F:推 seimo:語氣很激動 但是沒有酸到什麼 還有拿Yi那出來有點冷 04/10 01:41
18F:推 seimo:說親切感還好 但是目的應是要讓人知道 台灣這裡的反應 04/10 01:52
19F:推 seimo:中間有些東西離題了 但是免強可以了 (我也在美國,XDDDD) 04/10 01:57