作者ClearAdmit (ClearAdmit)
標題Re: [問題] 該選擇哪家留學顧問/代辦呢?
時間Mon Aug 29 10:34:24 2011
Hi all, thanks for all your comments about CA (my company)'s services! Just a
few points of clarification:
1). We do have a full-time consultant in Taiwan now - that would be me :) I
graduated from Stanford business school, Harvard (public policy) and Princeton
(undergrad) and worked for Reuters and McKinsey before joining CA. I am now a
partner at CA.
2). We do take a lot of time and efforts to establish and strengthen our
relationships with the admissions directors at the top schools. This is made
easier by the fact that many of our admissions consultants were admissions
officers (at schools like Wharton, Columbia and Tuck) before they joined CA.
3). Our clients can actually choose whether they want to work with a single
consultant (and who that consultant is), or work with a team of consultants.
In both cases, all our consultants are full-time consultants who only work
for CA and only consult business school applicants.
Hope this helps! Thanks again for all the feedback.
Kevin Chen
Clear Admit
[email protected]
※ 引述《cindy0416 (ptt)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《quakergirl (yingting)》之銘言:
: : 看到ClxxxAdxxx 來到PPT還有一些人的討論,我想分享一下我本身的經驗。
: : 我在找代辦時,跟台灣的AxxD和Enxxxxxx談過,也跟全球前三大的代辦,Stacy
: : Bxxxxxxx, ClxxxAdxxx 和MBAMxxxxxx談過。我一開始就決定不跟台灣的代辦合作,因為
: : 這幾家全球知名的留學顧問很明顯的比台灣的顧問了解MBA申請過程而且他們都跟一些
: : top tier學校的admission offices有很好的關係。
: 跟學校adcom的關係,我覺得CA是真的有花資源在經營。
: 最明顯的就是MIT Sloan的essay題目,2012入學的題目是本週很晚才在MIT網頁上
: 公佈,(我會知道是因為我超想上Sloan,所以每天去查題目出來沒..)
: 但我大概兩週前就在CA網頁上找到2012入學的題目,當時想說CA不會弄錯了吧,
: 本來想"好意"寫信給CA在台灣的顧問提醒一下要改網頁,但為了謹慎起見,我去
: 註冊Sloan的applicant帳號,以applicant身分登錄進去,看裡面的題目是什麼,
: 果然CA的題目是最新的,所以我覺得它真的訊息蠻靈通的。
: 相比之下,本週我在跟另一間公司的顧問討論MIT題目的時候,他還告訴我題目還
: 沒出來,而大部分顧問公司網頁上也都還沒貼出MIT的今年題目,只有去年的。
: 但,憑良心說,一分錢一分貨,羊毛出在羊身上,它也是所有我打聽過的顧問公司
: 中最貴的一間,所以,我倒是還沒找CA.. 先自己努力看看..
: 每天都看著我心酸的撲滿..存一個硬幣就掉一低眼淚,豬最終還是要殺的..唉...
: (誤~)
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:推 shoop:wow...版上越來越多神級顧問出來解答,真是版友之福!! 08/29 21:49