Movie-Score 板


【決殺令】這部由昆汀塔倫提諾執導的電影,走的是西部風格, 而我對於這類風格的電影一向不是太有興趣。 但因為在沒有其他選擇的情況下,還是看了這部電影。 本來只是想姑且一看好了,但才開始兩分鐘就讓我眼睛為之一亮。 讓我驚喜的並不是劇情(畢竟才開始上字卡), 而是字卡打上了 Ennio Morricone 的字幕。 而他是我最崇敬的配樂大師。 也因為看到了他的名字,本來抱著無所謂的心情頓時投入了許多... ^^" 很久沒有聽到他有新作品了,這次的新作是歌曲 Ancora Qui。 但沒看到板上有人討論...@@"。是這部電影太冷門的關係嗎? 還是昆汀沿用了好幾次 Ennio Morricone 的作品,以至於被以為是舊作? Ancora Qui 這首歌由 Ennio Morricone 譜曲, 義大利女歌手 Elisa Toffoli 作詞並演唱。 雖然Ennio 批評昆汀電影裡的音樂太沒有連貫性, 再也不跟昆汀合作。 而整部電影看下來, Ennio 批評的很有道理, 畢竟這部電影的走向跟【追殺比爾】那種帶有Kuso味道的電影不同, 各類歌曲與旋律混搭運用,顯得滿怪的。 但話說回來,Ancora Qui 這首歌還是相當好聽。 旋律很有 Ennio 那種蒼涼悠遠的風格,很美很有味道,旋律一起就扣人心弦。 這首歌在長達約二小時四十六分的電影裡, 在差不多一個半鐘頭的時候出現。 Ancora Qui 歌名是義大利文,翻做英文是:Still Here 沒有被提名入圍真的是太可惜! 聽歌:
(一開始歌聲出現的旋律, 有沒有「四海兄弟」裡“Childhood Memories”的味道? ^ ^ ) 以下是翻成英文的歌詞: STILL HERE Stll here, still you, but now I know who you are, who you will always be and when you will see me again you will remember still here still you and I hope you will forgive me you, with the same eyes look like you are coming back to ask me about myself and how it feels here from the other side how does it go the green grass, the warm air on my feet and on the flowers some wind rises up between the colors it looks nearly you even the sky change its name so white that cotton which is fast, which moves lost inside the blue it's something in you it's what will come back as it already was still here still you what it has being, it has being by then and with the same eyes you look like you are coming back to ask me about myself how it feels in this strange world how does it go you will come back and I will come back you will remember and I will remember you will come back and I will come back you will remember and I will remember you will remember and I will remember you will remember and I will remember you will remember I will remember you you will remember and I will remember you will remember and I will remember --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From: ※ 編輯: freiheitkino 來自: (03/23 22:46)
1F:推 bgp915117:昆丁有連貫性就不是昆汀了... 03/24 00:09
2F:推 wayfarers:推樓上 03/24 03:29
3F:→ Xatt:不過決殺令的配樂非常電波..搭配劇情其實還好聽的XD 03/25 20:54
4F:→ mesple:Ennio Morricone因為這部片有批評了導演,但是後來又不承認 03/31 07:33
5F:→ freiheitkino:決殺令的配樂用混搭的方式,效果沒有追殺比爾來得好 03/31 18:43
6F:→ freiheitkino:劇情走向整體的風格屬於正經類的,有些歌曲一出,讓 03/31 18:44
7F:→ freiheitkino:人有點出戲...@@" 03/31 18:45

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