MusicMood 板


"Coinleach Glas An Fhomhair" in CLANNAD "Magical Ring" 這曾經是台北之音每晚午夜十二點. 李文媛的"台北有點晚"片頭曲. 那時調頻還沒有現在那麼多亂七八糟的賣藥電台. 廣播的天空也才剛剛開放.一邊唸書一邊聽廣播. 幾乎是當時的我很大的娛樂.也是接觸外面世界的一個管道. 聽完黎明柔的節目.在只剩一盞昏黃的檯燈底下. 伴著數不盡的參考書.接著響起這帶了點神秘色彩的曲調. 總能讓我想起第九節放學回家. 走在一路上還是一大片稻田的秋冬傍晚. 可能還泛著夕陽.可能也已經夜幕低垂. 吹來的風讓那時的我第一次有了蕭瑟的感覺. 再加上李文媛的幾段口白. 那已形同在催促著我該結束這一天的工作. 那個階段的成果.是展開一段足以令後來的自己驕傲的日子. 然而說真的李文媛的節目我從沒認真聽過一遍. 而聽著這首歌準備就寢的日子也在新的階段開始後漸漸遠離了我. 這樣的音調.這樣的口白.這樣的感受. 逐漸埋藏在記憶深處.直到現在.試圖再現這段記憶. > I. > Ar chonnlaigh ghlais an Fhoghmhair > A stoirin gur dhearc me uaim > Ba deas do chos i mbroig > 'Sba ro-dheas do leagan siubhail. > Do ghruaidh ar dhath na rosai > 'Sdo chuirnini bhi fighte dluith > Monuar gan sinn 'ar bposadh > No'r bord luinge 'triall 'un siubhail. > II. > Ta buachailli na h-aite seo > A' gartha 'gus ag eirghe teann > Is lucht na gcochan ard > A' deanamh faruis do mo chailin donn > Da ngluaiseadh Ri na Spainne > Thar saile 's a shloighte cruinn > Bhruighfinn fear is fasach > 'S bheinn ar laimh le mo chailin donn. > III. > Ceannacht buaibh ar aontaigh' > Da mbinn agus mo chailin donn > Gluais is tar a chead-searc > No go dteidh muid thar Ghaoth-Bearra 'nonn > Go sgartar o n-a cheile > Barr na gcraobh 's an eala on tuinn > Ni sgarfar sin o cheile > 'S nil ach baois dibh a chur 'n mur gcionn. > IV. > Chuir me leitir scriobhtha > Annsoir mo sweetheart agus casaoid ghear > Chuir si chugam aris i > Go rabh a croidhe istuigh i lar mo chleibh. > Cum na h-eala is mine > Na'n sioda 's na cluimh na n-ean > Nach trom an osna ghnim-se > Nuair a smaoitighim ar a bheith 'sgaradh lei. > V. > 'Se chuala m/e De Domhnaigh > Mar chomhradh 'gabhail eadar mhnaibh > Go rabh si 'gabhail 'a posadh > Ar oigfhear da bhfuil san ait. > A stoirin glac mo chomhairle > 'S a' foghmhar seo fan mar ta > 'S cha leigim le 'bhfuil beo thu > A stor no 's tu mo ghradh. > Translation > [From Larry Keith Ogle] > On the green stubble-fields of Autumn > I saw you, my sweetheart. > Nice were your feet in shoes > And wonderful your nimble gait. > Your hair the color of roses > And your ringlets tightly plaited > Alas that we're not married > Or on board ship sailing away > The boys around here are > Laughing and getting bold > And the people of the high straw? > Are making ?? of my brown girl > If the King of Spain would > Go abroad with his assembled men > I would flatten grass and rank grass > And I would be with my brown girl > Buying cows at the fair > If I were ? and my brown girl > Go and come first love > Until we go over to Gaoth-Bearra > Until we separate from each other > The tops of the branches and the swan > from the waves ? > That won't separate us > And it's only folly for you to put it ?? > I wrote a letter > To my sweetheart and a sharp complaint > She sent it back to me > That her heart was inside me. > Compose the artsswannoble person ? > Finer than silk or bird feathers > Heavy is my sigh > When I think of being apart from her. > What I heard on Sunday > As conversation among the women > That she was going to be married > To a young man from the place. > Sweetheart take my advice > And this Autumn stay as you are > And don't tell anyone, my love, > That you are my love. --

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