作者waitla (のぶたパワー~注入!)
标题棒球规则的开端 Knickerbocker Rules
时间Sun May 6 19:22:40 2007
1838年6月4日(Militia Muster Day),在安大略的Beachville举办了一场棒球比赛
(当时称为bases or byes),垒距21码,投手丘到本垒距离15码,局数决定於得到某些
根据传说,1839年在纽约的Cooperstown,Abner Doubleday随意在纸上划出了最初
的原因,但因这件事始终只是个民间传说,相当的缺乏证据,所以Abner Doubleday从
中一队由俱乐部老板Duncan Curry领军,而另一队带头的是
Alexander Cartwright,
(一般据信,这时候Knickerbocker Club打的还是Town Ball)
Alexander Joy Cartwright何许人也?他在後世被人尊称为「棒球之父」,因为在
区的观念。内容和Town Ball的规则相去甚远,这短短的20条规则,就是相当着名的
Knickerbocker Rules"。而这也是现代棒球规则的原点。
第一场遵循着这套新规则所举行的比赛,就在隔年1846年的6月19日,由New York
Knickerbockers出战New York Baseball Club(又称为New York Nine,成员大部分来
==================== Knickerbocker Rules ====================
1.Members must strictly observe the time agreed upon for exercise, and
be punctual in their attendance.
2.When assembled for exercise, the President, or in his absence, the
Vice-President, shall appoint an Umpire, who shall keep the game in a
book, provided for that purpose, and note all violations of the By-Laws
and Rules during the time of exercise.
3.The presiding officer shall designate two members as Captains, who shall
retire and make the match to be played, observing at the same time that
the players put opposite to each other should be nearly equal as possible;
the choice of sides to be the tossed for, and the first in hand to be
decided in like manner.
客场之分。文中的the first in hand意思是first batter up)
4.The bases shall be from "home" to second base, forty-two paces; from first
to third base, forty-two paces, equidistant.
(当时用的测量规格为"步伐",1 pace大约等於2.5~3英尺)
5.No stump match shall be played on a regular of exercise.
6.If there should not be a sufficient number of members of the Club present
at the time agreed upon to commence exercise, gentlemen not members may
be chosen in to make up the match, which shall not be broken up to take
in members that may afterward appear; but, in all cases, member shall
have the preference, who present, at the making of a match.
7.If members appear after the game is commenced they may be chosen in if
mutually agreed upon.
8.The game to consist of twenty-one counts, or aces; but at the conclusion
an equal member of hands must be played.
9.The ball must be pitched, and not thrown, for the bat.
10.A ball knocked out the field, or outside the range of the first or third
base, is foul.
11.Three balls being struck at and missed and the last one caught, is a hand
out; if not caught is considered fair, and the striker bound to run.
(3好球出局,第三好球若没被接到,则形成fair ball,此时打者可以跑垒。之後
规则中提到的hand,代表意思就是人,a hand out即是一人出局)
12.If a ball be struck , or tipped, and caught, either flying or on the first
bound, it is a hand out.
13.A player running the bases shall be out, if the ball is in the hands of an
adversary on the base, or the runner is touched with it before he make
base; it being understood, however, that is no instance is a ball to be
thrown at him.
(定义put out及force out,但守备方不能把球砸向跑者身上。这是与town ball最
大的不同点,town ball允许守备员将球往跑者身上丢,若跑者被砸到就出局)
14.A player running who shall prevent an adversary from catching or getting
the ball before making his base, is a hand out.
15.Three hands out, all out.
16.Players must take their strike in regular turn.
17.All disputes and differences relative to the game, to be decided by Umpire
, from which there is no appeal.
18.No ace or base can be made on a foul strike.
19.A runner cannot be put out in making one base, when a balk is made by
the pitcher.
20.But one base allowed when a ball bounds out of the field when struck.
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 Avis:以前的接杀真的很有趣 等他弹一下再接到也算接杀XD 05/06 19:43
2F:推 Kej:第二段第四行应该是 1845 年? 05/06 19:43
※ 编辑: waitla 来自: (05/06 19:48)
3F:→ waitla:谢谢楼上debug XD~ 05/06 19:48
※ 编辑: waitla 来自: (05/06 20:04)
4F:推 aegis144:9坏球 ? 05/06 20:16
5F:→ waitla:9坏球是1879年的事 05/06 20:24
6F:推 uranusjr:另外 Abner Doubleday 的曾曾侄子叫 Nelson Doubleday 05/06 20:27
7F:→ uranusjr:他现在是 Mets 的老板 (之一) XD 05/06 20:28
8F:→ waitla:咦 他不是2002年就把那份卖掉了? 05/06 20:31
9F:→ waitla:我打的时候有冲动去找看有没人叫singleday tripleday... 05/06 20:33
※ 编辑: waitla 来自: (05/06 23:32)
10F:推 A1pha:6分钱XD 07/30 16:23
※ gary27:转录至看板 Baseball 03/17 21:27