Kings 板


Rick Adelman says he hopes the Kings can make offseason moves to acquire players who can provide athleticism and serve as a deterrent around the basket (現行國王的薪資結構下,要找一個禁區中有熱力同時也有威懾力的防守悍將幾乎只能 寄望交易來達成.......) 原文網址 html 說說個人比較感興趣的部分(就上半篇的外電而言,大約整理出6個重點) 先把原文節錄下來 1. Q: And so when you say one more big man, you're thinking of an interior-defender type? A: An interior defender. With Chris and Brad - and I'm not saying Vlade's not going to be here - but Chris and Brad are very good rebounders. But I think you still need a little more physical presence around the basket. 我個人的感覺是老狄 大米勒 CW在防守端並不是不能硬 而是不為的問題 雖然他們老的老 嫩的嫩 傷的傷 但是防守這回事 心還是最重要 國王的禁區組合 其實並不算差 只想找一個球員就要彌補防守的漏洞 還不如先把前3人的心態 做改變還比較來的實際 2. Q: It looked as though Vlade's performance dropped off with the decrease in minutes, and that would lead me to wonder, if he's coming back - and most likely it's time for Brad to become the center - whether Vlade can work in a bench role with those reduced minutes. A: Actually, I think it might be even better for him. He'd have to change some things as far as warming up, to make sure he got up a really good sweat, instead of starting, where he's always been the type to just get in the game. But I think it'd be better in a lot of ways, because he might play a longer stretch, 10 or 11 straight minutes, rather than play seven, come out, and play six more. I think it might be better for him to play longer minutes, and then you have the break of the quarter, the early timeout in the second quarter - there's a lot of things that are advantageous there. This year, I just thought Brad was doing a great job coming off the bench. It worked this year. But that would be something that I think Vlade could very easily adapt to, because that's the way he is. 老狄是該打板凳了 改打板凳對他以及球隊都是件好事 無須贅言 3. Q: Is that how you interpreted Chris's comments? A: Well, he's talking about somebody on the team, which I don't think is the right thing to do. I think it's the wrong thing to do. Everything I've always said to this team is, What can you do? Not to look at other people, but to yourself: What can you do? 輸球抱怨總是難免 但是要先問自己盡力了沒 我相信Peja CW都盡了力 但是結果 顯示問題出在哪裡? People say he(Peja) got tired. Well, yeah, he might have gotten tired, not just because of the minutes he played - he's still a young guy. I hear that all the time, about the guys' minutes and "that seven-man rotation." I don't know where that came from. Why can't you play seven guys? It wasn't like I was playing seven guys 45 minutes a game. It always amazes me, because our top four guys played about as much as the Lakers' top four guys, and they're 40 years old, a couple of them. It's how you split your minutes after that. 教練舉出湖人隊的老人來作為反證 Peja的確應該沒有體力這方面的顧慮 畢竟他才幾歲 所以很顯然的是 教練不認為自己的調度是讓Peja表現下滑的原因 那麼究竟真是Peja累了 還是Peja不夠鞭策自己? If I had four big guys who played all one position like Minnesota, yeah, I could play nine guys. But I always thought that was so bogus. Peja was playing a lot. Mike was playing a lot. Well, an eight-man rotation wouldn't change that, or a nine-man, because those guys still have to be on the floor. It's like Garnett and Sprewell - those guys have got to be on the floor. Does it mean I give a guy six minutes a game, so I can claim an eight-man rotation and that I've done the "right" thing? I never bought into that. 這裡我有一些個人的想法 的確如果在垃圾時間增加一個上場人次 實質上對於 球隊的rotation並無實質改變 而主力球員的重要性也不會因為多一個人的上場 而有所下降 但是現實上當主力球員無法在其上場時間表現出其應有水準的同時 教練就應該做些改變 也許換個人上場試試 這並不意味那些主力球員不重要了 而是把他們放在場上並不能對球隊產生幫助時 可以做些不同的嘗試 Peja DC BB CW....的重要性無可替代 但是當他們打不出來時 難道還應該堅持把他們 放在場上嗎? 如果是不信任板凳球員 那又是另一個問題了 給你一季的時間 連個板凳都培養不出來? Wallace難道真的就這麼不如湖人的Rush 新人小S 就真的不如湖人的烏克蘭坦克? 禪師一向也不愛用新人 但他不至於到完全不用 看看湖人的Rush 如果不是教練給他機會 他能投進5球3分球讓湖人終結灰狼? Rush不過也才2年級 5. Q: That's critical for him(Peja), isn't it, in order to get to the next level? A: It's critical. And I've told him that, too. I've seen the great players, like Larry Bird, who added something every year. Bird developed a low-post game, he got to the line, he used his left hand. Magic added the post-up, three-point shots. They all developed things. But our world is instant gratification, and if a guy isn't all-everything immediately, they're all down on him. But you look at Peja - what did he average, 17, 18 points in the playoffs? That's not terrible. But you expect more out of him, and I think Peja really understands that. And that's his next evolution as a player, to be able to do that. Peja打不出來該是自己的問題 面對敵人當然的侵略防守 evolution是他所需要的 不能老是由隊友掩護得分 空手切也不是年年過年 create situation是他要學的 如果他不能自我突破 那他最多就是這樣了 6 . Q: You included Bobby Jackson on the post-season roster. Did you ever expect him to play? A: I thought there was a good chance he would play. I thought maybe after 10 days or whatever, it would get better and we would have a chance. That's why we put him on there. You just never knew when he might feel good enough to play. But it just didn't happen. He just didn't feel comfortable enough to play. And like I've said 100 times before, if Bobby says he can't play, he can't play. You can't question that. 球迷該當相信BJ 而是不是將他視為代罪羔羊 輸球大家都有責任 老實說艾教練的確是個好教練 但是在某些時候 是應該做一些適時的改變 以及強制性的 深切性的要求球員們改進 老是看國王第三節失神 光這點教練就難辭其咎 毛病在那邊卻一直沒有解決之道 國王不是像湖人那種天才型 球隊 國王老 爆發力又不足 光是叫球員自我反省有時候是達不到效果的 唯有在動作上以及在場上確實地要求球員做到該做的事 贏球才能穩穩當當 教練性格上的盲點 有時候的確就反映在球隊的球風上 但是國王不是湖人 沒有偷懶擺爛的本錢 想贏球 就該100%全力付出 -- --

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