網誌好讀版 考完之後很人問我writing要怎麼寫 一直重複說的後遺症就是,常常忘記自己說過甚麼~(._.?) 所以整理了一篇完整的,免得又遺漏了讓別人誤會我藏暗步~( ̄ー ̄;) === 基本架構 === 根據練習的經驗,agree/disagree的題型最為頻繁 (總而言之就是正反兩方這種,不一定明 問你agree or disagree) 所以我在這以此題型為例 (1) introduction 引言 背景描述-->連接詞/句型-->問題 (2) counter opinion 反方立場 想法-->解釋-->舉例 (想法和解釋是可以對調的) (3) writer’s opinion 作者立場 連結反方意見-->想法-->解釋-->舉例 (4) conclusion 結論 強調作者立場/解決方案 其他題型如cause/effect, 就可能依個人調整,但也差不多。 (1) 同上 (2) cause --> effect --> 舉例 (cause/effect的例子皆可) (3) 同(2) (4) solution 其實也可以cause都放在(2), effect都放在(3), 但兩個都一定要舉例。 至於舉甚麼例子~? 亂掰 !!! 胡謅個數據不是難事~XD I mean it !! 謎之音: 唉~真是為了分數不擇手段阿~ˋ(′_‵||)ˊ === 範文 === 考完11/15和11/29後Simon都要我寫一篇那天考題的writing給他,我只留了11/29的,也剛 好這是我最高分的一次(7.5),所以就以這篇為例吧。裡面很多的句型/片語/連接詞等都是 我慣用的,也就是我所稱的”自己的模板”,建議大家也找出自己的模版喔。此外,單字盡 量不要重覆,背很多的同義字是一定要的啦。 為閱讀方便,最底下有沒有畫線補充的完整版,歡迎享用。 說明 (紅色) -- 基本架構 (綠色) -- 一般說明 (粉色) -- 自己的慣用句型模板 TOPIC Some people think modern children’s games do not help children to develop a range of skills. They say that traditional games are much better for developing children’s skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree. (背景描述) Over past few decades, sophisticated technology has altered the methods that children play games. (連接句型) However, there are a lot of different opinions on the question of (普通單字的寫法) there are a variety of diverse positions on the issue of (替換高分單字) (題出問題) whether or not modern games can help young people to develop their skills. First of all, (連接詞) from some people’s perspective, (反方想法) games with high technology are beneficial for children to learn a wide range of skills, (解釋)owing to the fact that (連接詞) there are abundant pictures and sounds in modern games which stimulate them to be more creative. (舉例)To illustrate this point, (連接詞) according to a recent report of a newspaper, students who played games well such as computer or online games usually got better score than others in several subjects, and they were particularly good at communication. Perhaps, it is positive in some aspects. (承接反方意見) Nevertheless, (連接詞) in others’ opinion, (解釋) there are not numerous materials in an old one, while young people need to create and invent things or rules for it, and that enable them to learn how to resolve problems if confronted difficulties; consequently, (連接詞) (作者意見) traditional games are better for the development of children’s skills. (舉例) For instance, (連接詞) an article in an economic magazine indicates that seniors who grow up with playing traditional games are usually not afraid encountering challenge and willing to defeat it. On the other hand, juniors living in a modern society tend to give up more easily when they face a difficulty that they have never meet before. In other words, nowadays, most young people do not like to broaden capability of new skills. By way of conclusion,(連接詞) (強調作者意見) I intend to argue that even thought traditional games seems obsolete, they are much better for children to develop a wide range of skills. === 原文好讀版 === Over past few decades, sophisticated technology has altered the methods that children play games. However, there are a variety of diverse positions on the issue of whether or not modern games can help young people to develop their skills. First of all, from some people’s perspective, games with high technology are beneficial for children to learn a wide range of skills, owing to the fact that there are abundant pictures and sounds in modern games which stimulate them to be more creative. To illustrate this point, according to a recent report of a newspaper, students who played games well such as computer or online games usually got better score than others in several subjects, and they were particularly good at communication. Perhaps, it is positive in some aspects. Nevertheless, in others’ opinion, traditional games are better for the development of children’s skills, because there are not numerous materials in an old one, while young people need to create and invent things or rules for it, and that enable them to learn how to resolve problems if confronted difficulties. For instance, an article in an economic magazine indicates that seniors who grow up with playing traditional games are usually not afraid encountering challenge and willing to defeat it. On the other hand, juniors living in a modern society tend to give up more easily when they face a difficulty that they have never meet before. In other words, nowadays, most young people do not like to broaden capability of new skills. By way of conclusion, I intend to argue that even thought traditional games seems obsolete, they are much better for children to develop a wide range of skills -- ~我只是喜歡隨手亂畫~XD~ --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 newsqu:推 好強阿 感謝無私分享 04/13 22:50
2F:推 xhobby:感謝無私分享 04/13 23:58
3F:推 poiuye:厲害~~很順 也沒有很難的單字 但就是感覺很棒 04/14 00:45
4F:→ poiuye:另外 請問在第一段需要表明自己的立場嗎? 還有第二段都是 04/14 00:46
5F:→ poiuye:寫自己(作者)的立場可以嗎?第三段才是寫反方 會有差別嗎? 04/14 00:46
6F:→ poiuye:謝謝^^ 04/14 00:47
7F:→ ittie:其實有很多不同架構的寫法 只是我的老師跟我說這個寫法比較 04/14 11:06
8F:→ ittie:高分 所以你說的方式也沒有錯啦~ 因為老師是考官 就相信他囉 04/14 11:08
9F:推 reggaebabe:super useful .... 04/14 23:15
10F:推 alexia423:可以請問一下你找的口說一對一中師家教主要是甚麼樣的上 04/15 20:43
11F:→ alexia423:課內容或方式?因為我也想找中師練口說,但不知道怎麼找 04/15 20:43
12F:→ alexia423:THANKS~ 04/15 20:44
13F:推 murile:大約278字,雖然只有四段,但是文章流暢idea很清楚!酷 04/15 23:28
※ 編輯: ittie (, 01/21/2016 20:26:23

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