Ind-travel 板


網誌完整圖文版: 從小就很喜歡彼得兔的故事,也看了波特小姐這一部電影。 到湖區旅遊,算是一圓小時候的夢想吧! 湖區佔地幅員廣大,停留的時間有限,我待了4天,還是覺得不夠, 如果能租個小屋住上10天半個月,一定很棒。 在湖區4天,每天都下雨;行前查了湖區的一週天氣,預測還蠻準的,運氣真是"好"...... 想進行彼得兔的主題之旅,最有效率的方式就是參加tour. 我在Windermere YHA報名了Mountain Goat 這家的daily tour : Beatrix Potter's Lakeland and Wordsworth Tour Beatrix Potter's Hilltop Farm - home of Peter Rabbit Jeremy Fisher's Esthwaite Water Jemimah Puddleduck's village of Near Sawrey Squirrel Nutkin's Derwentwater Stunningly beautiful Tarn Hows and Monk Coniston Estate Yewdale, Yew Tree farm, Loughrigg Tarn and Grasmere all featured in the "Miss Potter" movie starring Renee Zellweger Coniston Water - lake cruise Hawkshead Village Ullswater - "Queen of the English Lakes" Castlerigg Stone Circle - the enigmatic ancient stone circle Grasmere - stopover in village for lunch A visit to Hilltop farm is a highlight of this tour but lovers of Beatrix Potter know that her world extended throughout the Lake District, from Sawrey, Hawkshead, Yewdale and Tarn Hows in South Lakeland to Newlands and Derwentwater in the north and to the head of the Troutbeck Valley in the east. This most comprehensive Lake District tour not only visits places associated with Beatrix Potter, her delightful characters, her farms and locations featured in the “Miss Potter” movie but also includes a lake cruise on Coniston Water and some of the most beautiful lakes and spectacular mountain scenery the area has to offer. With frequent stops throughout the day for photographs and short walks, this tour is the ideal way to enjoy the landscape that Beatrix Potter so loved and sought to preserve. Additional Comments Price includes Lake Cruise but not including entrance charges 優點:行程排得還可以,特別是天候不佳的情況下,有車子載著跑來跑去到很多點, 好過雨中行軍式的步行,或是雨中苦等那班次少少的公車。 缺點:32英鎊價格小貴,司機兼導遊的服務態度普普。 Hawkshead Village: 地理位置在 Windermere 和 Coniston中間,算是位於湖區的中心地帶, 美麗的村莊保存著一分古樸典雅的英式風格, 村莊起源於西元10世紀, Hawkshead這個名字是根據最早創立村莊的人“Haukr”的名字而來。 約15世紀時這個村莊生產羊毛,為村莊帶來了一段時間的繁榮, 而今日因為彼得兔的故事聞名於世界。 這裡有多家彼得兔相關紀念品專賣店,每一樣都好可愛啊啊啊~~~~~~ 可是一想到我的行李箱必須控制在20公斤內才能上得了easyJet,克制克制!!! 同車有一位德國來的中年女士,買了一張Renee Zellweger (主演波特小姐的女主角) 錄製的彼得兔床邊故事集, 我問她:這個是買給妳的小孩聽的嗎? 她說:不,是我自己要聽的。 ............喔喔,可見彼特兔的魅力不分老少大家都愛~~~ 嗯,如果願意步行,從Windermere走到Hawkshead Village 約3小時。 下次再到湖區,若是天氣好我真的想慢慢散步走一趟。 這個村有個景點是英國著名的詩人William Wordsworth上學的學校 Hawkshead Grammar School. 建立於15世紀的教堂The Parish Church of St Michael. 喜歡欣賞建築的人,教堂小巧古典的風格值得一看。 Hill Top Farm : 山頂農場是Beatrix Potter(1866-1943)度過大半生的家, 同時也是彼得兔和好朋友的家。 住家的外觀是典型的17世紀農舍,內部保存了波特小姐居住時的傢俱、手繪的 水彩作品圖稿,內部不大, 不能攝影,而且入內參觀的人都要把外套先脫下掛在門口。 屋外的農場花園保存得和彼特兔繪本裡面的場景一模一樣,一花一草好像從書中蹦出來。 當小時候看過的故事書裡的風光就在眼前,那分感動是存在於記憶中,難以形容的。 --

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