1838年6月4日(Militia Muster Day),在安大略的Beachville舉辦了一場棒球比賽 ,這場比賽是北美地區第一場有史料記載的棒球賽事。據記載,這場比賽有五個壘包 (當時稱為bases or byes),壘距21碼,投手丘到本壘距離15碼,局數決定於得到某些 特定的分數,3出局則換邊,有效或無效的投球則由投手決定。 根據傳說,1839年在紐約的Cooperstown,Abner Doubleday隨意在紙上劃出了最初 的扇形球場規格,從而發展出現代棒球的雛形。這也是為何名人堂要設立在Cooperstown 的原因,但因這件事始終只是個民間傳說,相當的缺乏證據,所以Abner Doubleday從 未被選進名人堂。到了1845年,紐約成立了第一個棒球俱樂部--Knickerbocker(燈籠 褲),同年的10月6日進行了一場比賽,由當時俱樂部的14名成員分成兩隊來對抗,其 中一隊由俱樂部老闆Duncan Curry領軍,而另一隊帶頭的是Alexander Cartwright, 終場Curry所帶領的隊伍在3局的比賽中以11:8獲勝。這場在紐澤西Hoboken的Elysian Fields所舉行的比賽,成為了美國本土第一場有記載的棒球賽。 (一般據信,這時候Knickerbocker Club打的還是Town Ball) Alexander Joy Cartwright何許人也?他在後世被人尊稱為「棒球之父」,因為在 1845年9月23日這一天,Cartwright為棒球制訂了一套新的規則,包括打擊者3好球出 局,3人出局換邊,觸殺與封殺跑者,開始引入裁判,並且也建立了有效區域和界外 區的觀念。內容和Town Ball的規則相去甚遠,這短短的20條規則,就是相當著名的 "Knickerbocker Rules"。而這也是現代棒球規則的原點。 第一場遵循著這套新規則所舉行的比賽,就在隔年1846年的6月19日,由New York Knickerbockers出戰New York Baseball Club(又稱為New York Nine,成員大部分來 自於Knickerbockers),在四局的比賽中Knickerbockers以1:21慘敗。這場比賽的主 審就是由Cartwright本人擔任,且在這場比賽中收到了第一次的罰款,6分錢。 ==================== Knickerbocker Rules ==================== 1.Members must strictly observe the time agreed upon for exercise, and be punctual in their attendance. (要求球員準時到場) 2.When assembled for exercise, the President, or in his absence, the Vice-President, shall appoint an Umpire, who shall keep the game in a book, provided for that purpose, and note all violations of the By-Laws and Rules during the time of exercise. (俱樂部的總裁或副總裁必須在賽前指定一位裁判,裁判同時需紀錄比賽過程及任 何違反規則的行為) 3.The presiding officer shall designate two members as Captains, who shall retire and make the match to be played, observing at the same time that the players put opposite to each other should be nearly equal as possible; the choice of sides to be the tossed for, and the first in hand to be decided in like manner. (需指定兩隊的隊長,並擲硬幣選邊,同時要指定第一位上場的打者。當時並無主 客場之分。文中的the first in hand意思是first batter up) 4.The bases shall be from "home" to second base, forty-two paces; from first to third base, forty-two paces, equidistant. (當時用的測量規格為"步伐",1 pace大約等於2.5~3英呎) 5.No stump match shall be played on a regular of exercise. (沒特殊原因不會發生縮短比賽的情形) 6.If there should not be a sufficient number of members of the Club present at the time agreed upon to commence exercise, gentlemen not members may be chosen in to make up the match, which shall not be broken up to take in members that may afterward appear; but, in all cases, member shall have the preference, who present, at the making of a match. 7.If members appear after the game is commenced they may be chosen in if mutually agreed upon. (以上兩點講的是人數不夠時,可以找非會員參加,但會員擁有優先權,當比賽開始 後才到場的會員,雙方同意後即可被挑選進比賽中的球隊) 8.The game to consist of twenty-one counts, or aces; but at the conclusion an equal member of hands must be played. (得21分者為勝,且兩隊球員必須數量相同。此時並沒有run的觀念,用的是紙牌 遊戲的計分方式,後來才採用板球的run) 9.The ball must be pitched, and not thrown, for the bat. (規定投手要規規矩矩的把球投出,不能用球丟打者) 10.A ball knocked out the field, or outside the range of the first or third base, is foul. (對界外球做定義,即使把球打出球場,還是界外) 11.Three balls being struck at and missed and the last one caught, is a hand out; if not caught is considered fair, and the striker bound to run. (3好球出局,第三好球若沒被接到,則形成fair ball,此時打者可以跑壘。之後 規則中提到的hand,代表意思就是人,a hand out即是一人出局) 12.If a ball be struck , or tipped, and caught, either flying or on the first bound, it is a hand out. (球被擊出或擦棒,不管是飛行中被接到,或是一個反彈後被接到,打者都出局) 13.A player running the bases shall be out, if the ball is in the hands of an adversary on the base, or the runner is touched with it before he make base; it being understood, however, that is no instance is a ball to be thrown at him. (定義put out及force out,但守備方不能把球砸向跑者身上。這是與town ball最 大的不同點,town ball允許守備員將球往跑者身上丟,若跑者被砸到就出局) 14.A player running who shall prevent an adversary from catching or getting the ball before making his base, is a hand out. (跑者妨礙守備即出局) 15.Three hands out, all out. (三出局換邊) 16.Players must take their strike in regular turn. (打者必須進行打擊) 17.All disputes and differences relative to the game, to be decided by Umpire , from which there is no appeal. (場上的歧見與紛爭都由裁判做定奪) 18.No ace or base can be made on a foul strike. (打者打出界外球時,跑者不能進壘) 19.A runner cannot be put out in making one base, when a balk is made by the pitcher. (投手暴投時,不能對只進一個壘的跑者進行觸殺) 20.But one base allowed when a ball bounds out of the field when struck. (擊出的球反彈出球場時,可以進一個壘。這是呼應第十點,球直接飛出場算界外) ================================================================= 內容雖然簡陋,但已經可以看到現在很多棒球規則的雛形,如妨礙守備、場地二 壘安打。之後經過相當多的變革,同時球場設備的改進,投手投球區域和打者打擊 區域大小改變,投手丘向後拉遠,設立全壘打牆...等,零零總總加起來,去蕪存菁 一番,最後就成了現在我們所看到的棒球規則。 參考資料: --

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◆ From:
1F:推 Avis:以前的接殺真的很有趣 等他彈一下再接到也算接殺XD 05/06 19:43
2F:推 Kej:第二段第四行應該是 1845 年? 05/06 19:43
※ 編輯: waitla 來自: (05/06 19:48)
3F:→ waitla:謝謝樓上debug XD~ 05/06 19:48
※ 編輯: waitla 來自: (05/06 20:04)
4F:推 aegis144:9壞球 ? 05/06 20:16
5F:→ waitla:9壞球是1879年的事 05/06 20:24
6F:推 uranusjr:另外 Abner Doubleday 的曾曾姪子叫 Nelson Doubleday 05/06 20:27
7F:→ uranusjr:他現在是 Mets 的老闆 (之一) XD 05/06 20:28
8F:→ waitla:咦 他不是2002年就把那份賣掉了? 05/06 20:31
9F:→ waitla:我打的時候有衝動去找看有沒人叫singleday tripleday... 05/06 20:33
※ 編輯: waitla 來自: (05/06 23:32)
10F:推 A1pha:6分錢XD 07/30 16:23
gary27:轉錄至看板 Baseball 03/17 21:27

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