※ [本文轉錄自 Translation 看板 #1CvUhIWq ] 作者: TheRock (就是這樣) 看板: Translation 標題: Re: [良知] 亞運跆拳道楊淑君平反說明函翻譯專案 時間: Fri Nov 19 11:11:08 2010 ※ 引述《TheRock (就是這樣)》之銘言: : 中文初稿: : ===================================== : 親愛的媒體單位: Dear Media, :   台灣的跆拳道選手「楊淑君」,在 2010 年的亞運會上,遭主辦單位以「作弊」 : 為由判處失去比賽資格。根據主辦單位的說法,楊淑君因為使用的電子襪在「腳跟」 : 上多裝了感應器,違反大會規定故而失去資格。 In 2010 Asian Games, Yang Shu-Chun, a Taiwanese taekwondo player, was accused "cheating" and disqualified by the Organizer. According to the Organizer, Yang lost her qualification because she had additional sensors on the heels of her electronic socks, which violated the rules of the game. :   然而,實際情形並非如此。 However, that doesn't reflect the real truth. :   以下這段 YouTube 影片是當天的全程實況錄影。 The following YouTube video is the live video of that match. :
:   如您所見,從影片 2'10" 到 2'35" 的片段中,楊淑君在試踢之後,已依照主辦 : 單位的指示拔除腳跟上的感應器。因此,楊淑君絕對沒有在正式比賽時使用未經主辦 : 單位許可的電子襪,當然也沒有「作弊」的問題。 From 2'10" to 2'35", as you can see, Yang removed the sensors on her heels per the request of the Organizer after the kick test. Hence, Yang has never used any electronic socks unauthorized by the Organizer during the formal competition, there is definitely no "cheating" problem. :   我們誠摯希望 貴單位能本著公正、超然、客觀的立場,如實報導事件始末。主 : 辦單位及亞洲跆拳道聯盟已經針對整起事件發布多份新聞稿,強調大會決定的正確。 : 但「事實勝於雄辯」,我們相信這段影片可以清楚地釐清真相。 We sincerely hope your entity could report the truth from a fair, detached, and objective perspective. Although the Organizer and Asian Taekwondo Union issued many news releases to emphasize the "correctness" of the Organizer's decision. However, "truth talks louder than words." We believe this video can completely reveal the truth. : 真相就是:腳跟上的感應器在正式比賽前便已依要求取下。 Truth: The sensors on the heels have been removed as required, BEFORE THE FORMAL COMPETITION. :   試  問:在比賽中沒有使用到的感應器,可以作為判定選手失格的依據嗎? Question: Could any sensors that have never been used in the formal competition be used to disqualify the player? : 台灣選手沒有作弊,台灣絕對不是一個靠作弊、耍手段得勝的國家。 Taiwanese player didn't cheat. Taiwan is never a country pursuing winning by cheating or playing tricks. : 謝謝您撥冗閱讀本信,希望您能協助世界了解真相,還台灣一個公道。 Thank you for reading this letter. We hope you could help the world to know the truth and give Taiwan the justice she shall have. : 祝 順心 Sincerely yours, : 台灣人民 Taiwan people. 英文版草稿,請大家協助修改。 --

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