Japan_Travel 板


※ 引述《lovex (L O V E X)》之銘言: : 請問一下 : 新千歲機場到星野渡假村如果想搭JR過去 : 是否可以先在網路上預約買票 : 剛剛查了一下似乎得前一天就拿票,所以好像只能當天購買? : 不知是否有查錯~想請問有經驗的人~謝謝! 借文問一下,我2/15要家族旅遊是去 clubmed Tomamu 日前有聽聞近期clubmed中國遊客很多(可能因clubmed是中資) 但現在中日航空減班,且中國禁止團客,且日本禁止湖北遊客的情況下 想請問有沒有當地人,或者是剛回來的人,可以給一點情報 有關目前clubmed Tomamu 中國客是否會很多,或是現在現況是怎麼樣? 謝謝 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 以下附上去信問clubmed官方信箱,得到的回應 大概是說中國香港的reservation largely impacted,應該就是有比較少 Regarding your request we cannot provide you this information. What we can confirm is that the number of reservations coming for these countries were indeed largely impacted. (這邊的these countries是指中國及香港,因為去信是問這兩個地方的旅客比例) We understand the concern and wish to emphasize on the fact that the health and safety of our guests and our staff in our number one priority. The Club Med resorts in Japan are following the law and health regulation of Japan and we have obviously put in place a lot of actions to ensure as much prevention as possible. GENERAL ACTION 1. Meeting and training with the whole staff to make them understand the seriousness of the outbreak and the measures put in place. 2. Large stocks of masks and thermometer purchased and in use TEMPERATURE RECORD 3. Daily temperature check of all staff members in duty in each service and record sent to HR 4. Systematic temperature check of all check in GMs in the resort. Record of any guest whose temperature is above 37,5C. 5. Temperature check for all Guests at the restaurant entrance at Lunch time. 6. For the children, temperature record is done twice a day for those who join the Mini Club. (Each time the parents sign them in) 7. If temperature recorded is above 37,5C Guest or Staff will be immediately brought to the closest hospital available for medical checkup. Club Med will take care of the cost of the transportation fee. Hospital expense will remain at the charge of the Guest/Staff. USAGE OF PROTECTIVE AND HYGIENE EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCTS 1. Kitchen staff to wear masks and gloves during preparation, service and cleaning 2. All Housekeeping staff to use N95 protective masks during room and public areas cleaning with chemical products 3. Hand sanitizers available in all the gathering points of the resort (Reception, Guest relation service, Mini club, Ski school, Restaurant, Bar, Theatre etc…) 4. Usage of hand sanitizers is enforced at the entrance of the restaurant during meal time by welcome GOs, restaurant supervisors and/or managers on duty. 5. Usage of hand sanitizers is enforced to the children when finishing their activities. Handwashing before meal time is also mandatory for the children in Mini Club. For you information Japan is now restricting entries in the country for Chinese people originated from the Hubei region and Wuhan city. Everyone in Club Med is involved into managing this sanitary crisis and we will take any additional action instructed by our office should it be necessary as the situation evolves. Hope this helps making you feel more confident about your stay. Looking forward to welcome you to Club Med Tomamu! Best Regards, --
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/Japan_Travel/M.1581338530.A.8BA.html
1F:推 philip1205: 去年12月初去有特別從泡湯的地方走過去,都是陸客 02/10 20:58
2F:推 aissue: 目前在星野渡假村打工,農曆年後中客銳減,但還是偶爾會遇 02/10 22:05
3F:→ aissue: 到。 02/10 22:05
4F:→ lne: 怕就不要去... 02/11 10:23

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