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原文: 顏色意義:這是我的OS或注釋這是提問這是標題英文字... 翻譯可能有誤請指正 (用PCMan就是不同,之前用執行開,顏色弄超久...) 系統會把你分到適當的遊戲類型(NG,單排/雙排,AT團或其他的遊戲模式等)。 盡量讓你的勝率趨近於50% 第1步:確定你的實力: 如果你是單排,則他會依你的elo找隊伍。如果是和朋友一起打則會平均之後(不確定是算術 平均數)再增加一些elo,經過研究認識的一起排勝率會較高,另外還有一些其他的一些調整 。 第2步:確定誰是你的資格對手可能是: 一般狀態下,系統會讓配給你一樣實力的玩家。但有時候例外,因為它不希望你連勝或連敗 。 新手獲得一些特殊的保護,通常會與其他新手配對。 第3步:查找匹配: 最終,系統會讓人人都公平。 CB的時候,98%以上的人都是勝率不超過55%的,不過接下來(OB以及正式營運)會有更多玩家 ,我們會盡力讓它公平。 (這一段我看不太懂) 我的等級是如何計算時間的推移? 我們使用了Elo的系統修改後的版本。該系統的基本要點 Elo的是,它使用數學來比較兩個 玩家的評分來猜測比賽的結果 - 如,“A跟B對打的勝率是75%”。 從那裡,遊戲的玩法。如果你贏了,您將獲得積分,如果你輸了,你失分。如果你的勝利是 系統原本要令你輸的(上面要阻止你連勝的機制),elo則獲得較大。此外,如果你是一個新 帳號,elo會加檢更多,讓你更快達到你的正確elo。 我們還有一些特殊的調整來區分出低級別的30等玩家。 更多細節請參考: 所以是如何配對AT和單排? 我們並不會只允許AT對AT的情況。 經過研究,不同數量的玩家一起排優勢會不同(即2,3,4,5人)廢話,所牽涉的召喚師等級 ,和新手一起排不同,還有很多考慮的因素。 我們調整能夠的確讓它公平。(老王賣瓜) 雖然我們不會給出精確值,因為這些都是商業機密,我們可以說: AT只適度的比單排強。 部分數量一起排只有一點點的優勢。 新手一起排不會特別強,高手則會差很多。 隊伍中有一個神手會比一個廢物強。這表示一個攜帶效果(領袖)會比一個肥料效果高,通常 來說。 OK,那你為什麼一定要讓AT和非AT對打? 因為這樣排比較快。(剩下看不太懂而且我也覺得重要性不高)This works because if you pre-make, it reduces the amount that “bad” or “good” luck related to your teammates causes you to win or lose games. If you pre-make, you join up with people of about your skill, and you now get less random teammates boosting you/screwing you, so your rating gets to an accurate value more quickly because more of each game result is due to you and your friend, who are close in skill. We want people to easily play with their friends because they will have more fun if they do, and you can’t have a 5v5 matchmaking pool of all 2 man teams, or all 3 man teams – you need a mixture for it to work. We chose to include 5-man because it’s a lot of fun – if we have large enough pools later, we might separate 5-man premades from the partial pre-mades – but the data we have shows that this won’t improve the fairness of matches much at all, it will be about the same. 為什麼不用殺人或推塔來增減elo? 我們沒辦法準確的評斷勝利的原因是因為你農出關還是拼命gank贏的。 如果我連勝,就會遇到對面都高手? 答:不完全是,我們不關心你勝率到底有沒有趨近於50%,只是當你連勝的時候也有人連敗 ,就會排在一起。 剩下問答好像就不太重要了:P Q: So, because I won a few games in a row, I’m going to get an impossible match now, right? A: Not exactly. Your rating will rise, so you’ll get harder and harder opponents – but we don’t really care if you go 50/50 win/loss, just that you rating seems to be an accurate prediction of game results. Eventually, you will hit your limit, and you WILL see roughly 50/50 win loss though. Players who are above average will tend to do slightly better than 50/50 because there are more players below them than above them, so matches, when made, will tend to be slightly “downwards”. For expert players near the top of our rankings, they will often run 90% win rates. A: This is an EXCELLENT approach and will allow us even better matchmaking. We will do these eventually, and use new methods we develop on our own for a similar purpose. We will need to do elaborate things to figure out how good you are in general (e.g. personal ratings), while allowing you to freely create/destroy teams. This is a big project, but we are really excited about it. Q: I'm a jerkface leaver. I can game this system by being a jerkface leaver right? A: No. You incur elo adjustment based upon team result in normal game. We don't care if you left or not -- if your team won, you will gain points, if your team lost, you will lose points. You do however incur other penalties for being a leaver (and additionally do lose . We do this to keep the system largely 'zero sum. In ranked games though, we DO give you a loss. Q: If Matchmaking is so fair, how come I just had a bunch of really one-sided matches? A: There are two reasons for this. First, League of Legends sometimes can become 'snowballey'. Some team compositions especially, if they start doing well, will keep doing well. We've seen internal games where you get a 25-5 game and then with the same teams get the opposite result next time around. The second reason is that people have bad games, and teams pick bad sets of champions, and to have a game that is very close, you need both equal skill players AND equal champion picks. Sometimes people will pick a bad team, like 5 melee DPS, or 3 tanks & 2 casters. --
1F:推 pipiispipi :請問原PO是男是女 有照片嗎 08/03 10:09
2F:推 violette0809:請問原PO目前單身嗎? 08/03 10:25
3F:推 Arturia :請問原po今年幾歲 08/03 10:41
4F:推 jackalin2002:請問原po給虧嗎 08/03 11:26
fr014371 :請問原po給要來場激烈的網愛嗎? (LOL) 08/03 11:33 kurtsun :請問原PO的字典裡有放棄嗎? #1EE9H8YJ 08/03 11:33 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
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5F:推 kuramylove :請問原po給要來場激烈的網愛嗎? 09/21 00:25
6F:推 evilisnear :請問原PO目前單身嗎? 09/21 00:26
7F:推 wuyunrui :請問原po給要來場激烈的網愛嗎? 09/21 00:26
8F:→ yeh19921026 :這個簽名檔每次推文都要被問一下 09/21 00:27
9F:推 sniper2824 :請問原PO是甲是由 不要給我照片謝謝 09/21 00:28
10F:推 Terrill :推 ;D 09/21 00:29
11F:→ yeh19921026 :叫一個英文考37的小大一翻譯.. 09/21 00:30
12F:→ yeh19921026 :開兩個google翻譯一個翻譯文章一個翻譯單字,好累 09/21 00:30
13F:推 lpiglet :我之前在WOW翻譯 還要多開WOWBOX翻譯技能總共4頁XD 09/21 00:35
14F:→ Akitsukineko:所有伺服器同elo的強度都是相同的 感覺... 09/21 00:35
15F:推 lpiglet :話說...我已經連敗十幾場了 這是怎麼回事orz 09/21 00:37
16F:推 Akitsukineko:↑表示你輸了系統希望讓你贏的場次 09/21 00:38
17F:→ Akitsukineko:關於看不懂的那段大意是說: 09/21 00:38
18F:→ Akitsukineko:當你premade的時候,通常朋友間的實力會比較接近 09/21 00:39
19F:→ Akitsukineko:所以主要會降低亂度,但不該改變隊伍平均起來的實力 09/21 00:39
20F:→ Akitsukineko:而且朋友之間premade可以獲得較多樂趣 09/21 00:40
21F:→ Akitsukineko:(像是輸了抓戰犯出來請吃消夜之類?) 09/21 00:40
22F:→ Akitsukineko:另一個原因則是把5人隊獨立出來的話數量會不足 09/21 00:41
23F:推 ernieyang09 :說好的AT先撞AT再撞RT呢 09/21 00:42
24F:→ yulymoon :台服2K不比美服2K爛的前提是玩家程度要差不多阿 09/21 00:43
25F:推 lpiglet :其實我是想問 他會一直給我低於我ELO的對手直到我贏? 09/21 00:45
26F:→ serifo :兩邊elo相同,只是他當初給你太高,所以你輸了 09/21 00:50
27F:推 ZMTL :好像看過這ID XD 在C洽頻道 09/21 00:54
28F:→ yeh19921026 :一定是砲姊偷偷嗆我對吧 09/21 00:58
29F:→ yeh19921026 :AT撞AT是一般思維,也就是提問說為什麼AT會對上非AT 09/21 00:59
30F:噓 legenthume :""一個攜帶效果(領袖)會比一個肥料效果高""迷思破除 09/21 01:31
31F:推 Blitzcrank :深藍色根本無法閱讀 09/21 01:46
32F:→ yeh19921026 :我翻譯錯了? 我文章沒有深藍色吧... 09/21 02:18
33F:推 abccbaandy :色碼...不要用34,36比較好 09/21 03:29
34F:→ angelmoon29 :他指的深藍色就是藍色 雖然我不清楚為什麼無法閱讀 09/21 07:03
35F:→ hollowland :藍色色碼太暗了,配上黑背景看起來真的很吃力 09/21 07:09
※ 編輯: yeh19921026 來自: (09/21 08:52)
36F:→ travelmat :台服2000elo 程度跟 美服2000elo一樣? 09/21 09:40
37F:→ travelmat :可他贏就是加 輸就是扣 我不太懂為啥會有這樣的結果 09/21 09:41
38F:推 Blitzcrank :感謝改顏色! 09/21 10:12
※ 編輯: yeh19921026 來自: (09/21 11:54)

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