作者ClearAdmit (ClearAdmit)
标题Re: [问题] 该选择哪家留学顾问/代办呢?
时间Mon Aug 29 10:34:24 2011
Hi all, thanks for all your comments about CA (my company)'s services! Just a
few points of clarification:
1). We do have a full-time consultant in Taiwan now - that would be me :) I
graduated from Stanford business school, Harvard (public policy) and Princeton
(undergrad) and worked for Reuters and McKinsey before joining CA. I am now a
partner at CA.
2). We do take a lot of time and efforts to establish and strengthen our
relationships with the admissions directors at the top schools. This is made
easier by the fact that many of our admissions consultants were admissions
officers (at schools like Wharton, Columbia and Tuck) before they joined CA.
3). Our clients can actually choose whether they want to work with a single
consultant (and who that consultant is), or work with a team of consultants.
In both cases, all our consultants are full-time consultants who only work
for CA and only consult business school applicants.
Hope this helps! Thanks again for all the feedback.
Kevin Chen
Clear Admit
[email protected]
※ 引述《cindy0416 (ptt)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《quakergirl (yingting)》之铭言:
: : 看到ClxxxAdxxx 来到PPT还有一些人的讨论,我想分享一下我本身的经验。
: : 我在找代办时,跟台湾的AxxD和Enxxxxxx谈过,也跟全球前三大的代办,Stacy
: : Bxxxxxxx, ClxxxAdxxx 和MBAMxxxxxx谈过。我一开始就决定不跟台湾的代办合作,因为
: : 这几家全球知名的留学顾问很明显的比台湾的顾问了解MBA申请过程而且他们都跟一些
: : top tier学校的admission offices有很好的关系。
: 跟学校adcom的关系,我觉得CA是真的有花资源在经营。
: 最明显的就是MIT Sloan的essay题目,2012入学的题目是本周很晚才在MIT网页上
: 公布,(我会知道是因为我超想上Sloan,所以每天去查题目出来没..)
: 但我大概两周前就在CA网页上找到2012入学的题目,当时想说CA不会弄错了吧,
: 本来想"好意"写信给CA在台湾的顾问提醒一下要改网页,但为了谨慎起见,我去
: 注册Sloan的applicant帐号,以applicant身分登录进去,看里面的题目是什麽,
: 果然CA的题目是最新的,所以我觉得它真的讯息蛮灵通的。
: 相比之下,本周我在跟另一间公司的顾问讨论MIT题目的时候,他还告诉我题目还
: 没出来,而大部分顾问公司网页上也都还没贴出MIT的今年题目,只有去年的。
: 但,凭良心说,一分钱一分货,羊毛出在羊身上,它也是所有我打听过的顾问公司
: 中最贵的一间,所以,我倒是还没找CA.. 先自己努力看看..
: 每天都看着我心酸的扑满..存一个硬币就掉一低眼泪,猪最终还是要杀的..唉...
: (误~)
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:推 shoop:wow...版上越来越多神级顾问出来解答,真是版友之福!! 08/29 21:49