Kings 板


Peja's agent denies story of trade request By Sam Amick -- Bee Staff Writer Published 4:28 pm PST Tuesday, November 15, 2005 It had been less than a day since agent David Bauman talked to his client, Peja Stojakovic. David Bauman不到一天前曾和他的客戶談過話,而那個客戶正是Peja。 When last they spoke, Stojakovic's only concern regarding his Kings team was how to speed up its slow start. Yet Bauman's cell phone was suddenly ringing nonstop on Monday, with word spreading that Stojakovic was a requesting a trade. 那時他們所談的內容,Peja僅在乎如何幫起跑落後的國王隊暖身然後迎頭趕上。 而週一,Bauman的電話突然響個不停,全都為確認Peja要求交易的謠言而來。 "My first reaction was, "What the (...) is going on?" Bauman said. "So I called Peja and wanted to find out if anything had happened in the last 24 hours since we'd talked." 我當時的第一個反應是"你ㄨ媽的怎麼了?"Bauman這樣說。 於是我打了電話給Peja,想搞清楚在我們上次講話後的24小時內是否發生了什麼。 What had happened was an Arlington Heights Daily Herald story which stated that "rumors persist that… Stojakovic wants a trade to the Bulls or is hoping to sign here as a free agent next summer." 而找到的來源就是Arlington Heights Daily Herald發布了一篇報導, 裡頭說"據可靠消息指出 Peja想被交易到公牛 或者在暑假成為自由球員"。 (奇怪 @@a 他今年結束後有球員選擇權 第二個根本不用強調) The report prompted various NBA Web sites to circulate the speculation that Stojakovic - who asked for a trade before last season - wanted out again. Bauman, though, said that couldn't be more false. 這篇報導快速的在各個網站蔓延開,不斷推測著Peja ─ 上一季要求要交易的事 是否復發? Bauman說,沒有比這個更荒謬的了。 "We categorically deny that we're asking for a trade," Bauman said. "我們明確直接的否認我們(Peja)要求交易"Bauman說道。 "We haven't discussed free agency at all in the past two months. It's the furthest thing from his mind. I know he just wants to get the team right. These kinds of false rumors, it's almost like they're designed to cause turmoil. 在過去兩個月,我們甚至還沒討論到成為自由球員的事。 這是離他(Peja)心中最遙遠的事了。我知道他只想該如何讓球隊步上正軌。 像這樣的謠言,簡直是惟恐天下不亂而生的。 "I guess that's what they need to do to get people to click on their web sites, but I really resent people printing rumors as fact. I can tell you we had nothing to do with it." "我猜那大概是為了要讓人去點擊他們的網站罷了,但我痛恨人們積非成是的信以為真" "我只能說我們和那些東西無關"。 When asked about the report on Monday, Stojakovic said, "I can't control what the papers (do), or what somebody is going to write. It's going to be what it's going to be. I can't really say what's going to happen (in the offseason)." Peja被問起週一的報導,他說:"我不能控制報紙上報什麼或人們寫什麼" "未來會發生以後就會發生而我沒辦法明確說未來會怎樣"。 13862210p-14701859c.html ** Peja的經紀人講的明確,Peja倒是沒有正面去說 但比起Peja 公牛的Tim Thomas似乎比較想被交易 XD --

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