Survivor Lester reveals father diagnosed with cancer By Erin Andrews (Archive) 抗癌鬥士Lester之父被診斷出癌症 Less than a week after Boston Red Sox pitcher and cancer survivor Jon Lester tossed a no-hitter, the left-hander revealed that his father has cancer. 投出無安打比賽後不到一週,紅襪隊左投手、抗癌鬥士Jon Lester透露出他 的父親患了癌症。 Lester said his father John was diagnosed with lymphoma last month and that the cancer is "slow growing, ... something [his father] will die with, not die from." Lester提到他的父親上個月被診斷出淋巴癌,而且這個癌症正在緩慢的擴大 發展,這比較像是他的父親「伴隨」著這個癌症而死,而不是「死於」這個 癌症。 Father and son will get to talk in person about their unfortunate common bond on Sunday. Jon Lester made his first start since the no-hitter Sunday afternoon against the Athletics, going just five innings and taking the loss 6-3. 這對父子在周日面對面討論了他們之間共同的桎梏。星期天Lester在對運動 家的比賽中只投了五局並以6-3吞下敗投,這是他自從投出無安打後首次登 板。 Then the Red Sox will travel to Seattle where they open a three-game series against the Mariners on Monday night. The elder Lester lives in Puyallup, Washington. 紅襪接下來將至西雅圖做客,與水手展開三連戰。而老Lester定居在華盛頓 的Puyallup。 Jon Lester said his father is doing well and has two more treatments to go. The 24-year-old pitcher said that his father is proud of him, but after learning first hand what his son had to go through, "He's more proud of me on another level." Lester提到他的父親恢復良好,接下來將再進行兩個療程。這位二十四歲的 投手說他的父親一向以他為榮,但親自了解到兒子通過這些考驗後,「他以 我為榮的程度又提高到另一個境界了。」 After the no-hitter, Lester and Red Sox manager Terry Francona had an emotional embrace. Everyone understood then what the pitcher had been through to get to this point -- or at least they thought they did. 無安打後,Lester和Francona來了一個激情的擁抱。每個人都了解這位投手 是如何走到今天這步的──至少他們覺得自己了解。 While none of Lester's teammates knew of his father's cancer, Francona had been told what was going on. That was likely why Lester had said he wanted to keep his conversation with his manager private after the game. 當還沒有任何一位隊友知道Lester得父親得了癌症時,Francona已經被告知 了整件事情。這可能就是為什麼Lester說他想和Francona在賽後保持私人連 絡的原因。 Father and son had debated whether or not to talk publicly about his dad's condition. John Lester wanted his son to get it off his chest. 父子之間對於是否要公開病情進行了討論。老Lester希望自己的兒子不要掛 念這件事情。 "He's telling everyone ... like he won a prize," Jon Lester said. "It makes him feel better to sit there and talk about it. He can tell people, you know what, I have cancer, I'm doing great, everything is going to be good and people look at him like he's crazy. I guess that's how everyone looked at me when I told them." 「他把自己得癌症的事情告訴了每一個人,好像自己得了大獎一樣。」 Lester說到。「這樣會讓他好過些,他還打電話告訴大家:你們知道嗎?我 得了癌症,我過得還不錯,一切都會沒事的。接下來每個看著他的眼神都有 一種「他瘋了」的感覺。當初我告訴大家自己得了癌症時,大家也都是這樣 看著我吧?」 Jon Lester learned of his father's medical problems during Boston's opening series at Fenway Park when they got their World Series rings. Jon Lester, who was diagnosed with a rare form of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma nearly two years ago, earned the victory in the clinching game of Boston's sweep of the Colorado Rockies last year. Jon Lester是在紅襪得到世界大賽冠軍的期間獲悉了父親的病況。大約兩年 前,Lester被診斷出罕見型的非何杰金氏淋巴癌。在那個系列賽中,Lester 拿下最後一場勝利,使紅襪成功橫掃了洛磯隊。 When his mother sat him down to deliver the news, Lester knew the seriousness of the situation. 當他的母親要他坐下並告知父親的噩耗時,Lester了解事情的嚴重性。 "You hear the word cancer, and you figure death," Lester said. 「你聽到癌症這個字眼,接著就聯想到死亡」Lester說。 When the Lesters meet up Sunday night, Jon is bringing a special gift for his dad. He'll have a brand new Red Sox World Series hat with him to cover his father's head that is now bald due to cancer treatments. 星期天晚上Lester家族聚會時,Jon帶了一個特別的禮物給父親。他將一頂 嶄新的紅襪世界大賽紀念帽戴在父親那因化療而禿髮的頭頂上。 "Usually your parents get it before you do or whatever it may be if you get it," Lester said. "He definitely remembers some of the times I had and how I approached everything and he tries to do it the same way." 「通常父母對這樣的事情都會比你早覺悟。」Lester說到。「他絕對記得當 時我的遭遇以及我所要求的一切事情,他也正試著做同樣的事情。」 Lester also has been able to counsel Anthony Rizzo, a player in Boston's farm system, who was recently diagnosed with a form of cancer. Lester也對Anthony Rizzo這位紅襪小聯盟球員提出一些忠告,Rizzo最近被 診斷出癌症。 "He didn't know that you could do the things that you want to do with the disease and still live a normal life while you have it. ... I think that gave him a positive outlook," Lester said. 「他不明白即使此時你依然可以去做自己想做的事。我認為這也許代帶給他 正面的人生觀」Lester這麼說。 Lester is an inspiration for people diagnosed with cancer but he's still getting used to his new status as a role model. Lester對得癌症的患者來說是一種激勵,不過他也還在習慣自己成為楷模這 件事。 "It's weird, it definitely is," Lester said. "Like I've said before, it's not my personality to take credit for anything and to do that, " Lester said. "When people come up to me and say you're an inspiration or you've helped me get through this, it means a lot to me but they may not get the reaction they want. But like I said I'm learning how to deal with it." 「這真的有點怪。」Lester說到。「就像我之前說的,我的個性不喜歡把任 何功勞歸於自己。當大家討論我並把我當成一種激勵的時候,還說我幫助他 們渡過這一切的時候。這對我來說意義重大,也許他們不能得到他們期望的 回應,但就像我說的,我也正在學習如何處理這一切。」 Erin Andrews is a reporter for ESPN. --

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◆ From: ※ 編輯: griffonshen 來自: (06/05 13:23)
1F:推 Ally1213:感動推 06/05 13:24
2F:推 TKtrojan:唉~~不過淋巴癌是會遺傳的嗎?? 06/05 13:25
3F:推 bj26bj:囧...十天前的新聞了 06/05 13:26
4F:推 kimberiea:怎麼會醬子.... 06/05 13:26
5F:→ bj26bj:咦,我以為我有貼這則新聞在襪板上,原來漏掉了..... 06/05 13:30
6F:推 cmbyts:他需要潘朵拉.. 06/05 13:30
7F:→ bj26bj:難怪我想說怎麼會lag那麼久 06/05 13:30
8F:推 albertjet:PUSH 06/05 13:39
9F:推 HcaS:推一個!! 第4頁是不是有重複到一段中譯? 06/05 13:45
10F:推 subcrew02:加油!! 06/05 14:06
11F:推 favoritesea:某些癌症是有家族性的 印象中大腸直腸癌就是 06/05 14:13
12F:推 subcrew02:真可怕 希望大家能健健康康的打球 06/05 14:15
13F:推 Aldefael:唉~不過有這種兒子此生足矣了。 06/05 14:27
14F:推 jackselina:雖然是死敵 但仍父子倆希望身體建健康康 06/05 14:48
15F:→ jackselina:仍希望父子兩* 06/05 14:49
16F:推 f80242:推 積極正面 加油! 06/05 15:04
17F:推 siliver:不是淋巴癌容易遺傳,而是"癌症"容易遺傳,有些人的基因就是 06/05 15:18
18F:→ siliver:容易得癌症,只不過發病部位不一定都一樣. 06/05 15:19
19F:→ griffonshen:不好意思...人在峇里島...拖稿太久了... 06/05 15:37
※ 編輯: griffonshen 來自: (06/05 15:39)
20F:→ griffonshen:感謝 HacS 錯誤已修正 06/05 15:40
21F:推 oceanpuma:「罕見"型"的非何杰金氏淋巴癌」的比較好,原句乍看會以 06/05 23:42
22F:→ oceanpuma:為NHL很少,不過其實NHL不算罕見,小小建議。感謝翻譯。 06/05 23:44
23F:→ griffonshen:感謝oceanpuma的指正啊~~~受教了~~~ 06/06 02:54
※ 編輯: griffonshen 來自: (06/06 02:54)

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