Woj on Kevin Durant: 'I Think' Warriors 'Bracing for Possibly Seismic Change' Woj:勇士要準備面臨未來的可能的人事變動 ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski said on Monday's episode of Get Up! that the Golden State Warriors organization is preparing for "possibly seismic change" this summer when Kevin Durant and Klay Thompson are free agents: ESPN大神Woj周一在節目中表示,勇士隊已經在著手因應今年夏天KD、KT成為自由球員時 的可能人事變動。 "Internally in Golden State, there's a sense of let's try to put aside what's coming in July. We have a chance to do something very rare in sports, to three-peat. Let's try to keep our focus there and win the title, then let July play out the way it's going to. But I think the Warriors are bracing for possibly seismic change within that organization." 「目前勇士內部的氛圍就是讓我們先不要管今年夏天會怎樣,目前的先決目標是先完成運 動界很難的三連霸,全力聚焦在衛冕,夏天的事就順其自然。但我覺得勇士已經在準備接 下來的大變動了。」 Durant's future has been the subject of widespread speculation throughout the 2018-19 season, at times even deeply impacting the Warriors locker room. While the Warriors have held themselves together publicly after Draymond Green's publicized spat with Durant in November, there has been an overwhelming sentiment that these could be KD's final games in Golden State. 過去一整季大家都在猜測KD未來的動向,甚至影響到勇士更衣室的氛圍。雖然當勇士在發 生11月嘴綠嘴KD的事件後依然公開保持團結,還是不可避免地被今年可能是KD在勇士的 最後一季的煩躁心情所纏繞。 The New York Knicks have been so regularly mentioned as a destination that Durant criticized the media for its reporting in February. The Knicks will have two maximum contract slots available and are expected to pursue Durant and a second co-star, perhaps Kyrie Irving. 尼克一直被認為是KD未來的落角處,甚至讓KD都對媒體動了肝火。因為尼克有兩張頂薪的 空間可以遊說KD和另一個二把手,可能是KI。 "I don't know if there's a lot of talking that has to happen between the Warriors and Kevin Durant," Wojnarowski said. "I think he knows what it is, what he wants, and there may be nothing the Warriors can do or say to change that." 「我不知道眾多關於勇士和KD的揣測是否會發生,但我知道KD自己知道是怎回事,他自己 要的是甚麼,勇士對於改變這些事情的發生,可能沒有辦法。」 Thompson is also a free agent, and Wojnarowski said his status is a matter of money. If the Warriors offer Thompson a five-year, $190 max contract, it's believed he will re-sign with the organization. KT也將是個自由球員,Woj說他的事情簡單說,就是跟錢有關。如果勇士提供個5年1億9千 萬的頂級合約,相信KT就會續簽。 "If they come with a five-year, $190 million max deal for Klay Thompson, that's done on July 1—he's going into the new building with Steph Curry," Wojnarowski said. "If they try to do anything less than that, you can expect Klay Thompson to be out in free agency. Watch not for the Lakers, then, but the Clippers." 「如果勇士用這樣的頂新留住KT,他就會跟咖哩一起再蓋座萬丈高樓。如果勇士提供的比 這個少,我們可以預期KT就會成為自由球員,考慮湖人或是快艇。」 The Warriors will hand Durant any contract option he wants and hope he re-signs. Durant has embraced the tech industry since being in the Bay Area, and he famously toured the Chase Center in a construction outfit. It's possible that Durant wants to be part of the contingent that opens up the NBA's newest premier arena. 勇士會不計方法試圖留住。在灣區時期,KD致力於投入科技產業(見延伸閱讀),也曾在勇 士新場館施工時去參觀過,KD很有可能想成為NBA最新最尖端的新場館的份子之一。 However, Durant is also keenly aware of his standing in history and has a sensitivity toward criticism. He's been the NBA's biggest villain since joining a 73-win Warriors team in 2016. Even with all of his accomplishments in Golden State—two championships, a pair of Finals MVPs, a series of jaw-dropping playoff performances—there are some who believe Durant took the easy way out. 然後,KD依然很重視大眾對他的歷史定位,自從加入73勝勇士後KD就是NBA最大的反派,就 算他拿了兩個冠軍、FMVP、季後賽的神級表現,還是有人覺得KD是在走捷徑。 Leaving the Warriors and carving his own path, particularly reviving the perpetually downtrodden Knicks, may be the only way to quell that criticism. Couple that with business partner Rich Kleiman's longstanding Knicks fandom and the potential to grow Durant's media empire in New York, and there are plenty of reasons to believe there's fire to the smoke. 離開勇士去走自己的路,譬如加入掙扎已久的尼克可能是消彌這些雜音的唯一方式。KD的 生意夥伴Rich Kleimen長期以來就是尼克的球迷,他未來也可能在紐約發展他自己的媒體 帝國,把這些連在一起,不難想像這八字已經有了撇了。 The easiest path to winning, however, is to maintain the status quo in Golden State. 但是對勇士來說,通往勝利最簡單的路就是,保持現狀。 [延伸] KD在灣區投資的科技生意 --
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1F:→ penance : 第六段開頭是KT 05/07 11:22
2F:→ jimmy5680 : 幫找錯字,"KT也將是自由球員" 05/07 11:22
以更正,KD KT傻傻分不清楚,感恩 ※ 編輯: kairiyu (, 05/07/2019 11:24:28
3F:推 vinex518 : 自行宣布當選總冠軍 所以開始處理明年薪資了 05/07 11:24
4F:噓 supreme0731 : 不重要 今年三連霸穩穩的 明年隨便 05/07 11:28
5F:推 possible322 : KT今年真的弱很多 05/07 11:30
6F:→ fishinthesky: 整篇下來根本是woj自己的看法... 05/07 11:33
7F:→ F16V : 美國許聖梅 05/07 11:34
8F:→ zeches2001 : WOJ:勇士明年要面對未來場地的變化=沒講 05/07 11:39
9F:噓 KeMBaWallKer: 已啦 05/07 11:39
10F:→ a4839821 : 靠KD一人撐的球隊 還是早早拆掉吧 05/07 11:43
11F:→ testaxsc : 美國許聖梅 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 05/07 11:45
12F:推 boshrush : 反正先想辦法留死神杜,其他的再說吧.. 05/07 11:45
13F:→ kunche : 不是說不考慮湖人? 05/07 11:50
14F:→ qpeter : 通篇有說跟沒說一樣啊 05/07 11:50
15F:→ shifa : 標題這種話我也會說啊 XD 05/07 11:54
16F:噓 ashebird : 這篇有說跟沒説一樣...可以把勇士這詞換成其他任何 05/07 11:59
17F:→ ashebird : 隊伍 05/07 11:59
18F:噓 pounil : WOJ..... 05/07 12:01
19F:推 jaholin : woj收了火箭多少錢,哈哈哈 05/07 12:11
20F:推 Scarletbird : 暑假可以好好想 05/07 12:11
21F:噓 grayoasis : KT這表現不用想頂薪了啦 05/07 12:14
22F:推 gangrel : 姆斯要來了嗎? 05/07 12:23
23F:推 AterPin : 別鬧了 大城市媒體都這麼嗜血 怎麼可能消彌 05/07 12:24
24F:→ Insomniac : 萬丈高樓翻錯了,講的是去新球館 05/07 12:25
25F:推 AterPin : 打不好第一個交易你 扶正新秀 連交易包都幫你想好 05/07 12:25
26F:噓 sengoddard : 誰不知道? 05/07 12:26
27F:推 yellowboy : 一樣4000萬 當然是簽KD 05/07 12:46
28F:→ yellowboy : 當然是兩個都能留最好 一定要選一個只能KD惹 05/07 12:47
29F:→ Wishmaster : 這誰都知道吧,薪資紅利已經用光,大家都要加薪... 05/07 13:05
30F:推 adamlovedogc: 趕快解體 讓出西區 05/07 13:36
31F:→ SinShih : 中間有一段應該不是蓋萬丈高樓 而是一起進入新場館 05/07 14:17
32F:推 qo40330 : KD絕對走的 帶隊拿冠洗白 在勇士永遠黑 05/07 14:26
33F:噓 oncee : KT不值4000萬,他是能拿一份大合約,但他的價值絕 05/07 14:41
34F:→ oncee : 對沒有4000萬 05/07 14:41
35F:推 pingoat : 讚!抱團聯盟! 05/07 15:41
36F:推 claydt : 蛹蛹其實很怕KD離開後的樣子,所以才會說未來不重 05/07 16:27
37F:→ claydt : 要,先3連霸再說~ 05/07 16:27
38F:推 vking223 : 未來會怎樣,可以拆拆看 05/07 16:46
39F:推 Magdalen : 哇,LBJ還在好萊塢,KD是要開啟一個媒體帝國 05/07 17:07

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