London 板


※ [本文轉錄自 Railway 看板 #1CLyYtWA ] 作者: ecpoem (CK101) 看板: Railway 標題: [BBC] (倫敦)地鐵大都會線引進空調列車 時間: Tue Aug 3 15:43:47 2010 Metropolitan Line air-conditioned Tube trains launched 2 August 2010 Last updated at 10:09 GMT 地鐵大都會線引進空調列車 (中文部份是自己翻的,翻得不好請見諒) The first air-conditioned Tube train has gone into service on the London Underground. The train, which will be used on the Metropolitan Line, is the first of a 191-strong fleet of new trains. Transport for London (TfL) plans to roll the air-conditioned trains out across 40% of the network by 2015. 首列空調地鐵列車已投入倫敦地鐵服務陣容。這列將投入大都會線服務的列 車,是在 191列新列車中的第一列。倫敦交通局預計在2015年前,地鐵將有 40% 的列車裝有空調。 The train set off from north London's Wembley Park station at about 1030 BST on Monday. London Mayor Boris Johnson was due to attend the launch. The introduction of the new trains to the Metropolitan Line is due to be completed by the end of 2011. Air-conditioned trains will be introduced to the Circle Line, the Hammersmith & City Line, and finally the District Line, by 2015. 這列車預計星期一早上 10:30從Wembley Park站出發。倫敦市長詹森將會出 席發表會。2011年底前,大都會線上的列車將完全以新列車取代。空調列車將在 2015年前投入環狀線、漢默史密斯及城市線,及區域線。 Budget cut 預算縮減 The total cost of the new trains will be £1.5bn, TfL said. The budget to cool Tube carriages on the London Underground was slashed by £10m in July as part of TfL cutbacks. The budget to cool Tube carriages on the London Underground was slashed by £10m in July as part of TfL cutbacks. However, TfL said the introduction of new trains would not be affected by this budget cut. 倫敦交通局表示,這些新列車的費用為15億英鎊。在七月倫敦交通局預算緊 縮中,這部份(採購空調地鐵列車)的預算被砍1000萬英鎊。但該局表示,新列 車的引進將不受預算緊縮影響。 The mayor's office said cooling the network was still a priority but it had to ensure it was getting value for money as part of the network upgrade. 市長辦公室表示,在引進有空調的地鐵列車仍是目前優先進行的項目,但必 須保證在地鐵路網改善上是有價值的。 A heat map that monitored the London Underground on 28 July 2008 - one of the hottest days of the year - found the Central Line was the hottest, with temperatures of up to 32C (90F). The Metropolitan Line recorded temperatures of up to 27C (81F). The Jubilee Line was significantly cooler with most stations recording temperatures of 25C (77F). 在2008年 7月28日,該年最熱的其中一天,地鐵路網中氣溫最高的是中央線,達 32℃(90℉),大都會線溫度則是27℃(81℉),朱比利線則明顯比較涼爽,大 部份的車站溫度為25℃(77℉)。 -- 火車開了...... 1996.10.31.光華號特快車DR2700型行駛30週年紀念 40DR2701 光華號 往石牌 1998. 6. 9.慶祝CK101蒸氣機車復活行駛 CK101 1998. 7.16.淡水線鐵路停駛十週年紀念 2001. 8.25.慶祝淡水線鐵路通車百週年 --

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