作者Jetty (Kill or be killed)
標題[問題] 請問各國語言的「廁所」
時間Wed Sep 28 22:58:10 2005
麻煩各位了 <(_ _)>
For millions of years, In millions of homes. A man loved a woman,
A child it was born. It learned how to hurt and it learned how to
cry. Like Humans D http://www.wretch.cc/blog/Jetty n out. So slip
inside this funky house. Dishes in the sink. The TV's in repair
Don't look at the floor. Don't go up the stairs.
I'm achin I'm shakin I'm breakin Like Humans Do
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: Jetty 來自: (09/28 22:58)
1F:推 heure:francais: les toilettes (nf.pl.) 09/28 23:01
2F:推 Inezie:nihongo: お手洗い (o te ara i) 09/29 05:04
3F:推 albyu:korean: hwa jang sil (化粧室) 09/29 09:50
4F:推 charlesyes:Spanish: servicios lavado 09/29 12:14
5F:→ charlesyes:lavabo才對 = = 09/29 12:16
6F:推 youngberry:土耳其文 tuvalet 09/29 16:18
7F:→ tau:西班牙文 還有bano (n上面有~) 09/30 00:42
8F:→ tau:English: toilet, restroom 09/30 00:43
9F:推 horseying:西班牙文SANITARIOS也是廁所的意思 10/01 12:30
11F:→ bloedchen:德文 Toilette (一定要大寫喔) 10/03 13:48