Hong_Kong 板


影像檔案與記憶政治:《界限/南北》錄像放映+座談 Video Screening + Artist Talk: "Boundaries" 時間 Time/ 2019/09/20(五) 19:30-21:30 地點 Venue/ 江山藝改所(新竹市東區興達街1號) Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (No. 1, Xinda St., Hsinchu City) 與談人/ 李俊峰(藝術家、前香港活化廳創辦成員) 林欣怡(交大應用藝術研究所副教授) 免費入場 Free Admission /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 關於放映 About The Screening/ 9/20(五)晚上我們很榮幸邀請到了香港藝術家李俊峰放映他新完成的錄像作品。創作之 初本是為了雨傘運動五年後的回應,但作品完成後馬上遇到更大規模的反送中運動。在這 個風起雲湧之際,讓我們一起緩一緩,從別的視角切入,或許可以看到新的視野與思考。 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 關於錄像 About The Video/ 《界限/南北 Boundaries》 創作 Artist:李俊峰 Lee Chun Fung 片長 Duration:30min,粵語配音 Cantonese,中英文字幕Chinese/English Subtitles 創作年份 Year:05.2019 80s年代初,英國政府著手處理香港前途問題。中國在這問題上態度強硬,堅持收回香港 主權,甚至威脅若談判破裂便會單方面宣布收回香港。英方考慮到在港長期經營的利益, 極力主張所謂的「三條條約有效論」,即按「南京條約」和「北京條約」所訂,守護英方 對港島與九龍半島的統治權。為了在談判桌上多增一份信心,英方官員建議在「拓展香港 界址專條」所訂的界線上,築建一道仿效德國柏林圍牆的「香港牆」,將當時的香港劃下 南北分隔線,好讓英國在1997後仍保留其最後的 "遠東殖民地" 。 這錄像嘗試勾畫「香港牆」建成後,香港的另一發展路徑。在這時空裡,「牆」既為物理 空間的分割,也構成多重因素影響下的認同政治。無論這「牆」到底是否存在,這錄像希 望與大家一同探討香港就其地緣政治與經濟地位所引伸的獨特處境。 Project Description: When the British started to negotiate the future of Hong Kong with the Chinese government, Chinese government has shown persistency and insisted on reclaiming Hong Kong's sovereignty. Considering the long-term interests that the British has invested in Hong Kong, they strongly advocated the validity of the three treaties, that is according to the Treaty of Nanking and Treaty of Peking, British own the sovereignty of Hong Kong Island as well as Kowloon Peninsula; while New Territories is on lease for 99 years and shall be returned to China in 1997. In order to show confidence to the Chinese government, British proposed to build Hong Kong Wall at the boundary between the New Territories and Kowloon, that imitated the Berlin Wall in Germany. In this circumstance, Hong Kong would be divided into northern and southern, as assurance to British to retain her last "Far East colony" after 1997. This video is to depict the possible development of Hong Kong society as if the wall was built. Within this allegory, the wall serves not only as a physical division, but contributes in constructing or re-articulating the identity of Hong Kong people, which is influenced by various ideological, political and economic agendas. By reviewing this alternative history, I hope to discuss the uniqueness of Hong Kong together. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 關於藝術家 About The Artist/李俊峰 Lee Chun Fung www.leechunfung.blogspot.com 從事藝術創作、教育及策劃工作。社區/藝術空間「Woofer Ten.活化廳」創辦成員。他 的創作探討人與社群、政治行動的互聯關係,實踐方式不限於特定媒介。曾策劃的藝術計 劃如「來往廣場的單車」、「碧街事變」(與盧樂謙協同策劃),策展及網絡串連計劃如 「東亞諸眾峰會」 、「藝術/行動者駐場計劃」、「假如在一起」等。 LEE Chun-Fung (b.1984, Hong Kong) is an artist, community activist and curator based in Hong Kong. He is the co-founder of Woofer Ten (2009-15), a community art space based in a grass-root area in Hong Kong. His artistic interest is about the interconnection between the sense of community and direct activism. His practices cover different media and disciplines, ranging from art action, installation, video, photography, zine publication, workshop, writing, curating etc. 活動頁面:https://www.facebook.com/events/466934554161565/ --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 編輯: OscarJeff ( 臺灣), 09/20/2019 16:26:16

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