LatinAmerica 板


※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板] 作者: AirKobe24 ( 4場 50+ > 3場 50+ ) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [爆卦] 美聯社: 巴拉圭拒絕在聯合國支持台灣 時間: Tue Sep 2 12:22:58 2008 Paraguay to reverse support for Taiwan at UN By PEDRO SERVIN Associated Press Writer ASUNCION, Paraguay (AP) -- Paraguay will reverse its historic support for Taiwan at the upcoming United Nations General Assembly, and also is reconsidering its relations with communist regimes. President Fernando Lugo said his government wants to maintain diplomatic relations with all countries of similar interests. "Paraguay's foreign policy will be independent under my government and will not accept conditions," Lugo said in a local television interview Sunday. Paraguay, the last South American country to recognize Taiwan, has supported the island since 1957, voting every year in support of resolutions to admit Taiwan to the assembly. Nations that recognize Taiwan don't have diplomatic relations with communist China, which considers the island a renegade province. But Lugo's election last April ended 61 years of one-party, conservative rule under which Paraguay distanced itself from communist countries. The leftist president, who was inaugurated Aug. 15, said he wants to establish relations with China, which has boosted its diplomatic and trade ties with Latin America in recent years. Lugo also said he is considering an invitation to visit Cuba from former President Fidel Castro. But Lugo says he is not following in the footsteps of another South American leftist leader, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who has established close ties with China and Cuba. "I will not be influenced in any way by President Hugo Chavez," Lugo told Channel 2 television in Asuncion. "My government will not copy any foreign political model. We have our own reality different from that of other nations." In return for Paraguay's 51 years of support, Taiwan has sent millions of dollars to the impoverished country for low-income housing, agricultural development and scholarships. Even now, Paraguay's senate is considering accepting a new donation from Taiwan of $71 million. "We will no longer vote (at the U.N.) for Taiwan despite the fact that we recognize the aid the country has provided," Lugo said. It wasn't clear what impact the new president's position will have on Taiwan's latest offer of help. HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT -- 太˙超˙過˙了 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
1F:推 AiYoriAoshi5:美廉社滿便宜的 09/02 12:24
2F:→ l83:馬 囧了 09/02 12:24
3F:→ flysonics:OP 之前那篇被當成政治文給砍了= =|| 不知這篇....? 09/02 12:24
4F:推 HYL: 台灣自己內部都投票不要加入聯合國了,未來大概也不會再遞件 09/02 12:24
5F:推 anachronism:很好啊 反正入聯公投也沒過 09/02 12:24
6F:→ sofaly:事實證明前政府是對的 大家每天少喝一杯真奶吧 09/02 12:24
7F:→ HYL: 巴拉圭的態度又算什麼呢 09/02 12:24
8F:→ flysonics:公投不代表什麼啦 軍購公投沒過還不是給他買下去了? 09/02 12:25
9F:推 NTUer:放心 大家都是中國人 中國人不打中國人 除非你不是中國人 09/02 12:25
10F:推 Linzoma:沒關係 反正世界末日快來了 這點小事算什麼 09/02 12:25
11F:→ HYL: 之前的軍購是在公投前就下單了的樣子 09/02 12:26
12F:推 laukun:巴拉圭沒斷交 算給面子了 09/02 12:26
13F:推 lenyan:又沒差這個小國家 09/02 12:26
14F:→ shacking:軍購不是被擋好幾年?現在要買美帝還不賣~囂張的很~ 09/02 12:27
15F:→ laukun:樓上的 ..你有大國嗎? 搞笑 09/02 12:27
16F:推 jorden:一人一信支持外交休兵邦交國跑了就算了 09/02 12:27
17F:推 joe2:外交投降策略成功,馬太棒了! 09/02 12:27
18F:推 Dissipate:巴拉圭新政府本來就是左派 09/02 12:27
19F:推 Wenjiabao:台灣公投不加入聯合國了啦 現在是兩岸一家親 09/02 12:28
20F:推 wenchii:上一篇被砍了,這篇呢?? 09/02 12:28
21F:推 Darius1979:沒關係啦 反正金門都要喝敵軍的水了 飛彈也感覺不見了 09/02 12:28
22F:推 IEhacker:Gan! 看來$$$$$$$$$$$送的不夠多啦!! 09/02 12:28
23F:推 Warheart:淦...這黑的切開怎麼也是黑的 09/02 12:29
24F:推 invincibleb3:真悲哀 09/02 12:29
25F:推 iamch:巴拉圭這麼小的國家算什麼,我們準備跟中國這個大國家建交了 09/02 12:29
26F:→ wenchii:外交休兵新解..馬英九透過翻譯說:我們甚至可以提高援助 09/02 12:29
27F:推 shacking:烽火外交不好,人家可是乖寶寶,節能減碳,外交休兵(扭) 09/02 12:29
28F:推 blueteethXD:馬英九 還我國 09/02 12:30
29F:推 nixo:馬上加入中國就有近兩百個邦交國喔。 09/02 12:30
30F:→ shacking:而且還不用年年搞入聯反聯,請支持加入中國 09/02 12:30
31F:推 Mapleboy:----------加入中國 我們也是常任理事國------------- 09/02 12:31
32F:→ wenchii:馬秋鳳唱:別人耶外交是凱子的外交 莞耶外交是砸錢..XD 09/02 12:31
33F:推 Missio:台灣當然不給阿 要就中華民國 09/02 12:31
34F:→ iamch:中華台北 先生:"我們甚至可以提高援助"! 09/02 12:31
35F:推 Jason0813:加入中國 我們也是奧運主辦國 09/02 12:31
36F:→ shacking:我們有地主優勢(扭) 09/02 12:32
37F:推 headiron:不要這樣啦~~(娘) 09/02 12:32
38F:推 hhhippo:當一個堂堂正正 驕傲又抬頭挺胸的中國人.. 09/02 12:32
39F:→ Wenjiabao:----------加入中國 我們也是常任理事國------------- 09/02 12:33
40F:推 moonshade:騜表示:樂觀其成... 09/02 12:33
41F:推 laukun:剩人眼裡不屑小國 跟中國建交 馬上超英趕美 09/02 12:33
42F:噓 IEhacker:Gan! 看來我們$$$送的不夠多啦!! 09/02 12:34
43F:推 iverson7394:$$$$$$$$$會幫我們說話 09/02 12:34
44F:推 AD2007: 有人說還可以「提高援助」哦 09/02 12:34
有人去檢舉想刪文 只好改掉推文連結
45F:→ shacking:跟中國不是建交,是入中,大家快準備照片要換身份證了~~ 09/02 12:35
46F:→ Pash77:馬神不是說不要金錢外交? 怎麼又變「加錢」外交了? 09/02 12:35
47F:推 sheepxo:就算阿扁當總統, 巴拉圭還是會講同樣的話 09/02 12:35
48F:→ laukun:抱歉 是回歸! 我們是第一強國 09/02 12:36
49F:推 bigsun0709:它算老幾~XD 09/02 12:36
50F:→ laukun:阿扁又出現了.... 剩人 09/02 12:36
51F:推 H7: 馬英九 還我國 09/02 12:37
52F:推 blueteethXD:當自己也變成殭屍的時候 就不用再怕被殭屍咬了 09/02 12:39
53F:推 aseans:去看看巴拉圭總統競選前的政見吧,不管台灣現在誰當總統 09/02 12:39
54F:推 cloud7515:他們大概不想剛入聯合國就被踢出來吧 09/02 12:39
55F:→ aseans:他都會是一樣的立場 09/02 12:40
56F:推 invincibleb3:所以當跟支那人一樣黑心時 就不會中毒了 09/02 12:40
57F:推 oops119:騜:看來我要親自下海 來鞏固外交了 賣身不賣藝(扭) 09/02 12:41
58F:推 besamey:離特區又邁進了一小步 XD 09/02 12:41
59F:推 vnucit:這代表著馬政府 自願降格的低調外交 真的是需要反省了! 09/02 12:41
60F:推 YuZu666:你們都不懂 這是騜為了省金援外交的苦心阿~~~~ 09/02 12:41
61F:推 tomlang:怕什麼~台獨金庫至少有七億耶~ 09/02 12:41
62F:推 rookiecop:有錢好說話~~ 09/02 12:42
63F:推 wenchii:馬○:看來我不出動不行了 短褲露○外交出擊.演出總統沙龍 09/02 12:42
64F:推 djcc:巴拉龜:好兄弟 對不起 你給的錢太少了 要我投票 請再加碼 09/02 12:43
65F:推 Innnn:七億能幹嘛?人家拿三百億出來一下子就把你打死了 09/02 12:43
66F:→ opie:之前不是說不金援就斷交嗎?怎麼還不斷? 09/02 12:43
※ 編輯: AirKobe24 來自: (09/02 12:46)
67F:推 rupcj:聯合報:外交部半殘! 09/02 12:44
68F:推 Warheart: 騜: 是時候去扒拉龜總統家long stay了 09/02 12:45
69F:推 hhhippo:騜:我都願意加碼了 謀巴拉龜一隻是麥多少啦 全包了 09/02 12:45
70F:→ djcc:美聯社: 美國拒絕在聯合國支持台灣 顆顆 09/02 12:45
71F:→ shacking:芭樂馬不是浪得虛名的~~ 09/02 12:45
72F:→ djcc:美聯社: 英國拒絕在聯合國支持台灣 顆顆 09/02 12:45
73F:→ opie:也沒差,就算巴拉圭支持也不會改變什麼,還是把錢省下來吧 09/02 12:46
74F:→ z252467:各國也只是把台灣當金庫而已 沒錢拿當然... 09/02 12:48
75F:→ opie:過去送這麼多錢,換個總統就變了態度,金援外交真的是很糟 09/02 12:49
76F:推 wacolor:反正又沒有台灣 只有中華台北... 09/02 12:50

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
77F:→ sweetylake:不知道版主有什麼看法? 09/02 12:52
78F:推 Paraguay:哎呀 在巴拉圭呆久了 有想過會有這天 09/02 15:14
79F:推 HCCLandRover:板主啊~~你怎麼變心的這麼快 09/02 19:44
80F:推 Paraguay:西瓜靠大邊 只好對不起你們了XDD 09/03 14:18

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