MiamiHeat 板


HH1996-97 攀升到冠軍邊緣 在這年的球季熱火隊是NBA最大的驚奇,進步最多的球隊。 成功的補強到61-21的成績,季中還創作了聯盟第三長的連勝紀錄(14 games)成為分區冠軍 比先前一個球季足足多了19勝。但是當熱火想要前往總冠軍戰時芝加哥公牛還是擋在前面 打了五場東區冠軍賽後我們還是輸給了邪惡的喬丹,喔不-是偉大的公牛隊。 Riley得到他第13個分區冠軍在他的15個球季中。 Tim Hardamay這位隊中的精神領袖,他優異的表現讓他成為季賽MVP的熱門候選人。 這位火熱的PG原本在季前還沒有要續約的呢,當年的平均成績是20.3分8.6次助攻。 助攻跟失誤的比例是3.02次助攻才會有一次失誤算是聯盟中的佼佼者。 而大師兄Mourning也在禁區成功配合著Tim的外線平均拿下19.8分9.9籃板2.86個火鍋 Voshon Lenard是隊中很成功的功能球員,展現出全NBA最佳三分射手之一的身手。 Dan Majerle則是一位全能的球員。 Isaac Austin這位球員算是Riley這季改造工廠的最佳成品,他減輕了80磅成功的替補 我們大師兄也在大師兄受傷不能上場時代打的很成功,拿下當年最佳進步球員獎。 Jamal Mashburn是在交易截止前交易來的球員,提供了隊上的第三得分點,減輕許多 Tim跟Zo的得分負擔。 P.J. Brown則增加我們籃板和禁區的強度讓熱火得以在嚴酷的季後賽順利打敗奧蘭多魔術 和紐約尼克隊。 在3-1打敗尼克之後得到了三場比賽的休息來挑戰芝加哥公牛隊這支季賽拿下69勝的球隊。 但是我們還是連續兩年敗給公牛隊。 以下為官網原文 1996-97: HEAT Rises to Verge of Title The 1996-97 Miami HEAT were the NBA's biggest surprise, and the league's most improved team. In charging to a franchise-best 61-21 record, the HEAT posted the third longest road winning streak in NBA history (14 games), captured the Atlantic Division title and improved the previous season's record by 19 games. The only thing that stood between the HEAT and its first appearance in the NBA Finals was the Chicago Bulls, who defeated Miami in the Eastern Conference Finals. Coach Pat Riley orchestrated his 13th division title in 15 seasons with a pair of All-Stars and a cast of role players who routinely stepped up when called upon. Tim Hardaway, the team's emotional leader on the floor, emerged early in the season as a candidate for Most Valuable Player (he would finish fourth in the voting). The fiery point guard, who was almost not re-signed during the offseason, led the team in scoring (20.3 ppg) and assists (8.6 apg) and was among the league's leaders in assist-to-turnover ratio (3.02-to-1). Alonzo Mourning's success inside complemented Hardaway's shooting and playmaking. Mourning averaged 19.8 ppg and 9.9 rpg and was fourth in the NBA with 2.86 blocks per game. The role players included Voshon Lenard, who emerged as one of the NBA's top three-point shooters, versatile Dan Majerle, and backup center Isaac Austin, who lost 80 pounds, filled in admirably when Mourning was down with an injury, and was named the league's Most Improved Player. Jamal Mashburn, acquired just prior to the trading deadline, provided another scoring threat to ease the offensive burden on Hardaway and Mourning, and P.J. Brown added rebounding and toughness, which served the HEAT well during playoff matchups that went the limit against the Orlando Magic and New York Knicks. Miami, which trailed 3-1 to New York in the Eastern Conference Semifinals, won three straight games to earn a berth against the Bulls. Chicago, winners of 69 games during the regular season, ousted Miami for the second consecutive season. -- --

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◆ From: ※ 編輯: girlskiller 來自: (06/07 17:52)
1F:推 joiyx:雖然當年有打進分區決賽,可是當年家中沒有第四台 06/07
2F:→ joiyx:所以今年才是我第一次看見熱火打到這個地方.. 06/07
3F:→ joiyx:這個陣容也雄霸好一陣子 是心目中的第一代熱火:) 06/07
※ 編輯: girlskiller 來自: (06/09 17:47)

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