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觀測者模式的FAQ General FAQ I want to spectate a game. How can I access Spectator Mode? 我要如何進入觀察者模式? When you are browsing for a custom League of Legends game you will now have the option to join that game as a spectator. Alternatively, you can elect to become a spectator after joining the game lobby as a player. 進入自訂模式中,你可以看到一個加入遊戲觀察者的選項,你也可以被選為觀察者。 What games am I allowed to spectate? 甚麼樣的遊戲模式允許我當觀察者? Presently, Spectator Mode is only available in custom games. Games started by one of the matchmaking queues will not have a spectator option. 目前觀察者模式只開放給自定模式。 一般的對戰模式並無觀察者模式可用。 Is there a penalty for leaving a game as a spectator? 離開觀察者模式會有處罰嗎? No. As a spectator you can leave a game at any time. Additionally, spectating carries no obligation to reconnect to a game once you have left. 沒有,作為觀察者,你可以隨時離開遊戲。此外,作為觀察者,你離線後重聯不會強制 你回到該遊戲。 If I disconnect, can I reconnect to a game that I am spectating? 如果我斷線了,我連回去後還可以回到遊戲中觀察嗎? Yes. If you disconnect while spectating a game you will be presented with the option to reconnect to the game that you were spectating. 可以,如果你在擔任觀察者時斷線,你可以重連回去繼續擔任觀察者 Will it be able easy to compare team stats in Spectator Mode? 觀察者模式中,我可以比較隊伍間的統計數據嗎? Yes. Team gold, team kills, and tower kills will be prominently displayed as part of the Spectator Mode heads up display. 可以,你可以看到隊伍金錢,殺人數,破塔數等等都可以在觀察者模式中直接看到。 Will I earn XP or IP for spectating a game? 作為觀察者,我能賺得XP或IP嗎? No. You will not receive XP and IP for spectating a game. 不,作為觀察者,你無法從遊戲中獲得任何XP或IP。 Will the addition of spectators into a game cause performance issues for the other players? 觀察者能夠影響正在遊戲中的玩家嗎? No. The players in game should not experience performance related issues based on problems the spectators are having. 不行。 (這一段我不太確定我理解正確,好像是觀察者出甚麼狀況,都不會影響其他玩家) What are Riot’s plans for Spectator mode? RIOT公司對觀察者模式的計畫是甚麼? The launch of Spectator mode is just the beginning. We have exciting plans to expand the features and scope of Spectator in the future! 觀察者模式只是一個開始。 我們很興奮能夠在未來擴大觀察者模式的功能。 Spectator Mode Operations 觀察者模式的操作... How can I view individual player statistics and information? To view an individual player’s items and statistics, you can click on that player to select them. If you would like to compare two individual players, pressing Tab will bring up a scoreboard showing the individual stats of all players on each team. This includes: kills, deaths, assists, minion kills, current items, personal score, current gold, and total gold. Is there a way to compare the stats of two players? 要如何在比賽中比較兩玩家的統計數字呢? Pressing Tab or the ‘O’ key will bring up a scoreboard showing the individual stats of all players on each team. This includes: kills, deaths, assists, minion kills, current items, personal score, current gold, and total gold. 按Tab或O都可以。 Will I be able to lock the camera on a player that I want to follow? 我可以鎖定特定玩家的視野嗎? Yes. There is an option to lock the camera on your current target through a variety of methods: You can double-click the champion, select it and press “Y ”, or directly follow it through the menu at the bottom left corner 可以,雙擊該玩家,然後按Y鍵可以鎖定視野。 Will I be able to quickly jump from one player’s perspective to another? 我能夠快速地從一個玩家的角度切換到另一個角度嗎? Yes. You can easily jump from observing one player to another by clicking on the appropriate portrait on the left or right side. Alternatively, each player can be selected from the drop down menu in the bottom left corner. 可以,你可以很容易地從一個玩家切換到另一個玩家,只要在畫面左側或右側,點選玩家 的圖示即可。 Will I have the option to remove/activate the fog of war while spectating? 觀察者有選項可以移除戰爭迷霧嗎? Yes, you will have the option to view the game from either team’s perspective, to view from both teams’ combined perspectives, or to remove the fog of war completely. 有的。 觀察者有選項可以打開,關閉,切換雙方的視野等功能。 Will I be able to access the shop to look at items while I am spectating a game? 觀察者可以打開商店選單嗎? Presently, spectators do not have the option to browse the shop in game. 不行。目前觀察者無法打開商店選單。 Will I be able to view player chat while spectating a game? 觀察者看得到玩家們的對話嗎? You will be able to view chat that was sent to “all” by the players. However, you will not see team-specific chat. 觀察者只能看到發話為 "給所有人"的對話,觀察者看不到隊伍內的對話 Can I chat with the players while I am spectating a game? No. Communication with the players is not permitted. Can I chat with the other spectators while I am spectating a game? 兩位觀察者之間能夠交談嗎? No. Spectator to spectator chat is currently not supported. Spectators may still chat with their friends in by sending a message. 不行。目前的模式不支援雙方觀察者的交談。但仍然可以用PVP對話視窗對話。 Will I be able to ping the map or view player pings while spectating a game? 觀察者可以ping地圖或者看到玩家們ping地圖嗎? Yes. As a spectator, the blue team’s pings will appear blue and the purple team’s pings will appear purple. A spectator may also ping the map, but their pings are intended as a tool for shoutcasting and will not be viewable by the other players in the game. 可以,觀察者可以看到雙方的ping,藍隊的ping會顯示藍色,紫隊的ping會顯示紫色, 觀察者的ping不會顯示在兩隊玩家的地圖上。 How many players are allowed to spectate a single game? 一場比賽最多允許幾位觀察者? There are currently two spectator slots available in each custom game of League of Legends, though that number is subject to change. 一場比賽最多兩位。 Am I able to spectate a game that is already in progress? 比賽開始後我還能進入觀察遊戲嗎? Spectators must be present in the game lobby before the game begins. There is currently no option for players to join a game already in progress as a spectator. 不行。 觀察者必須在比賽開始就已經在遊戲選角大廳之中。 Will spectating players be able to tell my opponents what’s happening? 觀察者能夠告訴對方比賽狀況嗎? No. There is a three-minute delay built into Spectator Mode to prevent observing players from being able to provide intelligence to the competitors. 不行,觀察者有三分鐘的比賽延遲,防止玩家通風報信。 Am I able to kick a spectator from the game lobby before the game starts? 我可以把不喜歡的觀察者在比賽前開始前踢走嗎? Yes. If you are the game owner and do not want a player observing your game you are free to kick or ban them from the game lobby. 可以。只要你是遊戲主持人,你可以ban任何你不想加入遊戲的玩家。 Will spectators be able to see what champions both teams have picked in Champion Select? 觀察者可以看到雙方的選角嗎? Yes, spectators will see the players’ choices in Champion Select for both Blind Pick and Draft Mode. 可以。觀察者可以在不僅是選角模式,在blind模式也依然可以看到雙方選角 Will there be privacy settings that I can use to restrict who can spectate my games? Game hosts have the option to allow or disallow spectators. Players also must join your game as a spectator through the custom game lobby. If you are not comfortable with a player spectating your game, you will have the option to kick or ban them from the lobby before the game starts. --

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1F:推 a2364983 :自從搞了OB系統 大型比賽就開始 崩崩崩~~~ 11/02 06:11
2F:推 frekfrek :翻譯推 11/02 06:17
3F:推 os653 :最近的比賽完全沒崩阿,應該是工程師爆肝修好了吧 11/02 06:21
4F:推 jjhjjh :那個OB系統真的很OP 一目了然 11/02 06:22
5F:推 a2364983 :下一次應該看WCG還是IEM基輔就知道會不會崩了XD 11/02 06:25
※ 編輯: swwf 來自: (11/02 06:39)
6F:推 babylina :OB++ 11/02 06:43
7F:推 enchyi :現在美服的Custom列表都一堆測試房間 XD 都在搶OB 11/02 06:48
8F:推 ef9527 :大家都想看都沒人要打~ 11/02 06:49
9F:推 a2364983 : 11/02 06:50
10F:→ Fuuuck :看custom有啥意思.....? 十年前cs早就全開了 11/02 06:52
11F:→ chshou :OB++ 11/02 06:56
12F:推 DavyBlue :先開custom測試而已吧 我是希望以後可以看高端rank 11/02 06:59
13F:推 enchyi :很難,現在就算OB也只有兩個位置 11/02 07:02
14F:推 Akaski :OB++ 11/02 07:27
15F:→ swwf :進去了,看到兩個路人在一對一 11/02 07:37
16F:推 A10JQK :安安 我想當觀察員 XDDD 11/02 07:50
17F:推 a76842388 :搶不到OB阿XDDDDD 11/02 07:57
18F:→ swwf :找認識的人自己開房間吧 11/02 07:59
19F:推 peteru4 :是不是沒了 我沒看到可以加入的鍵.... 11/02 08:07
20F:→ Hankmix :3分鐘延遲好酷~ 11/02 08:45
21F:推 frankandz :我覺得20秒延遲就可以有效預防作弊了耶 11/02 09:16
22F:→ DavyBlue :20s不夠 還是可以猜出20s後在哪 看動向猜可以埋伏 11/02 09:17
23F:推 frankandz :但三分鐘也太久了吧 感覺不太像旁觀者了 11/02 09:22
24F:→ ZOROCOOL : 觀察者模式 11/02 09:31
25F:→ swwf :三分鐘是基本,因為剛好是眼的持續時間,三分鐘 11/02 09:40
26F:→ doomleika :三分鐘眼的時間 11/02 09:41
27F:推 vincent0911x:三分鐘很OK 像國外他們的實況可以調8分鐘延遲 0.0 11/02 09:46
28F:推 ahinetn123 :20秒光能看到眼就飽了 11/02 10:06
29F:→ GiPaPa :好聰明 竟然有設延遲XD 11/02 10:13
30F:推 oldriver :阿加隆 11/02 10:28
31F:→ shenomanonn :那個影響玩家那一題原文的意思是說:觀察者會造成 11/02 10:30
32F:→ shenomanonn :遊戲效能表現上的問題嗎? 然後回答是不會 11/02 10:31
33F:推 sisko196 :OB++ 11/02 11:19
34F:→ ENEP :Performance issue應該是說增加旁觀會不會造成遊戲 11/02 11:40
35F:→ ENEP :delay或是crash之類的意思 11/02 11:41
36F:推 grayyoung :那之前大陸轉播的是用怎樣的方式????? 11/02 12:41

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