Neil Patrick Harris FB: The year is 2030. Ted Mosby is 52 years old, still sad and alone, while all his friends are now happily married. One night he goes to a Strip Club, gets wasted and ends up going home with one of the dancers (who happens to be a single mother). The morning after, as he prepares to do the walk of shame, he walks past the lounge room to find the dancers two children sitting on the couch. They awkwardly ask this random stranger how he knows their mother. Ted, being his socially awkward self, tells these two children his entire life story, thus leading up to, HOW HE MET THEIR MOTHER. Saw it on Said No One Ever What a plot-twist huh ? 不負責任翻譯: 時間拉到2030年。 Ted已經52歲,依然孤苦無依沒人要,而他的好友們都過得 幸福快樂的婚姻生活。 某一晚,他去了一家脫衣酒店,喝個爛醉,跟其中一位脫衣舞孃 回家過夜(她剛好是個單親媽媽)。 隔天早上,當他正準備不光彩地回家(在外過夜穿著前晚衣服), 他經過客廳(lounge room?),發現舞孃的兩個小孩坐在沙發上, 他們問他這個陌生人是怎麼認識他們的媽媽的。 於是在社交方面總是笨拙不堪的Ted, 開始跟那兩個孩子說起他的 一生的故事,也就是「他如何遇見他們母親的」。 --- 還頗有創意的劇情,只是如果真的這樣結尾的話,CBS會被蛋洗吧!XDD -- Sex COULD kill you.Do you know what the human body goes through when u have sex? It's violent. It's ugly. And it's messy. If God hadn't made it UNBELIEVABLY fun, the human race would have died out eons ago. Men are lucky they can only have one orgasm. Know that women can have an hour long orgasm? -House 1x03 Occam's Razor --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 luie:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 02/04 20:37
2F:→ coldhotranee:如果真的這結局,應該會團購蛋洗吧XDDDDD 02/04 21:02
3F:→ coldhotranee:XDDDDDD 02/04 21:02
4F:推 coldhotranee:剛按錯沒推到 補推一下 02/04 21:10
5F:推 leila:蛋洗!! 02/04 21:10
6F:推 wang1177:XDDDD 02/04 21:42
7F:推 mouii:XDDDDD 02/04 22:21
8F:推 strray:那這故事也太長了吧XDDDDD 02/04 22:46
9F:推 rororock11:哈哈哈XDD 02/05 01:04
10F:推 adoy:好大膽的結局,不過會群眾震怒XDDDDD 02/05 01:39
11F:推 nolander:XXXXXD 02/05 01:48
12F:推 dhton:請問有人記得沙發上的兩個小孩有叫過TED 爸爸嗎 02/05 12:51
13F:推 coldhotranee:第一季老大就有叫他dad了 02/05 13:02
14F:→ coldhotranee:除非要拗"T" "D"梗 02/05 13:05
15F:推 ZealWind:反正这剧里人总是各种delusional,听成dad也无所~ 02/05 21:38
16F:推 Faoitohins:謝謝翻譯 真這樣的話好像也不意外啊XDDDDD 免錢老爸啊 02/05 22:14
17F:推 sampsonlu919:這樣的話Ted也太慘了 XD 02/05 23:18
18F:→ alljerry04:救命XDD 02/06 03:28
19F:推 winerner:不過我覺得這是Ted做的出來的事耶XD 跟兩個陌生小孩長篇 02/06 12:39
20F:推 winerner:大論講自己的love story XD 02/06 12:41
21F:推 cosmmo:哈哈,很引發眾怒的結局 02/06 22:49
22F:推 voguehan:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 我喜歡這個XD 02/11 16:52
23F:推 apple32988:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I LIKE IT@ 03/03 12:09

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