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00:52 Seven years ago when Marshall and Lily got engaged, Ted saw Robin across a crowded room. And I said, "Oh, yaah, you just know she likes it dirty." But Ted rally liked her so we played "Haaaave you met Ted?" 00:43 They went to dinner. He walked her home. Should've kissed her. Didn't- lame- So he stole a smurf penis, went back to her place. Should've kissed her. Didn't-lame- He threw three parties. They kissed on the roof, but decided to be friends -lame- Then Ted wanted to take Robin to a wedding. She couldn't go. He went alone and met Victoria. He didn't kiss her either -lame- not a great closer, Ted. 00:31 But he finally kissed her, they started dating, she went to Germany, Ted kissed Robin, lost Victoria, Ted did a rain dance, got Robin, Ted and Robin broke up, Robin moved to Brazil, came back with a Latin stud, Ted got jealous, got a tramp stamp, not really relevant to the story I just like mentioning that as much as possible, I hooked up with Robin, Ted and I stopped being friends, Ted got hit by a bus, we made up... 00:16 Robin and I started dating, I got fat, her hair fell out. We broke up, Robin dated Don, I dated Nora, cheated on her with Robin, I dumped Nora, Robin dated Kevin, but not for long, and then I met you and you took my grandpa's watch but I fell in love with you anyway, and you let me fart in front of you and I asked you to marry me and you said yes and we came over here to meet little Marvin and that's everything! 00:02 Also I went on the Price Is Right and won a dune buggy. --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:→ finjenny:這段真的超威的!! 09/27 21:18
2F:推 yenty:最後一段是?? 09/27 22:28
3F:推 lkkpal:B好像有看大字報 但還是超厲害 09/27 23:01
4F:推 asdsasd:我也覺得有看大字報 但念那麼快還是很厲害!! 09/27 23:03
5F:推 rainbowstar:我也感覺有大字報在~碼錶出現超爆笑的! 09/28 02:05
6F:→ ty5ed:這超強的!就算最後NPH好像是整個盯著大字報XD也還是太厲害~ 09/28 03:18
7F:推 senlin:加上原片段 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEhDjfMU6FY 09/28 06:47
8F:推 bteagle:給我一分鐘也辦不到 B真的太強 09/28 10:54
9F:推 secretbear:一分鐘內還可以酸TED數次 還有2秒講屁話 笑死我了 09/28 12:29
10F:推 mtyc:我覺得他是在盯碼表耶,因為這個有時間限制XDD 09/28 16:59
11F:推 likewindboy:不過他有講錯一個地方 當初Robin是去阿根廷不是巴西 09/28 23:20
12F:推 solchang:搞不好是故意的XD 09/28 23:31
13F:推 lpbrother:Barney本來就對地理很差,應該是這樣 09/29 10:12
14F:推 b51309:真的太強大了XDD 09/29 12:24
15F:推 Sunshower:經典! 09/29 20:35
16F:推 lucifer648:如果老TED能學學他就好了 09/29 23:17
17F:→ SicInfit:最後還有剩兩秒可以讓他喇賽一下XD 09/30 18:31
18F:→ SicInfit:不過感覺好久沒聽到「What up」和「Suit up」了~ 09/30 18:32
19F:推 Williamette:我覺得每次停頓都要加個lame很好笑 XDDDD 09/30 21:55
20F:推 laalaahaa:http://9gag.com/gag/5482361 10/01 02:35
21F:推 tomoe926:超強的~~也推樓上 10/02 15:03
22F:推 illusions:感覺他不用大字報耶,Tony獎閉幕的表演也是臨時背 10/02 20:30
23F:推 coolbert:超厲害啦!樓上的快來上海啦!!!第二集也很好看 10/02 21:30
24F:推 InMontauk:這段超強XDDDD 10/03 18:19

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