原文轉載自,9171,1647467,00.html 嗯我不是Bonds的球迷 也沒有預設立場 只是Time最近時常討論到運動道德的問題 個人覺得很有趣 所以分享給大家 翻得不好的地方還請大家多多指教 Midsummer is supposed to be a quiet time in sports--the lazy hammock suspended between the end of basketball and the start of football. In baseball the pennant races are still at a gentle trot, supporting the fans' antique dream of sport as a refuge from front-page reality. 仲夏之時應該是運動場上一段安靜的時間,慵懶的吊床就掛在籃球季結束與足球季開始 之間,在棒球場上,分區冠軍的競爭還處在溫和的小跑步的階段,讓球迷能遠離頭條 是非,保護著球迷傳統的運動夢想。 Not this year. Big stars wear the stink of scandal, and the commissioners of the major sports leagues are fuming or squirming in public. These gray men in suits are a sorry stand-in for the boys of summer. 但今年並非如此。大明星們因為醜聞而聲名狼藉,主要運動聯盟的執行長們在公開場合 生氣不安。這些穿著西裝的老練傢伙對夏天的陽光男孩來說,像是難堪的臨時演員。 One controversy has been long brewing. Barry Bonds will surely overtake Hank Aaron's cherished record of 755 career home runs, but he can't shake the suspicion that he's used anabolic steroids to juice up his game. Commissioner Bud Selig, a close friend of Aaron's, has glumly agreed to sit in the stands at Bonds' games. Selig's secret wish: that Alex Rodriguez, the Yankees star with a clean rep and 498 homers, could miraculously hit 258 more before Bonds gets his three. 其中一個爭議已經持續很久了。Barry Bonds無疑地會超越Hank Aaron珍貴的755支全壘打 紀錄,但是他卻無法動搖他使用類固醇讓比賽加料的爭議。大聯盟執行長,同時也是 Aaron摯友的Bud Selig,勉為其難地同意會到現場觀看Bonds的比賽。 Selig的秘密願望是: 希望擁有清白名聲和498支全壘打的洋基明星Alex Rodriguez可以 在Bonds打出三支全壘打之前奇蹟似地擊出258支全壘打。 Bonds, 43, will probably be around for another season or two. But Michael Vick, star quarterback of the Atlanta Falcons, may have thrown his last NFL pass. A federal grand jury has indicted him for owning a property that held dog fights in which the animals fought to the death (some dogs, the feds allege, were put to death by drowning, gunshot or electrocution). The league is pursuing its own inquiry into the case. 43歲的Bonds可能還會再打個一兩年。但是亞特蘭大獵鷹的明星四分衛Michael Vick可能 已經傳出他在NFL的最後一球了。聯邦大陪審團已經因為他主辦鬥狗的活動,並導致動物 互鬥致死 ( 聯邦陪審團懷疑其中有些狗是被淹死,槍殺,或是電死 。) 聯盟已經自行 展開調查。 Athletes who misbehave are a shame but not a surprise. But referees? Commish David Stern curtly confirmed that the NBA is cooperating with the FBI in sifting evidence that ref Tim Donaghy had bet on games, including some he officiated. Insisting that all other refs are clean, Stern denounced this "act of betrayal of what we know in sports as a sacred trust." 運動員行為偏差是很丟臉但不令人意外。但是裁判?NBA總裁David Stern簡短地證實NBA 正與FBI合作調查裁判Tim Donaghy涉賭的證據,其中包括了一些他參與的比賽。Stern 堅持其他的裁判都是清白的,並宣稱"這是違背我們對運動神聖的信任。" Where is that trust? Who can restore a fan's faith in the glory of sport? Why, the Iraqi national soccer team. Stocked with Sunnis, Shi'ites and Kurds, the Iraqis defeated Vietnam and then South Korea to advance to the finals of the Asian Cup. Iraqis crowded Baghdad streets after the semifinal win, firing celebratory gunshots (which killed one person) and being targeted by car bombs (which killed at least 50). It was, at least, a moment of passion for sport, a feeling that the corporate commissioners in the U.S. will be hard-pressed to safeguard. 信任到底在哪裡? 誰可以重拾球迷對於運動榮耀的信心? 唉,是伊拉克國家足球隊。 由Sunnis, Shi'ites and Kurds等族組成的伊拉克隊,在亞洲盃淘汰了越南以及南韓, 進入了冠軍賽。伊拉克人在準決賽獲勝後群聚在巴格達的街道上,響起慶祝的槍響 (誤殺了一個人)還被汽車炸彈當成目標攻擊 (死了至少50人)。至少那是運動的熱情, 是一種美國運動的執行長們很難維持的感覺。 --

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1F:推 eric2003002:Selig的秘密願望 應該很難實現吧 = = 08/01 21:51
2F:推 Fitzwilliam:遜尼派、什葉派、庫德族......XD 08/01 21:53
3F:→ kidmike:感謝!!後面兩個知道 但第一個不確定 索性不翻了 哈 08/01 21:55
4F:推 CCLu:最後一句差很遠。commmissioners是職業運動的主席,如Stern或 08/01 22:10
5F:→ CCLu:Selig,加上corporate是說他們像是大企業老闆,有負面意涵。 08/01 22:12
6F:→ CCLu:hard-pressed 和 safeguard 請自己查字典,這裡說他們很難 08/01 22:14
7F:→ CCLu:保衛如前面所說得伊拉克人對運動的熱情這種感覺。 08/01 22:15
8F:推 MarsPeople:果然是老番癲 08/01 23:57
9F:→ kidmike:謝謝指教!!! 08/02 08:30
※ 編輯: kidmike 來自: (08/02 08:31)

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