Kings 板


CHRIS WEBBER UNDERGOES KNEE SURGERY June 10, 2003 SACRAMENTO, CA ---- Sacramento Kings All-Star forward Chris Webber and swingman Gerald Wallace underwent arthroscopic surgery today (6/10/03) at HEALTHSOUTH Medical Center in Birmingham, Alabama. Internationally renowned orthopaedic surgeon Dr. James R. Andrews performed the surgery on both players. Webber和Wallace在6/10做了關節內視鏡的手術,他們的醫生是國際有名的整形醫師。 Webber underwent arthroscopic surgery on his left knee. Dr. Andrews removed a piece of the outside knee cartilage and smoothed and prepared an articular cartilage defect for healing. webber在左膝動手術,醫生移除了一塊膝蓋外側的軟骨,(後面不確定~對不起><) According to Dr. Andrews, Webber will be on crutches for approximately eight weeks while working on rehabilitation exercises to promote the healing response . It is anticipated that he will be under some basketball limitations until the beginning of the regular season. 為了使復原加速,webber在復建時約需使用八週的柺杖,預期他可能無法打球直到例行賽 初。 Webber suffered a meniscus tear in his left knee in Game 2 of Sacramento’s Western Conference semifinals series with the Dallas Mavericks at American Airlines Arena (5/8/03), forcing him to the sidelines for the remainder of the season. webber左膝半月軟骨的撕裂導致他在之後的比賽都得坐在場邊。 “Chris played through a lot of adversity over the course of this past season, ” said Kings President, Basketball Operations Geoff Petrie. “Despite playing with discomfort for much of the year due to various injuries, he was truly on a quest to lead our organization to a championship before suffering a season-ending meniscus tear in the playoffs. We will continue to provide Chris with all the necessary support and resources for him to return to the court and lead our team again.” 「webber在季中經歷了許多逆境」Petrie說。「儘管因為許多的傷導致一年中他常常帶著 不適上場,但他始終在追尋著帶領球隊要贏得冠軍,直到半月軟骨撕裂使他本季結束。我 們會繼續給他需要的支援和資源,使他能回到場上再一次的帶領我們的球隊。」 Webber led the Kings to the NBA’s third-best (59-23) record and second straight Pacific Division title with team-high averages of 23.0 points, 10.5 rebounds and 5.4 assists per game. webber帶領國王得到第三名的紀錄和太平洋分區冠軍。 Wallace had an arthroscopic decompression procedure on his left shoulder for chronic rotator cuff tendinitis. The procedure, according to Dr. Andrews, went as planned. Wallace, who averaged 4.7 points and 2.7 rebounds in 34 games this past season, will begin his rehabilitation program immediately and should be ready for training camp on September 29th. Wallace左肩因慢性肌腱炎(?)動了關節減壓(?)手術。他會即刻開始復健,並會回到訓練 營在9/29。 資料來源: 嗯~大家都要快點好起來唷[祈福中] (哈哈~忽然覺得自己翻的好詭異...-_-) -- ~*~Just let me be your angel And let it be If there are really angels in these world~*~ --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From: ※ 編輯: vsmile 來自: (06/11 12:09)
1F:→ eipduolc:推一個:) 謝謝翻譯啦..辛苦了 推218.167.194.253 06/11
2F:→ LV:我只希望它能好好養病..完全康復了再上場. 推 06/11

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