作者sweetylake (梦月湖)
标题[转录][爆卦] 美联社: 巴拉圭拒绝在联合国支持台湾
时间Tue Sep 2 12:51:36 2008
※ [本文转录自 Gossiping 看板]
作者: AirKobe24 ( 4场 50+ > 3场 50+ ) 看板: Gossiping
标题: [爆卦] 美联社: 巴拉圭拒绝在联合国支持台湾
时间: Tue Sep 2 12:22:58 2008
Paraguay to
reverse support for Taiwan at UN
Associated Press Writer
ASUNCION, Paraguay (AP) -- Paraguay will reverse its historic support for
Taiwan at the upcoming United Nations General Assembly, and also is
reconsidering its relations with communist regimes.
President Fernando Lugo said his government wants to maintain diplomatic
relations with all countries of similar interests.
"Paraguay's foreign policy will be independent under my government and will
not accept conditions," Lugo said in a local television interview Sunday.
Paraguay, the last South American country to recognize Taiwan, has supported
the island since 1957, voting every year in support of resolutions to admit
Taiwan to the assembly. Nations that recognize Taiwan don't have diplomatic
relations with communist China, which considers the island a renegade
But Lugo's election last April ended 61 years of one-party, conservative rule
under which Paraguay distanced itself from communist countries. The leftist
president, who was inaugurated Aug. 15, said he wants to establish relations
with China, which has boosted its diplomatic and trade ties with Latin
America in recent years.
Lugo also said he is considering an invitation to visit Cuba from former
President Fidel Castro.
But Lugo says he is not following in the footsteps of another South American
leftist leader, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who has established close
ties with China and Cuba.
"I will not be influenced in any way by President Hugo Chavez," Lugo told
Channel 2 television in Asuncion. "My government will not copy any foreign
political model. We have our own reality different from that of other
In return for Paraguay's 51 years of support, Taiwan has sent millions of
dollars to the impoverished country for low-income housing, agricultural
development and scholarships. Even now, Paraguay's senate is considering
accepting a new donation from Taiwan of $71 million.
"We will no longer vote (at the U.N.) for Taiwan despite the fact that we
recognize the aid the country has provided," Lugo said.
It wasn't clear what impact the new president's position will have on
Taiwan's latest offer of help.
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
1F:推 AiYoriAoshi5:美廉社满便宜的 09/02 12:24
2F:→ l83:马 囧了 09/02 12:24
3F:→ flysonics:OP 之前那篇被当成政治文给砍了= =|| 不知这篇....? 09/02 12:24
4F:推 HYL: 台湾自己内部都投票不要加入联合国了,未来大概也不会再递件 09/02 12:24
5F:推 anachronism:很好啊 反正入联公投也没过 09/02 12:24
6F:→ sofaly:事实证明前政府是对的 大家每天少喝一杯真奶吧 09/02 12:24
7F:→ HYL: 巴拉圭的态度又算什麽呢 09/02 12:24
8F:→ flysonics:公投不代表什麽啦 军购公投没过还不是给他买下去了? 09/02 12:25
9F:推 NTUer:放心 大家都是中国人 中国人不打中国人 除非你不是中国人 09/02 12:25
10F:推 Linzoma:没关系 反正世界末日快来了 这点小事算什麽 09/02 12:25
11F:→ HYL: 之前的军购是在公投前就下单了的样子 09/02 12:26
12F:推 laukun:巴拉圭没断交 算给面子了 09/02 12:26
13F:推 lenyan:又没差这个小国家 09/02 12:26
14F:→ shacking:军购不是被挡好几年?现在要买美帝还不卖~嚣张的很~ 09/02 12:27
15F:→ laukun:楼上的 ..你有大国吗? 搞笑 09/02 12:27
16F:推 jorden:一人一信支持外交休兵邦交国跑了就算了 09/02 12:27
17F:推 joe2:外交投降策略成功,马太棒了! 09/02 12:27
18F:推 Dissipate:巴拉圭新政府本来就是左派 09/02 12:27
19F:推 Wenjiabao:台湾公投不加入联合国了啦 现在是两岸一家亲 09/02 12:28
20F:推 wenchii:上一篇被砍了,这篇呢?? 09/02 12:28
21F:推 Darius1979:没关系啦 反正金门都要喝敌军的水了 飞弹也感觉不见了 09/02 12:28
22F:推 IEhacker:Gan! 看来$$$$$$$$$$$送的不够多啦!! 09/02 12:28
23F:推 Warheart:淦...这黑的切开怎麽也是黑的 09/02 12:29
24F:推 invincibleb3:真悲哀 09/02 12:29
25F:推 iamch:巴拉圭这麽小的国家算什麽,我们准备跟中国这个大国家建交了 09/02 12:29
26F:→ wenchii:外交休兵新解..马英九透过翻译说:我们甚至可以提高援助 09/02 12:29
27F:推 shacking:烽火外交不好,人家可是乖宝宝,节能减碳,外交休兵(扭) 09/02 12:29
28F:推 blueteethXD:马英九 还我国 09/02 12:30
29F:推 nixo:马上加入中国就有近两百个邦交国喔。 09/02 12:30
30F:→ shacking:而且还不用年年搞入联反联,请支持加入中国 09/02 12:30
31F:推 Mapleboy:----------加入中国 我们也是常任理事国------------- 09/02 12:31
32F:→ wenchii:马秋凤唱:别人耶外交是凯子的外交 莞耶外交是砸钱..XD 09/02 12:31
33F:推 Missio:台湾当然不给阿 要就中华民国 09/02 12:31
34F:→ iamch:中华台北 先生:"我们甚至可以提高援助"! 09/02 12:31
35F:推 Jason0813:加入中国 我们也是奥运主办国 09/02 12:31
36F:→ shacking:我们有地主优势(扭) 09/02 12:32
37F:推 headiron:不要这样啦~~(娘) 09/02 12:32
38F:推 hhhippo:当一个堂堂正正 骄傲又抬头挺胸的中国人.. 09/02 12:32
39F:→ Wenjiabao:----------加入中国 我们也是常任理事国------------- 09/02 12:33
40F:推 moonshade:騜表示:乐观其成... 09/02 12:33
41F:推 laukun:剩人眼里不屑小国 跟中国建交 马上超英赶美 09/02 12:33
42F:嘘 IEhacker:Gan! 看来我们$$$送的不够多啦!! 09/02 12:34
43F:推 iverson7394:$$$$$$$$$会帮我们说话 09/02 12:34
有人去检举想删文 只好改掉推文连结
45F:→ shacking:跟中国不是建交,是入中,大家快准备照片要换身份证了~~ 09/02 12:35
46F:→ Pash77:马神不是说不要金钱外交? 怎麽又变「加钱」外交了? 09/02 12:35
47F:推 sheepxo:就算阿扁当总统, 巴拉圭还是会讲同样的话 09/02 12:35
48F:→ laukun:抱歉 是回归! 我们是第一强国 09/02 12:36
49F:推 bigsun0709:它算老几~XD 09/02 12:36
50F:→ laukun:阿扁又出现了.... 剩人 09/02 12:36
51F:推 H7: 马英九 还我国 09/02 12:37
52F:推 blueteethXD:当自己也变成殭屍的时候 就不用再怕被殭屍咬了 09/02 12:39
53F:推 aseans:去看看巴拉圭总统竞选前的政见吧,不管台湾现在谁当总统 09/02 12:39
54F:推 cloud7515:他们大概不想刚入联合国就被踢出来吧 09/02 12:39
55F:→ aseans:他都会是一样的立场 09/02 12:40
56F:推 invincibleb3:所以当跟支那人一样黑心时 就不会中毒了 09/02 12:40
57F:推 oops119:騜:看来我要亲自下海 来巩固外交了 卖身不卖艺(扭) 09/02 12:41
58F:推 besamey:离特区又迈进了一小步 XD 09/02 12:41
59F:推 vnucit:这代表着马政府 自愿降格的低调外交 真的是需要反省了! 09/02 12:41
60F:推 YuZu666:你们都不懂 这是騜为了省金援外交的苦心阿~~~~ 09/02 12:41
61F:推 tomlang:怕什麽~台独金库至少有七亿耶~ 09/02 12:41
62F:推 rookiecop:有钱好说话~~ 09/02 12:42
63F:推 wenchii:马○:看来我不出动不行了 短裤露○外交出击.演出总统沙龙 09/02 12:42
64F:推 djcc:巴拉龟:好兄弟 对不起 你给的钱太少了 要我投票 请再加码 09/02 12:43
65F:推 Innnn:七亿能干嘛?人家拿三百亿出来一下子就把你打死了 09/02 12:43
66F:→ opie:之前不是说不金援就断交吗?怎麽还不断? 09/02 12:43
※ 编辑: AirKobe24 来自: (09/02 12:46)
67F:推 rupcj:联合报:外交部半残! 09/02 12:44
68F:推 Warheart: 騜: 是时候去扒拉龟总统家long stay了 09/02 12:45
69F:推 hhhippo:騜:我都愿意加码了 谋巴拉龟一只是麦多少啦 全包了 09/02 12:45
70F:→ djcc:美联社: 美国拒绝在联合国支持台湾 颗颗 09/02 12:45
71F:→ shacking:芭乐马不是浪得虚名的~~ 09/02 12:45
72F:→ djcc:美联社: 英国拒绝在联合国支持台湾 颗颗 09/02 12:45
73F:→ opie:也没差,就算巴拉圭支持也不会改变什麽,还是把钱省下来吧 09/02 12:46
74F:→ z252467:各国也只是把台湾当金库而已 没钱拿当然... 09/02 12:48
75F:→ opie:过去送这麽多钱,换个总统就变了态度,金援外交真的是很糟 09/02 12:49
76F:推 wacolor:反正又没有台湾 只有中华台北... 09/02 12:50
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
77F:→ sweetylake:不知道版主有什麽看法? 09/02 12:52
78F:推 Paraguay:哎呀 在巴拉圭呆久了 有想过会有这天 09/02 15:14
79F:推 HCCLandRover:板主啊~~你怎麽变心的这麽快 09/02 19:44
80F:推 Paraguay:西瓜靠大边 只好对不起你们了XDD 09/03 14:18