这一篇可能和原来的问题无关 作家Robert Whiting在2002年曾专访铃木一朗,问他如何看待日本野球选手外流、 美国棒球的未来,以及一朗自己被大肆宣传的形象 其中有提到一些关於球员训练的问题 Robert Whiting的老婆是日本人,熟知日本文化,也着有与日本野球相关的书籍 Whiting: You've played several seasons in Japan and now two in the United States. You've seen the two systems. Japanese spring training is like boot camp. It's starts Feb. 1, lasts a month, players are on the field from nine-to-five, followed by workouts indoors and lectures in the evening. It's like military training. In U.S., camp starts a month later and the players are only on the field from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., then head to the nearest swimming pool or golf course. How do you compare these two systems? (相较於日本职棒军事般的春训方式,MLB在量的上面显得轻松,一天只练三小时, 之後便去游泳与打高尔夫,问问两边都打过的一朗其看法) Ichiro: Japanese camp is pretty long, but you have a day off every forth day. In America, once you start camp, you go everyday with no break. The fact that you have one day off out of every four is a big help in Japan. Moreover, in America, while a day in camp is only three hours, the sun in Arizona, where Seattle trains, is something else. So despite the fact I came from Japan, I didn't find it easy at all. It was tough. (一朗说,在日本虽然春训时间长,但每四天就能休息一天,这对球员来说很有帮助; 虽然在美国一天只要三小时,但水手队春训地亚历桑纳的太阳又是另一回事) Whiting: Are there things the two countries can learn from each other in this regard? I know in Japan, teams spend a lot of time in camp on minute details-- like the push bunt--which might be used only once or twice a season. And there is a lot of work on so-calld sign plays and relay drill. How about in Seattle? (作家知道日本的春训花很多时间在细微处,并问一朗在西雅图的情况。还有两国之间 有无相互学习之处?) Ichiro: Not at all. Not in the two years I've been there. And I think that kind of practice is very important. Spring training is the only time you have to work on team play. You can always go off and work on your game by yourself, but the only time there is to practice as a group is in the spring and I think that's valuable. Because the Mariners don't do that, you would sometimes see players make mistakes during the course of the season. And it was at times like that when I thought, "We should have worked on those players in spring camp." So I think that the attention to detail is one of the superior things about the Japanese game. So there are things we can learn from each other. (一朗觉得,注重细节处是日本野球的优点,两国是有互相学习之处。一朗并提到 来美国这两年,没有过前段所述的那些练习,并且这些练习相当重要;自己的球 技可以自己随时提升,然而只有在春训时,才能与整个球队一起练习。一朗觉得 日本这种训练很宝贵,水手队便是没有这样子的训练,所以常看到比赛中有球员 犯了这些该在春训就矫正过来的错误。) --                  INNESOTA        TIMBER◥ ◤OLVES ψsunnyside --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From: ※ 编辑: szczerbiak 来自: (09/11 18:07)
1F:推 Liriano:推 09/11 22:18
2F:推 moist:我讶异的是推的人竟然如此之少? 09/11 23:41
3F:→ bryon:帮推吧~ 这一篇正可点出美日职棒差异中的部分~ 09/12 00:09
4F:推 LiaoWH:推一个 09/12 00:13
5F:推 szczerbiak:如果没人推我可真的要哭了XD 09/12 00:27
※ 编辑: szczerbiak 来自: (09/12 00:29)
6F:推 Ichiro262:大推 09/12 00:31
szczerbiak:转录至某隐形看板 09/12 00:36
7F:推 mirai51:其实Ichiro一开始很在意在美国没有team 练习这件事,也有 09/12 00:54
8F:→ mirai51:问过松井秀喜洋基队是怎麽练习的。松井说虽然团队练习的 09/12 00:54
9F:→ mirai51:次数没像在日本时练得那麽频繁,不过他们有在做团队练习, 09/12 00:55
10F:→ mirai51:不像水手队都没在做,防守时完全凭个人的sense罗~~~! 09/12 00:55
11F:推 ajarist:推 09/12 01:17
12F:推 ThreeNG:推 09/12 08:06
13F:推 tentryway:推 09/12 09:45
14F:推 hne:推一下~ 09/12 14:45
※ 编辑: szczerbiak 来自: (09/12 18:03)
15F:推 DesertEagleX:这跟球速有什麽关系 09/13 00:51
16F:推 DesertEagleX:原po问的根本不是这个 09/13 00:59
17F:推 szczerbiak:我说过跟原po的问题无关了嘛 = = 09/13 01:08

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