若本文有最新一季劇情透漏 請將下列文字保留 本文有雷 劇情透漏 Spoiler 相關回文請保留本段文字 http://www.cbs.com/shows/how_i_met_your_mother/barneys_blog/82352/ 我英文不好,就不翻譯全部 不過有一些挺好笑的 Dear Uncle Barney, Do you believe in soulmates? -Ted Mosby, New York Ted. Please. 親愛的巴尼叔叔, 你相信有靈魂伴侶嗎? -泰德莫斯比,紐約 泰德,拜託 Dear Uncle Barney, Thank you for submitting the photographs. It’s official. You have the largest penis in the world. Congratulations! Oh, and by the way, the girls and I really enjoyed the “Washington Monument” tableau ;) -Elaine B., Guinness Book of World Records You’re welcome. And if you look closely at the foreground shrubbery, you’ ll note how I tastefully paid homage to Washington’s famous cherry blossoms. 親愛的巴尼叔叔 感謝你寄來的照片。我們已經正式紀錄了。你擁有全世界最大的陰莖。恭喜你! 喔,順帶一提,我跟女孩子們很享受這個「華盛頓紀念碑」圖案;) Elaine B,金氏世界紀錄委員會 謝謝你。如果你能仔細看到前面的灌木叢,你可以記錄下我如何向華盛頓的櫻桃樹致敬 Dear Uncle Barney, What’s the best way to remove three hundred bee stingers from your skin? -Mickey A., Long Island I’m no bee expert, but studies have shown there is one consistently effective way to remove a “stinger,” as you call it. In our field of study, we prefer to call it a modified ovipositor, from the Latin, “egg layer.” The key is to swipe over the area with a hard plastic object such as a credit card, taking care to also remove the venom sac, or in your case, sacs. Obviously this wouldn’t be an issue with other members of the Hymenoptera family who immediately retract their ovipositors upon injection, but then again, I’m no bee expert… or, “apiarist.” 親愛的巴尼叔叔: 請問要用甚麼方法把你身上的三百隻蜜蜂針給除掉? 米奇艾德林,長島 我不是蜜蜂專家,但是研究指出有一種相當有效的方法可以除掉「蜂針」。在我的研究 當中,我們會稱呼為「更改產卵管」(modified ovipositor),這是從拉丁文的「蛋雞」 (egg layer)而來。方法是用一個塑膠小卡片,例如信用卡,刷過有針的部位,同時可以去除 毒液囊,或是你的情況,很多「囊」。很明顯地,這種方式在其他有翅類的昆蟲如果叮到 皮膚也可以這麼做。再強調一次,我不是蜜蜂專家或是「蜂人」。 --

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◆ From: ※ 編輯: lpbrother 來自: (02/08 10:25)
1F:推 rushgo:哈哈哈!!這集我笑的不多 但看到最後一封來信我笑了... 02/08 21:31
2F:推 C4TNT:HIMYM有越來越無聊的趨勢 02/09 16:01
3F:推 SINCE1988:這集真的沒之前這摸好笑了~"~HAHA 02/13 09:51
4F:推 ceparibus:這集感覺有點怪怪的,有人這麼覺得嗎@@ 02/13 10:36
5F:推 tc11:怪怪的? 怎麼說? 02/13 16:35
6F:推 lawrence99:這集超悶的 02/16 17:27

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