作者szczerbiak (adieu)
標題Re: [請問]日美職訓練方式
時間Mon Sep 11 18:00:35 2006
作家Robert Whiting在2002年曾專訪鈴木一朗,問他如何看待日本野球選手外流、
Robert Whiting的老婆是日本人,熟知日本文化,也著有與日本野球相關的書籍
Whiting: You've played several seasons in Japan and now two in the United
States. You've seen the two systems. Japanese spring training is like boot
camp. It's starts Feb. 1, lasts a month, players are on the field from
nine-to-five, followed by workouts indoors and lectures in the evening. It's
like military training. In U.S., camp starts a month later and the players
are only on the field from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., then head to the nearest
swimming pool or golf course. How do you compare these two systems?
Ichiro: Japanese camp is pretty long, but you have a day off every forth day.
In America, once you start camp, you go everyday with no break. The fact that
you have one day off out of every four is a big help in Japan. Moreover, in
America, while a day in camp is only three hours, the sun in Arizona, where
Seattle trains, is something else. So despite the fact I came from Japan,
I didn't find it easy at all. It was tough.
Whiting: Are there things the two countries can learn from each other in this
regard? I know in Japan, teams spend a lot of time in camp on minute details--
like the push bunt--which might be used only once or twice a season. And there
is a lot of work on so-calld sign plays and relay drill. How about in Seattle?
Ichiro: Not at all. Not in the two years I've been there. And I think that
kind of practice is very important. Spring training is the only time you have
to work on team play. You can always go off and work on your game by yourself,
but the only time there is to practice as a group is in the spring and I think
that's valuable. Because the Mariners don't do that, you would sometimes see
players make mistakes during the course of the season. And it was at times
like that when I thought, "We should have worked on those players in spring
camp." So I think that the attention to detail is one of the superior things
about the Japanese game. So there are things we can learn from each other.
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※ 編輯: szczerbiak 來自: (09/11 18:07)
1F:推 Liriano:推 09/11 22:18
2F:推 moist:我訝異的是推的人竟然如此之少? 09/11 23:41
3F:→ bryon:幫推吧~ 這一篇正可點出美日職棒差異中的部分~ 09/12 00:09
4F:推 LiaoWH:推一個 09/12 00:13
5F:推 szczerbiak:如果沒人推我可真的要哭了XD 09/12 00:27
※ 編輯: szczerbiak 來自: (09/12 00:29)
6F:推 Ichiro262:大推 09/12 00:31
※ szczerbiak:轉錄至某隱形看板 09/12 00:36
7F:推 mirai51:其實Ichiro一開始很在意在美國沒有team 練習這件事,也有 09/12 00:54
8F:→ mirai51:問過松井秀喜洋基隊是怎麼練習的。松井說雖然團隊練習的 09/12 00:54
9F:→ mirai51:次數沒像在日本時練得那麼頻繁,不過他們有在做團隊練習, 09/12 00:55
10F:→ mirai51:不像水手隊都沒在做,防守時完全憑個人的sense囉~~~! 09/12 00:55
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13F:推 tentryway:推 09/12 09:45
14F:推 hne:推一下~ 09/12 14:45
※ 編輯: szczerbiak 來自: (09/12 18:03)
15F:推 DesertEagleX:這跟球速有什麼關係 09/13 00:51
16F:推 DesertEagleX:原po問的根本不是這個 09/13 00:59
17F:推 szczerbiak:我說過跟原po的問題無關了嘛 = = 09/13 01:08