專訪來源轉自 http://tinyurl.com/9uacmc6 This fall, there’s a korean who tours around the world with his music and dance: 今年秋天,一個韓國的音樂家藉由他的音樂和舞蹈展開他的全球巡迴。 XIAH JUNSU, once a member of TVXQ and now Kim Junsu, a member of JYJ and a musical actor. With rewriting K-pop history, he is keeping his fresh and bold steps by releasing his first solo album under the name of ‘XIA.’ His step is so brave it is as if he tries to reach the apex of K-pop power in his every concert on the worldwide tour. He participated in the minutest part of the recording process of the latest album, showing his firm determination as an artist. XIAH JUNSU,一度是TVXQ的成員和現在的金俊秀,JYJ的成員和一名歌舞劇演員。他藉由 發行他的第一張名為”XIA”的新專輯來保持他的新穎和活躍的腳步而重寫K-pop的歷史。 他的步伐是很勇敢的,就像他嘗試在他在全球的每一場演唱會中達到K-pop power的頂點 。他参與錄音中過程中的細節,展現出一位藝術家般的堅定的決心(感謝kangchan大)。 Where does this young man, who his shaping his own future, get his confidence from? We tried to answer this question through an e-mail interview as the singer was about to wrap up his successful New York and LA concerts. 這個正在發展自己未來年輕人的自信是從何而來? 我們嘗試藉由EMAIL訪談這位應該成功 地完成他在紐約和洛杉磯的演唱會的歌手來回答這個問題。 Q. What is the overall keyword of the latest album ? Q: 甚麼是最新專輯的關鍵字? A. There are largely two words: XIA and Unequalled. In light of putting all music that I want to do and I can do, ‘XIA’ is the word expressing everything I’ve been showing to the people. There are a variety of genre like pop, dance, ballad, R&B, HipHop, and Electronic. In light of no TV promotion, I thought I had to make top-notch music and focused on ‘Unequalled ’ music which leads the unequalled trend. A: 主要來說就是”XIA”和”Unequalled”。考慮放進去所有我想作且我能作的音樂,” XIA”"這個字(感謝kangchan大)傳達所有我已經成現給大家的每樣東西。 有很多類像是流行音樂、舞蹈、抒情敘事曲風、R&B、嘻哈和電音。因為無法在電視上宣傳, 我想我必須作出頂級的音樂和強調" Unequalled”的音樂去引導不同的潮流。 Q. You once said the title song TARANTALLEGRA is not a song to listen but a song to watch. Q: 你曾經說過主打歌TARANTALLEGRA不是一首聽的歌而是一首看的歌 A. Yes. The latest music is inspired from the musical ELIZABETH in which I was participating. With acting the mysterious and charismatic DEATH who stands between a god and a man, I made this dream-like pop song. The title means a spell to make people dance. I tried to make a dramatic and extraordinary music video and put effort in the details including fashion and choreography. This song can be completed with visual factors. A: 是的。最新的音樂是從我參加的歌舞劇伊麗莎白激發而來的。藉由飾演神秘又有魅力 介於神與人間的死神,我作出了這首像夢般的歌曲。歌名是代表一個會讓人們跳舞的咒語 。我試著作一支戲劇性(顯著的)和特別的MV並且著力於像時尚和編舞等細節。這首歌是附 帶視覺要素的。 Q. You became the first Korean solo singer to have concerts in Mexico, Brazil, and Chile. What made this worldwide tour begin? Q: 你成為第一個在墨西哥、巴西和智利舉辦演唱會的solo歌手。是什麼讓這全球巡迴開 始的? A. During JYJ’s worldwide tour I came to know there are many fans in North & South America and Europe and was motivated to work harder. I earn passion and energy from overseas fans’ response. After releasing the solo album and doing the Asia tour, I’ve earned more confidence. And, the main reason is ‘ not to be complacent and hesitate but to move forward to a bigger goal.’ A: 在JYJ的全球巡迴中,我知道有很多在南北美洲和歐洲的粉絲且激勵我更努力工作。藉 由海外粉絲的回應我獲得熱情和能量。發行個人專輯及亞洲巡迴後,我得到了更多的自信 。且主要的原因是”不要自滿和猶豫,但要朝更高的目標邁進” Q. (Not visible) Q: ……… A. (Part not visible)…Musical teaches me a joy to interpret what is established so it is my own and to cooperate with other performers and staff to complete it. I realized another potential I never knew, and it inspires me not only as the musical actor Kim Junsu but also as the singer XIA. A: (有部分看不到) 歌舞劇教我如何去詮釋what is established的愉悅,所以是一種我 自己和其他表演者合作完成。了解另外一種我從未知的潛能且激勵我不只是個歌舞劇演員 金俊秀也是歌手XIA。 Q. After nine years from your debut, you can be more active in your work and you seem to have a sense of accomplishment. Q: 自出道9年後,你在工作上更活躍且你似乎有成就感。 A. There’s happiness beyond a sense of accomplishment. Currently I’m not following the road that someone shows me, but coming up with ideas by myself and doing what I want. It’s so hard but rewarding. It heightens a sense of satisfaction as a singer. Compared with the past, I think I got maturer and [increased my] knowledge of the world, and gradually grew into a man. A: 那是種更甚於成就感的愉悅(感謝ytteb大)。現在的我不是走別人為我鋪好的路,而是走 我想要走且來自我本身的想法。這很難但是值得的。這提高了身為歌手的成就感。跟過去 相比,我想我更加成熟且(增長我的)知識,且漸漸的成長成男人。 翻譯@ilia ---------------------------------------------------- 好像沒看過這篇專訪 非專業英文也非專業翻譯 有不對的地方麻煩糾正^^ 最後要說 ktam大 平常辛苦你啦 太愛你了!!! --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:推 pllo:謝謝翻譯~ 10/04 01:25
2F:推 julia761029:感謝翻譯 是不是[在感受到成就感之前 我先感受到幸福] 10/04 03:22
3F:推 TVFXQ:翻譯推!!!>▽<bbb 請問可以轉到DISP板嗎~? 10/04 04:15
TV大不嫌棄的話 請儘量轉^^
4F:推 ktam:謝謝翻譯啊!!那個是控制碼嗎XDDD(我思考了很久耶呵呵~~) 10/04 07:40
5F:→ ktam:ps那句翻譯我覺得應該是:那份(成就感帶來的)快樂遠超越於成就 10/04 07:42
6F:→ ktam:感本身~ 不知道這樣有沒通順一點^^" 10/04 07:43
7F:推 ytteb:K大不只韓文好英文也好。我附議那句話k大的翻譯 10/04 08:35
8F:推 ytteb:我自己一開始是翻成"那是種更甚於成就感的愉悅" 10/04 08:37
9F:→ lublue:ytteb~~~你翻得好精闢!!! 10/04 08:42
大家英文都好專業 下次直接丟英文連結出來就好了XDDD 謝謝大家一起來討論 翻譯真的是很專業的東西 內文我改用ytteb大的翻譯^^ ※ 編輯: ilia 來自: (10/04 11:18)
10F:推 ytteb:喔摸好害羞>//<其實我想了好久。以後大家一起來討論增進 10/04 11:25
11F:→ ytteb:翻譯功力。其實我覺得很考驗中文程度啊...冏 10/04 11:26
12F:推 perfumelady:謝謝各位翻譯~ 10/04 11:27
13F:推 Hersilia:推YT大~翻譯真的是考驗中文程度XDD 感謝原PO翻譯喔>///< 10/04 11:27
14F:推 kangchan:firm determination 堅定的決心(堅實的辦斷力) 10/04 12:04
15F:→ kangchan:ballad 比較像是抒情敘事曲風 (俊秀應該沒有跳芭蕾~) 10/04 12:06
謝謝KAN大 ^^翻到後來已經頭昏眼花了@@ ※ 編輯: ilia 來自: (10/04 12:31)

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