作者squinting (go Kings!!)
標題Some Qoutes
時間Sat Feb 28 18:20:19 2004
國王球員過去一些有趣的發言,看到覺得很有趣所以跟大家分享一下 :)
from: feeltheroar.com
Chris hates Bobby Jax during practice - he is like a gnat. He is
Webber 在球隊練習時,最討厭 Bobby Jax ─ "因為他就像是煩人的昆蟲,
"Yeah, he's O.K., but I do wish the boy would stop eating from time
to time."-- Bobby was asked about his fondness of Bibby in the SI issue.
Bobby 談到他對 Bibby的喜愛 ─ "喔,他很好阿,但是我真的希望他可以不要
(還是吃指甲 :p)
"That's just talk from a guy who likes to talk," Sacramento's Bobby
Jackson said. "Nobody cares. You can't listen to everything he
(Shaquille O'Neal) says. Even he don't listen to everything he says."
Bobby 談俠客 ─ "那只是一個愛耍嘴皮的人說的話,沒人在乎。你不能聽進所
"I remember this one time we were on the plane and I sat accross from
Vlade, and he was watching Remember The Titans. It was the scene where
the kid got into the accident, and I looked, and he had tears rolling
down his face. I couldn't believe it... he was crying! Vlade was just
boohooing off a movie. I laughed so hard. It was funny to me, man,
that he's that kind-hearted that a movie got to him. But it wasn't
like he had some little tears, he was just bawling out."
--Scott Pollard on Vlade
Pollard 談老狄 ─
"我記得有一次坐飛機時,老狄坐在我旁邊,他在看 Remember The Titans 這部
"We won and I'm glad he missed."-- Brad Miller on his view of the Shaq fight.
"我們贏了而且我很高興他左勾拳失敗" ─ Miller 談到與俠客的打架事件。
"He has had some tough situations to deal with here, but he doesn't
overreact;maybe he goes home and hits his head against a tree, but we
don't see it." -- Jerry Reynolds on Geoff Petrie
Reynolds 談 Petrie ─
撞樹,只是我們沒看到而已.......。 "
A lay-up is better than a dunk because ...
Bibby: I'm not as young I used to be.
How old are you?
Bibby: 24.
You don't get to say, "I'm not as young as I used to be" at 24.
Bibby: These legs got a lot of miles on 'em. It's been 38 minutes-plus
since I came in.
Bibby: 我不再年輕了。
Bibby: 二十四。
不會有人在二十四歲的時候說"我不再年輕了" 這種話吧?!
Bibby: 可是我的腳已經行了萬里路了阿。我每場都要打超過三十八分鐘...
"I like when we win a game because if we do, I got out and party, but if
we lose, I go home and be sad" - Peja
回家,默默難過。" ─ Peja
"I can't cook. Nothing. Can't do it," he said. "I tried this year in
training camp. I tried to make eggs. It didn't work. I threw them away.
My mom cooks for me."
--Peja Stojakovic when asked what he was making for Thanksgiving.
Peja被問到感恩節時他煮了什麼 ─
搞的蛋蛋亂飛 (沒有啦,應該是把蛋丟掉:p)。我媽會幫我煮。"
"I will get a technical. For excessive hanging on the rim. Definitely."
-Chris Webber on what is going to happen when he dunks the ball for the
first time since getting surgery.
被問到復出後的第一個灌籃會如何,Webber 回答 ─
"If anyone knows Peja, hes the funniest guy on the face of this earth,"
Webber ─ "如果你們認識的話,就會知道他是全地球最有趣的人了。"
"That's bad. Normally, I can run up and down the floor two or three times
before they get down it once. Now I'm slow."---Gerald Wallace on his left
knee causing him to run slower than Vlade & Brad
Wallace 談到他左膝的傷勢 ─
"It was something that was stupid that probably shouldn't have happened,
I have children, and that's not the type of thing that I'm trying to
portray, but there are times and places where you have to stand up for
yourself, and I felt that was one of them." - Doug on the fight w/ Fox
Christie 談到與 Fox 的打架衝突 ─
"Rick didn't just go too far. He went overseas and back" -Divac on the fight
老狄談到這件衝突 ─ "狐狸先生不只是過分而已,他根本就是繞了地球一圈再回來了。"
(pistonJW: 後面一句意指 Fox 被趕出場後還意圖去球員休息室找 Christie 算帳的
"When he makes a big play, he's got to make a mean face or stare in the
crowd or something. I'm going to teach him how to celebrate. That must
be how it is when you grow up in Indiana."-Mike Bibby on changing Brad
Miller's half goofy, half-crazed laugh/smirk/smile celebration after big
Bibby 談到大米勒笨笨瘋瘋的慶祝方式 ─
"A dumb and big player, Not dominant. For a guy 35 and so lazy, he moved
like he was a young guy."--Bobby Jackson(in jest folks)
Bobby 談到老狄 ─
"No more balls for Bobby."-Vlade's answer to Bobby's quote
"People have been saying for years that he's slow as a turtle, you name it.
But he can still get to the basket."-Brad Miller
─ 大米勒談老狄
"Oh, he's so good about lulling guys asleep and then beating
'em to the basket." "He's been doing it for years."-Anthony Peeler
之有年了。" ─ Peeler談老狄
"It was on tape two years ago when I saw film of the (Los Angeles) Lakers
and Chicago (in the 1991 NBA Finals)"-Peja(jokingly) about the last time
he saw Vlade play this well
"那是兩年前的時候,我在錄影上看到湖人與公牛的比賽(1991 NBA冠軍賽)"
─ Peja 談到他上一次看到老狄打的那麼出色。
"They were much more excited to do that than to practice. I wish they talked
like that with each other on defense."-Rick Adelman on the guys saying Happy
New Year in Serbian.
Adelman 談到球員們用南斯拉夫話說新年快樂 ─
"How they could leave Peja open is beyond me!" -Bobby Jackson on
Seattle's defense of Peja(who made 6 of 10 from 3pt's)
Bobby 談到超音速對 Peja 的防守 ─ "我真搞不懂他們怎麼會放空檔給 Peja。"
(pistonJW: "beyond me" 的意思是 "超過我的理解範圍"。例如你不知道某件事
的來龍去脈,你可以說: "It's beyond me.")
"If I was the opposing team, I would just let him shoot because he misses
when he is open. However, when there is a guy in his face, he makes the
hardest shots ever. All teams can try and do to stop him is grab him"
- Darius Songaila about Peja.
Songaila 談 Peja ─
"Oh, you mean, 'The Mouth Assassin,' " said Kings guard Mike Bibby when
asked about Peeler. "I gave him that name because he kills people with
his mouth. He likes the name, too. But nobody talks more than Anthony
那個綽號。沒有人比 Anthony Peeler 更厚話了。" ─ Bibby
"No vegetables," Bibby says. "If I get a hamburger,it better not have
tomatoes or anything on it.No lettuce. No onions. I am pretty picky about
不要萵苣,不要洋蔥,我對這個可是很挑剔的喔。" ─ Bibby
"I thought soccer was my future, but then,I got too big. When I was 13,
they told me I was too tall for soccer and kicked me off the field. Not
really, but I just wasn't good anymore." --Peja on Soccer
不再踢的好罷了。" ─ Peja 談足球
"with that score he (mike) should just stick to basketball" Divac on
Bibby's bowling
"那個分數,嗯,他還是好好打他的籃球好了....." ─ 老狄談到畢比打保齡球。
"Look at that, checks and stripes."-Bobby Jackson after looking at
Peja's clothes.
Bobby 看完 Peja 的穿著後說:"看看那是什麼鬼格子衣服"。
"You Americans!" "Go back to your baggy clothes and Sean John jeans.
You know nothing about fashion."- Peja's answer to Bobby
Peja 不甘示弱的回應:"你們這些美國佬,滾回去穿那些布袋衣和約翰信安牛
仔褲吧,你根本不懂得什麼叫做時尚 "。
"He's an American citizen!" "He's gone. He hasn't been to Europe in 10 years!"
-Peja after Vlade coincidentally comes in wearing an untucked shirt with
Sean John Jeans
Peja:"他現在是美國公民啊.....他已經....十年沒去過歐洲了......!! "
"Silly American," Stojakovic says. "Someday you'll learn. Someday you'll
understand fashion."
- to bobby jackson (again..)
時尚!!!!"...... Peja 餘音繚繞.......
(pistonJW: "baggy clothes" 是指那種非常寬大的 T 恤或上衣,在九零年代非裔
"Sean John" 是饒舌歌手 Puff Daddy 在 1998 年來成立的服飾品牌
Official Website:
http://www.seanjohn.com/sj6/ )
Allen Iverson was contemplating all this Shaq-Kobe-Phil stuff that was a
favorite topic of All-Star weekend. Sacramento's Peja Stojakovic, for one,
didn't think much of it because of the "cow town," in Phil Jackson's words
, he plays in.
小艾一直在關注明星賽的火熱話題,也就是 Shaq-Kobe-Phil三人之間的事情。
但是 Peja 不太在乎,因為就像 Phil Jackson 所說的阿,沙加緬度是個養牛的地方...
"We don't always get the newspapers. It depends whether the train stops
that day," Stojakovic offered. "So we don't always know what's going on."
什麼事耶......" ─ Peja
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※ 編輯: squinting 來自: (02/28 18:23)
1F:→ ponda:好好玩喔 呵呵 推218.165.161.151 02/28
2F:→ Tyrael:這種相互吐槽,要不是感情太差就是感情太好 推 02/28
3F:→ msz:他們絕對是感情太好的:) 推 02/28
4F:→ shinyoker:哈哈,感情實在太好了,難怪打得出那種球風 推140.127.179.242 02/28
5F:→ nicknhit:太好笑啦...哈哈哈哈哈哈XD 推 02/28
6F:→ mouse4890:恩~感情真的好到沒話說! 推 02/28
7F:→ LV:老狄實在太好笑了.....:P 推 02/28
8F:→ smashingcure:推約翰信安 推140.119.191.211 02/28
9F:→ japen:太爆笑了..不曉得有哪個球隊有這樣的感情 推 02/29
10F:→ skywaiter:太好笑了吧...哈 推 02/29
11F:→ nauto:有狄老在的地方就有笑聲和歡樂^^ 推 02/29