本文轉自奇摩mvp系列家族 * Own the Plate—Move in the batter’s box to adjust to where the pitcher is working you, or keep the defense honest by laying down a drag bunt. 全新控制圈框:應該是說在打擊時多了一個框框可以讓你調整你集球點吧?? 好像也可以勉強地撈球吧?? * Precision Pitching—Paint the corners and send a message with the all-new Precision Pitch Meter, or catch runners napping with unparalleled pickoff control. 精確的投球系統:可以瞄準想投的位置再投出想要的球速或者可以抓到盜壘者的起跑點?? 我也不太懂哩... * Enhanced Big Play Control—Make user-controlled stretches and dives, and beat pickoff throws with the all new manual leadoff control. 改進的夢幻守備控制:可以自由設定控制力道?? 我也不懂啦.... * Build an Empire— From setting ticket and concession prices to throwing promotional days, control every aspect of your organization in all-new Owner mode. 建立屬於自己的棒球王國:不僅僅是教練身分也可以當一個球團老闆,並設定自己球場的 票價,可以控制旗下所有的球隊。 * All-New Create Ballpark Feature—Build a pitcher’s paradise or a hitter’s dream. Will you spend your earnings to upgrade your ballpark or to sign that cherished key free agent? 全新的創造球場特性:可以改造超廣的外野球場成為投手天堂或者改造成打者天堂。 您會花你賺來的錢來升級您的球場還是簽下想珍惜的關鍵自由球員? * The Minor Leagues Expand—Advanced Single-A squads and additional stadiums have been added to round out the Minor Leagues. 小聯盟的延伸:增加高階1A等級球隊,增加小聯盟的球場。 * Spring Training— Create your lineup based on player progression during Spring Training and build player attributes in a variety of mini games. 春訓:由您的球員在春訓的表現調整出您的先發名單,並由在少數春訓熱身賽中提昇選手 的能力。 -- 注音文,實際上叫做分散式阻斷中文攻擊(Distributed Denial of Chinese)   定義:攻擊者利用某種發音符號參雜在文句之中,使其閱讀困難, 稱為阻斷中文攻擊(Denial of Chinese),簡稱 DoC。 而使整篇文章充滿非中文的發音符號,則稱為分散式阻斷中文攻擊, 簡稱 DDoC。 範例: --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 dsjdavid:大概什麼時候會台灣上市呀? 12/13
2F:→ dsjdavid:想必得換顯示卡了XD 12/13
3F:推 spawn:希望這些都能夠做到啊 12/13
4F:推 CBJackal:實況野球....@@ 12/13

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