原標題:Jaden Ivey, Cade Cunningham and the 'restoration' of the Detroit Pistons franchise (Jaden Ivey, Cade Cunningham 和底特律活塞隊的「重建」) 來源: 作者:Jamal Collier 原文+翻譯: 第一部分 LAS VEGAS -- IT'S the final game of opening night at the Thomas & Mack Center, and the crowd -- some Detroit Pistons fans, some Portland Trail Blazers fans and the rest just folks itching for some sports action in the middle of the offseason -- arises in jubilation on a single play. 拉斯維加斯: 這是在湯馬斯與馬克中心的夏季聯賽開幕夜之最後一場比賽,場上觀眾——包括一些活塞 球迷、一些拓荒者球迷和一些在休賽季期間期待著有比賽可以看的普通觀眾——都在該場 比賽中歡騰而起。 The Pistons win the opening tip, and guard Killian Hayes, the No. 7 pick in the 2020 NBA draft, dribbles the ball up the floor. From his left, Jaden Ivey, this year's No. 5 pick, dashes around a screen, with the Blazers' summer league defense helplessly trailing behind. 活塞贏得了開球權,而作為二零二零選秀第七順位的後衛Killian Hayes 將球運到了場上 。在他的左方,本年度選秀第五順位 Jaden Ivey 繞過一道障礙,讓拓荒者隊的夏聯隊伍 防守陣線無助地被抛在後頭。 Ivey catches the bounce pass and blasts toward the paint. While he does, the 6-foot-11, 250-pound Jalen Duren, the No. 13 pick in this year's draft, sneaks his way near the basket, Portland all but ignoring the rookie center. Then, with the flick of his wrist, Ivey lobs a high pass to Duren, who snatches it midair for the two-handed slam. Ivey 接下了反彈傳球,並衝向禁區;接著六尺十一寸高、重二百五十磅的今年度第十三 順位 Jalen Duren 潛進籃筐附近,拓荒者全員都沒有看到該位新秀中鋒的存在。之後, Ivey 手腕一抖,將球遠傳給在半空中攔下並完成雙手灌殺的 Duren。 One play -- during summer league, no less -- is the epitome of small-sample theater. 這一齣戲——夏季聯賽期間亦不例外——是在一個小型球場中的縮影。 But the Pistons, losers of 157 games over the past three seasons, hope it's a glimpse of something more, a future they're three years into building. 但作為過去三個賽季期間,輸掉一百五十七場比賽的活塞隊,希望這是對更多事物的一次 注視、是他們用三年的時間建立的未來。 "You feel [Duren] when he's out there," an Eastern Conference scout told ESPN. "[With Ivey], they got the two most athletic players in the draft." 一位東區聯盟球探向 ESPN 表示: 「(Duren)上場時,你可以感受他的存在;(再加上 Ivey),他們(即活塞隊)得到了 兩位選秀中運動能力最強的球員。」 Ivey, who scored a team-high 20 points on 14 shots in the Pistons' 81-78 victory, is -- the Pistons believe -- the perfect complement to Cade Cunningham, the 2021 No. 1 overall draft pick. 在活塞隊以八十一對七十八取得開門紅的比賽中,Ivey 透過十四次投籃,得到全隊最高 的二十分,而活塞隊相信他將會是二零二一年選秀狀元 Cade Cunningham 的完美補助。 "He's fast. I'm not fast," Cunningham said. "To have somebody like that with me, it spreads the floor out a lot. I like to kick ahead to push the pace and he can literally sprint it there. It's going to be fun." Cunningham 說: 「他很快,但我不快。能有這樣的球員在一起,可以把場面散得更開。我喜歡往前踢來推 進節奏,而他能夠真正地往該方向衝去。這將會很有趣。」 The Pistons have come out of the draft and summer league feeling like one of the biggest winners in the league, with Ivey and Duren joining a core that includes Cunningham as well as Saddiq Bey and Isaiah Stewart, both of whom were selected in the 2020 draft's first round. These players are the foundation, they believe, for a future contender in the Eastern Conference. 離開了選秀、夏季聯賽的會場,在 Ivey、Duren 加入含有 Cade Cunningham、Saddiq Bey 和 Isaiah Stewart 等三位在二零二零年選秀第一輪中獲選之球員的核心後,活塞隊 感覺似是聯盟中其中一位最大贏家。他們深信,這些球員將會是未來能在東區聯盟中競爭 的根基。 "I think we hit a home run," a team source told ESPN. "Yeah, you can feel the excitement. We positioned ourselves well and [general manager] Troy [Weaver] did a great job of putting guys together on the same timeline. 某球團消息人士告訴 ESPN: 「我感覺我們擊出了一個全壘打,你可以感覺到這份興奮感。我們好好地定位了己身,而 總經理 Troy Weaver 在同一時間線上,能把聚合多人的工作做得很好。」 "We'll probably have the youngest team in the league next year, or one of [them], so we have to be careful not to put too much pressure or set expectations. We've got great chemistry, and I think we're going to be in position to make a big jump in wins." 「在下賽季的時候,我們可能會有全聯盟最年輕的球員,也有可能是其中之一,所以我們 需要注意避免施放過多壓力或有太大的期望。我們有很好的化學效應,而我認為我們將 能在贏球的事上有大躍進的表現。」 第二部分 IN THE HOURS leading up to the draft on June 23, Weaver received a phone call from Pistons owner Tom Gores. 在六月廿三日選秀開始前數小時,Weaver 接到了一通來自球團老闆 Tom Gores 的電話。 "I want you to be aggressive," Weaver recalled Gores telling him. "And go for it." Weaver 回想到 Gores 告訴他的話:「我要你更積極些,努力地進取。」 The Pistons had their franchise player in Cunningham. Weaver was just one of many in the Pistons organization who had repeatedly said adding a guard with speed and athleticism to the backcourt rose up the team's priority list this summer. And with the most salary-cap space in the NBA, they were prepared to explore options during free agency, sources told ESPN. 活塞隊已經有了 Cunningham,而 Weaver 只是在眾多球團人員之中,其中一位不斷表示 「要在今年夏季期間,將『為後場增補一位具有速度、運動能力的後衛』列入優先要項」 的人。消息人士向 ESPN 表示,作為全聯盟中擁有最多薪資帽空間的球隊,他們已經準備 好在自由市場上尋找更多選擇。 But then, the board on draft night fell exactly to their liking. With the No. 5 pick, it was a waiting game. 之後,選秀之夜的名單正好符合他們的意願。在持著五號籤的當兒,這是一場屏息而待的 時刻。 The first four players picked were all forwards, putting Detroit in position to draft the first -- and top -- guard available in Ivey. 前四位球員全部都是前鋒,讓活塞隊得以成為第一位選擇後衛的球團——Ivey。 "We said, 'OK, one of our guys is on the board,'" Weaver said. "Let's cash in." Weaver 說: 「我們說『好的,其中一位我們要的在名單上。』準備好現金吧。」 And with their top priority addressed, one more player remained on their wish list. 在達成了優先要項後,他們的願望清單上還剩一位球員。 The New York Knicks were looking for ways to clear salary-cap space on draft night as they prepared to sign guard Jalen Brunson during free agency. The Knicks were eager to find a suitor to take Kemba Walker's $8 million salary off their hands in order to present Brunson with a four-year, $104 million contract, and so the Pistons found their way back into the first round by joining a three-team trade with the Charlotte Hornets for the rights to Walker and acquired the Hornets' No. 13 pick -- Duren. 紐約尼克在自由市場簽下了後衛 Jalen Brunson 後,正想著辦法要在選秀之夜上清理薪 資帽空間。尼克隊正渴求能找到願意從他們受傷帶走合約價八百萬美元的Kemba Walker, 以便能向 Brunson 提出一份總值一億四十萬美元的四年合約,活塞隊因此而得以透過包 括黃蜂隊在內的三方交易中,獲得 Walker 的簽約權和黃蜂隊的第十三順位球員 Duren。 In exchange for the 18-year-old, the Hornets received a bevy of future picks, including a 2023 first-rounder, three 2023 second-rounders and a 2024 second-rounder. 作為取得該十八歲球員的交易品,黃蜂隊獲得了很多未來選秀籤,包括一支二零二三年第 一輪、三支二零二三年第二輪和一支二零二四年第二輪。 And the Pistons got their big man. 而活塞隊獲得了他們要的。 Detroit was the first team Duren worked out with during his draft process, and a team source said his performance left an impression on the organization -- and vice versa. Duren said he told his agent after the pre-draft workout that Detroit is where he wanted to play. 在選秀過程中,Duren 首先為活塞隊進行試訓,而某球團消息人士表示,他的表現給球團 留下了深刻印象,反之亦然。Duren 曾在試訓結束後告知他的經紀,活塞隊正是他想要效 力的球隊。 "This is where I wanted to be throughout the whole process," Duren said. "Detroit is used to winning, so definitely get back to restoring the culture. I feel like the team is a great young team. A team that can grow together." Duren 說: 「這裡是我在整個過程中所想要的。活塞隊已經習慣了勝利,所以一定是要想辦法讓這股 文化復燃。我覺得這支球隊是很年輕的球隊、可以一起成長的球隊。」 The on-court fit for Ivey, Duren and Cunningham is already apparent to rival teams. Ivey、Duren 和 Cunningham 在場上的契合度,於對手嚴重看來是再明顯不過的了。 "You've got a downhill threat, a lob threat, and another guy who can pass," a rival Eastern Conference executive told ESPN. "That's gonna be hard to guard. They've got some dudes who you expect to be good. Even if one out of three of those dudes hit, they're set up well." 一位敵對的東區聯盟高管向 ESPN 說: 「你要面對的是下坡威脅、小球威脅,還有一位能傳球的人。這將會是很難防住的。他們 已經有了一些你期望會很優秀的人。即使這三個人中有一個命中了,他們也被安排得很 好。」 The day after the draft, Ivey, Duren and the Pistons' brass gathered at Rouge Park in Detroit for the rookies' introductory news conference. A warm, sunny day, a makeshift stage was set up on a basketball court, with trees decorating the background and a crate of basketballs set at the foot of the stage near the lectern. 在選秀結束後一天,Ivey、Duren 和活塞隊的高層在底特律 Rouge Park 會面,以召開新 秀介紹記者會。在溫暖且陽光明媚的日子裡,他們在一個籃球場上搭建了一個臨時舞台, 樹木裝飾著背景,舞台腳下靠近演講台的位置擺放著一箱籃球。 Weaver and Pistons coach Dwane Casey sat at the table next to the lectern, both wearing blue polos, while Ivey and Duren donned black Pistons polos and flat brim caps. Weaver 和活塞隊主帥 Dwane Casey 坐在演講台旁邊的桌子上,兩人都穿著藍色的馬球衫 ,而 Ivey 和 Duren 則穿著黑色的活塞隊馬球衫,戴著平沿帽。 When presenting the players with their jerseys, Pistons vice chairman Arn Tellem surprised Ivey with the jerseys of three of Ivey's relatives, all of whom have ties to the city of Detroit. 在向球員們贈送球衣時,活塞隊副主席 Arn Tellem 向 Ivey 呈現了他三位親戚的球衣 (全部都和底特律有著密切關係),這讓 Ivey 感到非常驚訝。 Ivey's mother, Niele, played for the Detroit Shock during their final season in the WNBA. His grandfather, James Hunter, spent his entire career in the NFL with the Lions. And his father, Javin Hunter, grew up in Michigan and played high school football in the city. Ivey 的母親 Niele 曾在底特律震動隊的最後一個賽季期間為其效力;祖父 James Hun- ter 則曾在其整個職業生涯中,為NFL的底特律獅子隊效力;Javin Hunter 則在密歇 根長大,並在市內打過高中級的美式足球。 "I hope you frame these wherever you live and every day look at these as your inspiration and your incredible ties to this city," Tellem said. Tellem 說: 「我希望無論你住在哪裡,你都能把這些東西框起來,每天都把這些東西作為你的靈感和 你與這個城市的不可思議的聯繫。」 Tears streamed down Ivey's cheeks as he took pictures with the jerseys and his parents. 在與父母合影的時候,眼淚自 Ivey 的臉頰悄然流下。 "I'm familiar with the city, I came here all the time as a young boy," Ivey said that afternoon. "To be here and to be a Piston is a blessing." Ivey 在當天中午說: 「我對這座城市感到熟悉,小時候曾常常來這兒。能在這裡、成為一位活塞人,真是一個 祝福。」 As Weaver, who became the team's general manager in June 2020, sat on that stage, he thought back to that conversation he had with Gores hours before the draft. He remembered how he wasn't sure how draft night would play out. Then he glanced to his right and saw Ivey and Duren. 當二零二零年六月成為球隊總經理的 Weaver 坐在台上時,他回想了選秀前數個小時與 Gores 的那次談話。他記得自己並不確定選秀之夜會如何進行。然後他向右邊瞥了一眼, 看到了 Ivey 和 Duren。 "This is what the result of being aggressive and going for it is," Weaver said. "We're thankful and grateful that we landed here. These moments will be inflection points of the restoration." Weaver 說: 「這是積極進取、往前踏進的結果。我們很感謝、也很感恩能做到這一步。這些時刻將會 成為未來重建的轉捩點。」 第三部分 "RESTORATION" IS THE term Weaver and the Pistons have coined to describe their efforts to bring the Pistons back to contention. 「重建」是 Weaver 和活塞隊一直以來使用的術語,以描述他們努力將活塞隊帶回競爭行 列的努力。 Since Detroit's last playoff appearance after the 2018-19 season, no team in the NBA has won fewer games (63), but with its new additions, optimism is surging across the organization. 自從活塞隊在 2018-19 賽季最後一次亮相季後賽以來,沒有任何球隊贏過更少比賽(六 十三場),不過在得到了新進補之後,樂觀的情緒在整個球團內流動。 "I'm happy we got two big-time talents," Cunningham said. "Troy worked some kind of magic. I think it all worked out perfectly." Cunningham 說: 「我很高興,我們能得到兩位人才。Troy 投入了某種『奇術』進去,我覺得一切完美地 發揮出來了。」 The Pistons' starting lineup could feature five former first-round picks in Duren, Stewart and Bey, led by a duo of top-five picks in Ivey and Cunningham. Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown of the Boston Celtics set the benchmark for top-five duos, reaching the 2022 Finals in their fifth season together. Ja Morant and Jaren Jackson Jr., another top-five duo for the Memphis Grizzlies, made it to the conference semifinals in 2021-22 in their third season together. 活塞隊的先發陣容將會有: - Jalem Duren - Isaiah Stewart - Saddiq Bey 這些前五首輪選秀球員,並由 Ivey 和 Cunningham 這對選秀前五前五的組合率領。波士 頓塞爾提克隊的 Jayson Tatum 和 Jaylen Brown 為前五名的二人組設定了基準,他們在 第五個賽季成功聯手闖進了二零二二年的總冠軍賽。曼菲斯灰熊隊的另一個選秀前五組合 Ja Morant 和 Jaren Jackson Jr. 則曾在 2021-22 賽季時闖進西區准決賽,當時是他們 聯手的第三個賽季。 Seeing an organization excited about its influx of young talent reminded Jaden's mother, now the head coach of the Notre Dame women's basketball team, of her year as an assistant with the Grizzlies during the 2019-20 season, Morant's rookie and Jackson's sophomore seasons in the NBA. 看到一個球團對其年輕人才的加入感到興奮,這身為是聖母大學女籃隊主教練的 Niele Ivey,想起她在 2019-20 賽季擔任灰熊隊助教的一年,當時正值 Morant 的新秀賽季和 Jackson 在NBA的大二賽季。 "Me putting on my coach hat, it's like, 'Oh gosh, those pieces are going to be special,'" Niele Ivey said. "I've been a part of a young franchise with the Grizzlies and I know how quickly they turned that around. I honestly feel like that's where the Pistons are trending." Niele Ivey 說: 「我戴上了教練帽,這就像『哦,我的天哪,這些球員將是特別的。』我一直是灰熊這支 年輕球隊的一員,我知道他們是如何迅速扭轉局面的。我老實說,我覺得這就是活塞隊 的未來趨勢。」 And trending fast. Executives around the Eastern Conference are commenting on how this young team could snap Detroit's postseason drought before Duren is old enough to legally drink. 而這趨勢走得很快。東區聯盟的高管們開始評論這支年輕的球隊,如何能在 Duren 達到 合法飲酒的年齡之前,打破活塞隊的季後賽荒。 *按:美國的合法買酒年齡是二十一歲,而 Ivey 目前為二十歲 "I still think they might be a year away," the Eastern Conference executive said. "They're going to play hard. Dwane Casey's teams play hard. It's just a matter of youth. It'll be part of their growing pains, but it'll be worth it in the long term for them. 該位東區聯盟球團高管說: 「我還是認為他們可能還有一年的時間(準備),他們會努力表現的。Dwane Casey 的球 隊都打得很努力。這只是年輕的問題。這將是他們將要經歷之成長煩惱的一部分,但從 長遠來看,這對他們是值得的。」 "They're going to be one of the more fun teams to watch." 「他們將會是未來值得觀察的球隊之一。」 短評: 難道其他球隊要開始「瑟瑟發抖」了嗎?單看這些文字,感覺……(略) --

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1F:推 VL1003 : 先推晚點再讀 07/20 23:40
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※ 編輯: laptic ( 馬來西亞), 07/21/2022 06:59:22
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icon.png[心得] EMS高領長版毛衣.墨小樓MC1002
icon.png[分享] 丹龍隔熱紙GE55+33+22
icon.png[問題] 清洗洗衣機
icon.png[尋物] 窗台下的空間
icon.png[閒聊] 双極の女神1 木魔爵
icon.png[售車] 新竹 1997 march 1297cc 白色 四門
icon.png[討論] 能從照片感受到攝影者心情嗎
icon.png[狂賀] 賀賀賀賀 賀!島村卯月!總選舉NO.1
icon.png[難過] 羨慕白皮膚的女生
icon.png[問題] SBK S1安裝於安全帽位置
icon.png[分享] 舊woo100絕版開箱!!
icon.pngRe: [無言] 關於小包衛生紙
icon.png[開箱] E5-2683V3 RX480Strix 快睿C1 簡單測試
icon.png[心得] 蒼の海賊龍 地獄 執行者16PT
icon.png[售車] 1999年Virage iO 1.8EXi
icon.png[心得] 挑戰33 LV10 獅子座pt solo
icon.png[閒聊] 手把手教你不被桶之新手主購教學
icon.png[分享] Civic Type R 量產版官方照無預警流出
icon.png[售車] Golf 4 2.0 銀色 自排
icon.png[出售] Graco提籃汽座(有底座)2000元誠可議
icon.png[問題] 請問補牙材質掉了還能再補嗎?(台中半年內
icon.png[問題] 44th 單曲 生寫竟然都給重複的啊啊!
icon.png[心得] 華南紅卡/icash 核卡
icon.png[問題] 拔牙矯正這樣正常嗎
icon.png[贈送] 老莫高業 初業 102年版
icon.png[情報] 三大行動支付 本季掀戰火
icon.png[寶寶] 博客來Amos水蠟筆5/1特價五折
icon.pngRe: [心得] 新鮮人一些面試分享
icon.png[心得] 蒼の海賊龍 地獄 麒麟25PT
icon.pngRe: [閒聊] (君の名は。雷慎入) 君名二創漫畫翻譯
icon.pngRe: [閒聊] OGN中場影片:失蹤人口局 (英文字幕)
icon.png[問題] 台灣大哥大4G訊號差
icon.png[出售] [全國]全新千尋侘草LED燈, 水草
