作者wake01 (醒來)
標題Re: General Jungle Guide by TheOddOne
時間Fri Aug 12 11:25:04 2011
Interview with TSM's Jungler, TheOddOne
So, many people are asking...why don't you stream?
One day I probably should but currently I play LoL on a laptop and it's FPS
gets destroyed by intensive stuff like that and my upload here in western
canada are fairly garbage since the internet plans suck and I'm on a shared
connection with 2-3 computers.
That said, I don't get the interest you guys have in me streaming, I figure
it'd be like Dyrus playing but less funny, more jungling and tons of swearing
each time I screw up (often comboed with a table slam) as I take my mistakes
the hardest.
Who do you think are the most viable and strongest junglers in competitive
Top three: Fiddlesticks, Gangplank,Udyr
Others I'll use if the above three banned: Nocturne,Amumu,Nunu, Jarvan IV,Lee
If for some reason they focus bans on everyone's junglers: Trundle,Olaf
三天王: 稻草人 海盜 Udyr
如果上面被ban: Noc, Amumu, Nunu, J4, LeeSin
如果其他人都被ban: Trundle(註:不是說我很強?QQ), Olaf(註:上次不是說目前廢物?)
What are the strengths of each of these junglers? In what circumstances does
each jungler shine?
The top three are there for their sheer amount of utility and damage. Fiddle
has a ton of damage and CC while still be relevant even if his farm is down
as all he really needs is levels. Gangplank is on the same boat, he can
literally just be a stat+ bot and spam his E in fights while casting ultimate
while tanking and be more useful than most junglers and thats not factoring
in his Q and passive slow. Udyr is a machine tankwise and damage wise while
having fantastic ganking power.
Udyr可坦可輸出,還有夢幻的gank power
I fully expect Nocturne to be in every single game at germany IEM as he's
likely not ban worthy but is simply a terrific all rounder and his diving
ability is extremely useful in the current game as if say the enemy takes
amumu and goes in, that'll leave the enemy AD open for a dive while the rest
of his team attempts to make use of the ultimate amumu has done. That and
Nocturne is extremely strong at all stages of the game, even super late as
like most melee carries, it's hard to 1v1 him at all without being super fed.
And to avoid a wall of text, I'm not explaining anything else :P
What do you think defines a good jungler? ie. What separates an amazing
jungler from a decent one?
你怎麼定義一個好的jungler? 舉例來說,一個驚人的jungler跟一個不錯jungler的差別?
Awareness and adaptability, I've had games where I was 0-3 yet I was still a
level ahead of the opposing jungler as he didn't know how to adapt after his
team pulled a level 1 gank off so his jungling speed was completely horrible.
Also being in the right area ahead of time is part of awareness, being stuck
bottom when a good gank could've happened at that time top is often what
happens to decent junglers. Whenever I'm walking from fountain, I either
check the lanes and how the waves are going and if I see no ganks, I'll tell
the lane I'm intending to gank to let the lane push back so I can perform
one. Combining all this (and as stated in my jungle guide) by balancing
ganking with farming to maximize hurting the enemy while helping yourself as
not balancing these 2 aspects will not be more helpful.
因為他不知道在被lv1 gank後要如何適應,所以速度完全慢下來
Why don't you play amumu often in competitive play?
His weakness early game is a huge decision why I hate him, as I don't get how
people EVER get caught by him as when I stuck on a carry in solo queue, that
shit never reaches me whether it's early game laning or late game teamfights,
you'd have to be completely oblivious to get caught in it with your tanks
(like why are you beside your front lines again?) as it's extremely easy to
just bait an amumu and dodge his futile attempts to engage. The only way to
really reliable get caught by him is if your flash is down and he uses his
own flash as getting hit with his Q is like getting hit with morgana's bind,
it's only unavoidable if the terrain is limited or you're cced. On the topic
of his early game weakness, he relies completely on his team to do everything
for you and often I don't think they understand that Amumu won't be beating a
nunu or nocturne in ganks.
我在solo queue玩carry的時期就從來不瞭為啥會有人被他抓,不管早中晚期撐線團戰
What many jungle players don't know is how to react when you've been counter
jungled and how to respond to that situation before you get too far behind.
Could you give us some thoughts on that subject?
Try to secure your small camps as soon as possible, while it's bad to have
lost your small camps, often the worst thing to do is attempt to do the enemy
camps AFTER you've seen yours are gone as likely the stronger enemy jungler
will be at his camps finally and likely kill you. Often you'll have to just
do stuff like killing small lizards and such while waiting for the camps to
respawn (though dont try to actually fight the big lizard) but it is vital
that you're around your small camps when they do spawn or else the enemy
jungler might take them. Often when you get counter jungled, you'll have time
to kill small lizards then run back to wolves and hopefull be back for wraith
and double golem camps.
Who do you think is the best player that fills the jungle role?
Personally I think this question is a little biased but I think either me or
Wetdream. While Fnatic and AAA(Millenium) did place higher, most of the
jungling at dreamhack was standard and never really could outshine the
carries throughout the tournament so I have no idea if that is really how
they play. And I'm not sure how people kept getting caught by Jarvan ganks,
especially at level 2 considering wtf else is Jarvan gonna do at level 2, of
course you're getting ganked early!
而且我不瞭為啥有人會被J4 gank到,特別是J4在lv2根本沒有wtf其他事去做
Someone on the forums asked "Have you ever wondered why you sound so
different in your guides than in live streams/videos like the interview at
dreamhack?" Also, can you input your thoughts on how fans view famous League
of Legends players?
Maybe I'm just lazy or something and don't speak as loud while I'm at home or
my computer keeps messing my mic up as I've tried at least a couple and I
still sound deep. As for the other question, I'm not sure, I think it's
fairly awesome if they want to be fans of whoever and flame the enemy as
nothing is more fun in LoL downtime then fanboys creating drama.
While somewhat related to the question, if you manage to beat a few strong
teams in a go4lol and start dick sucking the next round since you're facing a
team you're a fan of, grow a little pride and start playing to beat them. If
you've managed to beat other strong teams and manage to face say CLG in a
semis or finals, it's likely that you deserve to be there and you've earned
your way to that spot so there should be no reason you or your team shouldn't
be trying the hardest to win. This is been my philosophy in every competitive
game I've played, I don't give a shit if I'm facing some famous player or my
idol, if I've been given the chance to play them, you're damn right I'm gonna
be trying to beat them.
Who are your favorite and least favorite high elo players to have on your
solo-queue team?
Favorite would be bigfatlp on any strong champion and Hotshotgg on his main
account as I know not only are those two trying their best to win, it's
actually possible for them to be a huge factor.
As for who I hate: Therainman and king of kimchi. I don't get how these guys
have enough brain function to even breathe let alone play solo queue, if
there's something as basic as calling your goddamn lane when he enters our
own jungle, they'll miss it. A fight going on about a screen away between
your jungler and the enemy laner of the LANE THEY'RE FACING, they'll miss it
while continuing to farm while being amazed that the enemy laner managed to
kill both golem and lizard in the 20 seconds he walked to the right of the
而我最恨的是Therainman和king of kimchi
What are your opinions on Dominion?
I'm not sure yet, it truly depends on if the game mode is fun and if it'll
actually get true support and not the ghetto support Twisted Treeline
received. I haven't actually tried it yet but I assume it's similar to
domination (or onslaught even) of Unreal Tournament but nobody played it as a
few of the levels were completely no fun in single player as it involved you
walking from the ends of the map to control a couple positions except your
3-4 allied AI teamates had trouble not staring at walls so they kept losing
the one you had just taken so nobody actually wanted to play it online.
我還沒真的試過,但是我認為他會像是Unreal Tournament的domination或onslaught
That said, I hope it gets true support and actually becomes a serious thing
rather than a side mode like ARAM as it'd be a great change of pace and could
really changeup the genre.
In what ways do you think your jungling can improve?
I think I should probably play more aggressive early game as it's highly
unlikely I'll get the farm mid-late game to be a bigger threat than carries
as in competitive play, the jungler is stuck with the scraps while the 3
carries hog the real farm.
當有3 carry農的正爽的時候,jungler只能去撿破爛
What advice do you have for upcoming teams who want to enter the competitive
league of legends scene?
Play in as many tournaments as you can. I cannot stress this enough, I didn't
somehow luck out into getting a chance to play for TSM (or haters
previously), what I had over every other solo queue pubstar was the mass
amount of tournament experience. Think of tournament games as a resume, while
solo queue rating is nice to have, constantly performing in tournaments will
help you (skillwise) get far better in solo queue and maybe even have your
team place well enough for prizes. I'm sure theres plenty of tournaments in
the competitive forum to enter but right now I'd say entering each weekly
Go4LoL is a must, I didn't have this chance in dota since the america
tournament scene didn't really have a sponsored organisation hosting weekly
tournaments so you had to enter the long CAL and HTGN tournaments which
weren't often and took a while to complete. Go4LoLs are a chance to meet even
the tier 1 teams as you could luck out to play them in the early rounds, but
ever since Riot contracted ESL to perform weekly tournaments for NA, I'm
confident to say that the general team skill level has improved immensely to
nearly catching up on the months of lead that europe had.
當我發現其他solo queue玩家都有大量比賽經驗時,我對無法參與TSM感到遺憾
不僅會在solo game玩更好,也更有可能為你的隊伍拿到獎勵
How would you describe each of your teammates?
Regi: Mob boss 黑道老大
Chaox: Drug runner 運"貨"的
Xpecial: Thug 暴徒
TheRainMan: The type of guy we'd be extorting 會勒索人的
Do you plan on playing some games with your fans in the future?
Me personally, I don't think so. I've tried to play with my old dota friends
but the matchmaker in this game kills any fun we'd have trying out 5
swordsman and what not and we get CRUSHED. Honestly the matchmaker has ruined
any chance for me to coach lesser skilled players or play with fans as unless
they're actually able to get to say 1000 rating in ranked (as in maintain
it), they'll probably be decimated. And I'm not sure of the actual numbers
but I'm sure that is basically only the top 15% of LoL players, you'd be
absolutely surprised at how bad people can be in this game.
Will you be updating your jungle guides soon according to more recent patch
Honestly, if there is enough interest I could update em as well as post new
videos for em but I figure posting guides for champions I haven't done yet
will get more views so I might just be doing that in the near future
What do you like to eat in a prolonged gaming session?
Those cheap noodle bowls that you fill with boiling water and apples and
Bananas. I like oranges more but those are such a bitch to eat when you're
What else do you play outside of League of Legends?
Before PC gaming completely took over, I used to play a ton of genesis (Road
Rash/Toejam and Earl/Skitchin/Mutant League Hockey being my favorites), I
played a ton of Starcraft after that, a ton of warcraft 3 and Phantasy Star
Online (GC) until LoL. Now I mostly just play LoL and stuff I buy on Steam
like ME1,ME2,GTA4,Borderlands,Terraria,Recetear,L4D2 and Plants vs Zombies.
Questions from Teammates!:
Reginald: Why are you so good at imitating a raptor?
Fuck you.
Chaox: Why do you rage so much in solo queue? Is Udyr referring to you when
he says "Our rage is beyond your control"?
你在solo queue為什麼這麼rage?
是不是因為你玩Udyr然後Our rage is beyond your control?
It's just who I am I guess, I don't play as much solo queue as some people
(aka over 1000 solo queue ranked) so trolling me is worth more than trolling
someone who has 2k solo queue ranked games as I have less time than that
person to be screwing around with trolls. Oh and Fuck you.
我只是做我自己,我不像一些人玩這麼多solo queue(像是超過1000分的)
所以troll我會比troll 2K人還值,因為我跟troll相處的時間比較少
歐然後Fuck you
TheRainMan: Are you related to Free Willie?
Fuck you.
Xpecial: Why "the odd one", are you really that odd?
為什麼是The Odd One? 因為你真的很Odd嗎?
Personally I think so whether it's due to my behaviour or mannerism I'm sure
there's some psychological... Ah screw it, Fuck You.
我確定有些心理學的玩意...h screw it, Fuck You.
Would You Rather:
(Rules were only 5 seconds to choose answer & thanks to PGB for the idea)
Shurelia or Rinoa: err Rinoa
have a big butt or a big head: big head because I already have one
nice ugly girl or mean pretty girl: -long pause- hurry up nice ugly girl
nintendo 64 or playstation 1: nintendo 64
officer jenny or nurse joy: jenny..joy's a bitch anyway
make out with a fat guy ..oh god I don't even want to know the other one.. or
lick his armpit: What the f#ck..neither. You have to answer Li..lick the
guy's armpit? Okay I guess that would be better than the other one
call Regi daddy or nibble on his ears: call Regi daddy, I do it anyway
THE END (thanks for sticking around and come back next week for a new
Also be sure to watch TheOddOne's general jungle guide here
Check out the new SoloMid Contest here!!
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◆ From:
1F:推 a2364983 :頭推 Odd超棒的 08/12 11:29
2F:推 firegsh :雖然偷表雨人不過他DH時的J4可是120%的J4 08/12 11:31
3F:→ firegsh :醬狗跟上路農立場會對立不意外XD 08/12 11:32
4F:→ frankie30432:最恨泡菜王XDDDD 08/12 11:32
5F:推 eistain :超好笑XDDDDDD 08/12 11:34
6F:→ eistain :我覺得xpecial的問題真讚XDD 08/12 11:34
7F:推 fearimba :最喜歡熱射最恨泡菜王XD 08/12 11:35
8F:推 thedeathhero:Noc超後期很難跟他1v1嗎?... 08/12 11:35
9F:推 a2364983 :這篇好表XDD 他表很多人 也很多人表他XD 08/12 11:36
10F:推 firegsh :其實1v1真的不好打贏 但是多數人在早期就玩到劣勢 08/12 11:38
11F:→ wzmildf :最後面XDDD 08/12 11:40
12F:→ wzmildf :noc 1v1又檔技能又恐懼的 還能回血很討厭... 08/12 11:40
13F:→ a2364983 :我喜歡選強力英雄的jiji和用主力的HS 暗指jiji > HS? 08/12 11:40
14F:→ wzmildf :而且passive也掃頗痛 08/12 11:40
15F:→ firegsh :其實嚴格來說 是 但是角色不是這樣比的 08/12 11:42
16F:→ frankie30432:HS不用MIAN本來就比較弱 08/12 11:42
17F:推 ernieyang09 :king of kimchi!!! 08/12 11:42
18F:推 j02850 :他說本尊HS是因為泡菜王超troll HS玩本尊還蠻認真的 08/12 11:42
19F:→ frankie30432:拼錯字了.. 08/12 11:42
20F:→ firegsh :HS玩輸出沒有那麼痛 但是煩人的程度jiji比不上 08/12 11:42
21F:→ firegsh :像nid cho swain 上路的惱人英雄 08/12 11:43
22F:→ firegsh :不去壓他擋他 讓他肥 最後就會被殺爆 08/12 11:45
23F:→ kknkjay :感覺HS用不同角色 實力比其他人不平均 08/12 11:51
24F:→ kknkjay :NID.CHO用得特別強 其他角相較下較弱 08/12 11:52
25F:→ kknkjay :然後比賽就很悲劇 場場被BAN MAIN 08/12 11:52
26F:→ kknkjay :回歸主題.. 很喜歡ODD的攻略 超多咩咩尬尬 08/12 11:53
27F:→ kknkjay :很多細微的地方都講得比很多攻略好很多 08/12 11:54
28F:推 firegsh :醬狗神不是白叫的 08/12 11:56
29F:推 kknkjay :極推薦就算還不主練JUNGLE的玩家也多看他教學RP 08/12 11:59
30F:→ kknkjay :可以學到好觀念 多打幾場在回頭看可以理解學到更多 08/12 12:00
31F:→ milkteacup :隊友每人都有一個法克u XDDDDDDD 08/12 12:02
32F:→ a12582002 :看到泡菜王大笑XD 08/12 12:03
33F:推 s1129sss :看到泡菜王大笑+1 XDD 08/12 12:17
34F:推 smallcoll :最喜歡hotshotgg最討厭king of kimchi XDDDDDDDDDDDD 08/12 12:18
35F:推 coolboy16 :最後結論:FUCK YOU 08/12 12:19
36F:推 smallcoll :TSM到底是怎樣,大家都互幹 lol 08/12 12:26
37F:推 Wxu :請問一下 odd的jungle rp要去哪看 不勝感激 08/12 12:37
38F:推 firegsh :用/ ... 08/12 12:47
39F:→ kknkjay :Youtube上打theoddone就很多了吧 0wn3d印象也有 08/12 12:55
40F:推 Caplet :push~~ 08/12 12:57
41F:推 Dimitre :最喜歡HS最討厭泡菜王XD 08/12 12:58
42F:→ Dimitre :還有討厭雨人是怎麼回事 隊友捏XD 08/12 12:59
43F:推 jeff82465 :Q:@#$%^&*()_ Ans:FUCK YOU! 08/12 13:17
44F:推 goldflower :哈哈哈 泡菜王XDDD 08/12 13:22
45F:推 a6021314 :怎麼每個回答都有f**k you啊XD 08/12 14:38
46F:推 vicklin :雨人實況是有看過他說的狀況.. 08/12 15:17
47F:推 shadowdaj :又沒有shaco!!! :( 08/12 15:30
48F:推 Stealer :也沒有WW 08/12 17:10
49F:推 darklucker :推 Fuck you XDD 08/12 19:19