先說我以下言論只對事不對人. Pacific States University可以說是 貨真價實的野雞大學. 怎麼說呢? 這個已經是脫離討論排名以外的話題了. 在美國,教育機構有兩個主要的accreditation 1. Regional Accreditation ( 2. National Accreditation 所有不論有名無名的州立大學跟有名的私立大學都有第一個資格(Regional). 而很多以營利為主的學校跟Online University只有第二個資格(National). NA的學校都會承認學分來自有RA的學校, 但RA的學校卻並不承認全部有NA的學校的學分 PSU的Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS) 是一個national accreditation. 以下這個網站可以幫助大家查查學校有沒有正當的accreditation. 對於未來就職的衝擊, 有很多公司(美國)並不招收沒有RA的學校. 再次強調提出這些只是希望提供更透明的訊息, 以免有人後悔或覺得學校不適合 更多參考資訊: 還有一些學校連national accreditation都沒有, 要注意 引述上面的聯結: "According to the Better Business Bureau, many fraudulent schools (better known as diploma mills) are profiting on the popularity of distance learning and are attracting students into their “degree programs”, often with the promises of a quick diploma. These types of institutions have been around for a long time, and use aggressive recruiting techniques (through telemarketing and direct mail), following-up on consumer queries through e-mail or their Web site. These schools heavily promote in print and on the Internet, and often have sophisticated looking Web sites. Marketing representatives take advantage of students lack of knowledge about college accreditation, and use the terms“fully accredited” , “nationally accredited”, or “accredited worldwide” to assure the student of the program's legitimacy. The school's "accreditation" is usually by unrecognized or bogus agencies. The Better Business Bureau offers several signs to look for to recognize a diploma mill: - The school advertises degrees that can be earned in less time than at a traditional college. There are legitimate ways to earn college credit through prior learning and collegiate level testing, but the credit offered through these schools does not meet recognized standards set by the American Council on Education and National PONSI, (the National Program on Noncollegiate Sponsored Instruction) the two major college credit recommendation bodies accepted by major colleges and universities. Generally, fully accredited schools will award up to 32 credits through examination and prior learning towards an undergraduate degree, but no reputable schools will award graduate degrees earned mainly through career portfolios. - The school states that it is accredited, but lists organizations that (although impressive sounding) are not recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, or attempt to show official status by alleging state licensure or registration. - You earn your "diploma" by tuition paid on a per-degree basis. Traditional colleges charge tuition by credit hours, or by course or semester. The school may offer admission only by securing your credit information, and does not require documentation of academic records. - The school provides little or no communication with faculty, or the school’s Web site does not provide information on faculty or names faculty who have graduated from unaccredited schools. - The college's name is similar to a well known university. - The school provides addresses that are only post office box numbers or suites. Your college education is one of the most important investments you'll ever make. If unsure of a school's status, check the Better Business Bureau or state attorney general's office to ensure the college is legitimate and if there have been any complaints." ※ 引述《joine (無間道)》之銘言: : 我現在念的這間學校叫 Pacific States University 在Los Angeles : 這學校對GPA成績要求很低 : 托福聽說是35分以上就可以進 : 所以基本上只要是你秀出你的財力證明就一定會申請上 XD : quater制 所以一年有四次申請機會 : 我念這間學校的原因是因為學費超便宜(US$345 per Unit)而且就在我家附近 : 我在來美國之前在台灣跟大陸工作共四年 也做到管理職 : 所以對我來說 (我已經說了是"對我來說" 所以請不要鞭我) : 我覺得只要知道自己要的是什麼 然後自己有心學習 念什麼學校都一樣 : 我有幾個同學他們來美國念書的原因 : 非常單純的只是因為他們畢生的夢想就是要出國念書  : 即便家裡經濟狀況不好 但是為了自己的夢想  : 辦了貸款拿到申請就殺來美國打零工過生活 : <我反對打黑工 抓到就再見了 但是(小聲說)..誰會抓你?> : 野雞不野雞我不知道是怎樣定義 學校排名10以外都叫野雞嗎? : 但是很肯定的是 除了ptt留學板與MBA板等圈內人之外  : 你跟你阿公阿媽說你念 Pennsylvania 跟你說你念 Pacific是差不多的  : (好吧 或許我住鄉下的阿媽真的太無知了~)  : 總之這是我念的學校官網連結 你看一下像不像野雞大學? : : 如果你覺得很像 那就當我沒講 XD : 如果有興趣或問題可以站內信跟我聯絡 我不是代辦 : 不過學校說明會上說 如果我可以介紹別人進學校有US$100的介紹費可以領 耶~ : === : 小感想 : 生命是一連串不斷累積的過程  : 一個前輩曾經跟我說  : 如果你台大畢業又念stanford : 結果你出來以後卻找不到好工作 隨便一個鳥college畢業但是念IT的起薪就是你的三倍 : 到時候你會恨不得不要讓別人知道你是台大+stanford : 嘿 但是何必事事跟別人比較呢  : 不是每個人都天生聰明可以托福100分  : 也不是每個人天生家裡有錢可以念長春藤 : 也不是每個人都有那點好運(+堅強實力)可以進名校 : 總之 自己盡了力就好  : ※ 引述《askMBA (PTT_MBA)》之銘言: : : 我現在才開始申請2011 fall的MBA課程 : : 可是我的成績並不好 : : 截至目前為止 : : Tofel只有63 gmat470 : : 我不一定要很好的學校 : : 只要不是野雞大學就好... : : 目前考慮申請的學校有 : : CSU-Chico,Kent State University,Golden Gate University : : Florida State University,university of Utah : : 但我知道有些學校沒有辦法給條件式入學 : : 請問,還有什麼比較推薦的學校或是語言學校嗎? --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 joine:受教了!我誠懇建議要靠mba學歷找工作的人不要來念野雞大學 03/09 05:10
2F:推 joanna39:謝謝~多學了一些知識~~ 03/14 16:06

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