作者sinkeeer (fringe)
标题[台词] Barney explains HIMYM in 52s
时间Thu Sep 27 17:17:52 2012
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B 这段实在太厉害了.. 七年的浓缩精华
youtube 连结
Seven years ago when Marshall and Lily got engaged,
Ted saw Robin across a crowded room. And I said,
"Oh, yaah, you just know she likes it dirty."
But Ted rally liked her so we played "Haaaave you met Ted?"
They went to dinner. He walked her home. Should've kissed her. Didn't- lame-
So he stole a smurf penis, went back to her place. Should've kissed her.
Didn't-lame- He threw three parties. They kissed on the roof, but decided to
be friends -lame- Then Ted wanted to take Robin to a wedding. She couldn't
go. He went alone and met Victoria. He didn't kiss her either -lame- not a
great closer, Ted.
But he finally kissed her, they started dating, she went to Germany,
Ted kissed Robin, lost Victoria, Ted did a rain dance, got Robin,
Ted and Robin broke up, Robin moved to Brazil, came back with a Latin stud,
Ted got jealous, got a tramp stamp,
not really relevant to the story I just like mentioning that as much as
I hooked up with Robin, Ted and I stopped being friends,
Ted got hit by a bus, we made up...
Robin and I started dating, I got fat, her hair fell out.
We broke up, Robin dated Don, I dated Nora, cheated on her with Robin,
I dumped Nora, Robin dated Kevin, but not for long, and then I met you
and you took my grandpa's watch but I fell in love with you anyway,
and you let me fart in front of you and I asked you to marry me
and you said yes and we came over here to meet little Marvin
and that's everything!
Also I went on the Price Is Right and won a dune buggy.
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:→ finjenny:这段真的超威的!! 09/27 21:18
2F:推 yenty:最後一段是?? 09/27 22:28
3F:推 lkkpal:B好像有看大字报 但还是超厉害 09/27 23:01
4F:推 asdsasd:我也觉得有看大字报 但念那麽快还是很厉害!! 09/27 23:03
5F:推 rainbowstar:我也感觉有大字报在~码表出现超爆笑的! 09/28 02:05
6F:→ ty5ed:这超强的!就算最後NPH好像是整个盯着大字报XD也还是太厉害~ 09/28 03:18
8F:推 bteagle:给我一分钟也办不到 B真的太强 09/28 10:54
9F:推 secretbear:一分钟内还可以酸TED数次 还有2秒讲屁话 笑死我了 09/28 12:29
10F:推 mtyc:我觉得他是在盯码表耶,因为这个有时间限制XDD 09/28 16:59
11F:推 likewindboy:不过他有讲错一个地方 当初Robin是去阿根廷不是巴西 09/28 23:20
12F:推 solchang:搞不好是故意的XD 09/28 23:31
13F:推 lpbrother:Barney本来就对地理很差,应该是这样 09/29 10:12
14F:推 b51309:真的太强大了XDD 09/29 12:24
15F:推 Sunshower:经典! 09/29 20:35
16F:推 lucifer648:如果老TED能学学他就好了 09/29 23:17
17F:→ SicInfit:最後还有剩两秒可以让他喇赛一下XD 09/30 18:31
18F:→ SicInfit:不过感觉好久没听到「What up」和「Suit up」了~ 09/30 18:32
19F:推 Williamette:我觉得每次停顿都要加个lame很好笑 XDDDD 09/30 21:55
21F:推 tomoe926:超强的~~也推楼上 10/02 15:03
22F:推 illusions:感觉他不用大字报耶,Tony奖闭幕的表演也是临时背 10/02 20:30
23F:推 coolbert:超厉害啦!楼上的快来上海啦!!!第二集也很好看 10/02 21:30
24F:推 InMontauk:这段超强XDDDD 10/03 18:19