Gossiping 板


1.媒體來源: 衛報 Guardian News 2.記者署名: Sarah Marsh 3.完整新聞標題: 杰里米·亨特計劃對電子煙徵稅並提高菸草稅 Jeremy Hunt plans to tax vaping products and raise tobacco duty 4.完整新聞內文: 社運人士表示,這項措施將有助於解決吸引年幼兒童使用電子煙的「零用錢」價格問題 杰里米·亨特宣布計劃對電子煙產品徵稅,同時提高煙草稅。 在他的英國預算演講中首次公布他決定使電子煙中使用的尼古丁液體受到貨物稅的決定時 ,亨特表示,為了確保菸草稅仍然比電子煙更昂貴,菸草稅也將增加。 他表示:“電子煙也可以在幫助人們戒煙方面發揮積極作用”,這就是為什麼還將進 行“菸草稅的一次性增加”的原因。亨特補充說,他希望“保持一種選擇電子菸而不是吸 煙的財政激勵”。這一變化將從2026年10月生效。 財政大臣還重申政府“盡快”禁止使用一次性電子煙的意圖。 活動人士表示,這項措施將有助於解決吸引許多年幼兒童使用電子煙的“零用錢”價格問 題,電子煙將按三個稅率徵稅:無尼古丁、尼古丁(每毫升不超過11毫克的尼古丁)和高 尼古丁(每毫升至少11毫克)。這些將分別設定為每10毫升液體1英鎊、2英鎊和3英鎊, 將向英國製造商或進口商收取。 負責評估預算影響的預算責任辦公室表示,這項徵稅意味著高尼古丁類別的產品售價3英 鎊的產品價格將翻倍,增至6英鎊以上。它表示,該稅將在2028-29財政年度前籌集500百 萬英鎊。 其他機構對此舉表示歡迎,但要求政府確保稅收的任何收益都用於應對電子煙對環境和公 共健康的影響。 地方政府協會社區福祉委員會副主席凱亞·科默·施瓦茨表示:“政府正在果斷採取行動 ,使電子煙產品對未成年人不再那麼可負擔…我們敦促政府確保稅收的收益專門用於環境 、公共衛生和執法目的。 “這將有助於解決電子煙目前的零用錢價格問題,阻止兒童使用它們,並有助於打擊非法 產品。” 特許貿易標準協會(CTSI)表示,該協會長期以來一直呼籲對電子煙徵稅,以應對非法電 子煙市場帶來的挑戰。發言人表示:“通過將電子煙視為一種貨物稅和銷售稅,意味著執 法機構,包括邊境部隊和稅收和海關總署,將更加密切關注該產品,這應該有助於進一步 打擊非法電子煙市場。” 政府還將從4月初開始提供3000萬英鎊的資金,以支持執法機構,包括商業標準。 目前,電子煙產品和非煙草尼古丁都按20%的增值稅徵收,對作為藥品規管的電子煙則適 用較低的5%稅率。政府擔心電子煙的相對低價格使其對年輕人和非吸煙者越來越具吸引力 。 這項新稅將與歐洲15個國家的計劃類似,包括德國,那裡每10毫升電子煙液體要徵收1.60 歐元(1.37英鎊)的稅,以及意大利,那裡的稅率是1.30歐元。歐盟還計劃在27個成員國 實施電子煙 英文: Campaigners say measure will help tackle ‘pocket money’ pricing that attracts young children to vaping Jeremy Hunt has announced plans for a tax on vaping products, along with increases in tobacco duty. Unveiling his decision to make the nicotine liquids used in electronic vapes subject to excise duties for the first time in his UK budget speech, Hunt said tobacco duty would also increase to ensure it remains more expensive than vaping. He said “[e-cigarettes] can also play a positive role in helping people quit smoking”, which is why there would also be a “one-off increase in tobacco duty”. Hunt added that he wanted to “maintain a financial incentive to choose vaping over smoking”. The change comes into force from October 2026. The chancellor also reiterated the government’s intention to ban disposable vapes “as soon as possible”. In a measure campaigners said would help tackle the “pocket money” pricing that has attracted so many young children to vaping, vapes will be taxed at three rates: nicotine free, nicotine (less than 11mg of nicotine per millilitre), and high nicotine (at least 11mg per millilitre). These will be set at £1, £2, and £3 per 10ml of liquid respectively, and will be charged to UK manufacturers or importers. The Office for Budget Responsibility, which measures the impact of the budget, said the levy would mean a product in the high nicotine category selling for £3 would double in price to more than £6. It said the tax would raise £500m by the 2028-29 financial year. Jeremy Hunt leaving 11 Downing Street Budget 2024: Hunt gambles with highest tax burden since second world war Read more The move was welcomed by other bodies, but the government was asked to ensure that any proceeds from taxation go to tackling the environmental and public health consequences of vaping. Kaya Comer Schwartz, the vice-chair of the Local Government Association’s community wellbeing board, said: “It is good that the government are taking decisive action to make vaping products less affordable to minors … We urge government to ensure the proceeds from the tax are specifically targeted for environmental, public health and enforcement purposes. “This will help to tackle the pocket-money prices vapes are currently available for, deterring children from using them and helping the clampdown on illicit products.” The Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) said it had long called for a vape tax “to help tackle the challenges posed by the illicit market in vapes”. A spokesperson said: “By treating vapes as an excise product, and a tax on sales, it means that there will be more eyes on the product itself from enforcement agencies including Border Force and HMRC and this should help us clamp down further on the illicit market in vapes.” The government will also provide £30m of funding to support the work of enforcement agencies including trading standards from the beginning of April. Currently, vaping products and non-tobacco nicotine are taxed at 20% VAT, with a lower 5% rate for e-cigarettes regulated as medicines. Ministers fear that the relatively cheap cost of vaping has made it increasingly appealing to young people and non-smokers. The new tax would be similar to 15 schemes in European countries, including Germany, where a €1.60 (£1.37) tax is charged on every 10ml of vape liquid, and Italy where the rate is €1.30. The EU is also planning to impose a vaping levy across the 27-nation bloc. 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址)不可用YAHOO、LINE、MSN等轉載媒體: https://reurl.cc/M4mEQm 6.備註: 傑瑞米·杭特 Jeremy Hunt 英國保守黨政治家,2005年當選西南薩里議員,現任英國財政大臣,曾任 文化大臣、衛生大臣、外交大臣。 綠共真他媽的「先禁國家」,懶得管電子菸就直接先禁掉,然後台灣官員講那些幹話, 英國菸害防制領先台灣多少年? 英國官員再次說明電子菸幫助戒煙, 而且電子菸可以課徵菸稅菸捐。 民進黨噁心,非常噁心! 英國公共衛生局(PHE)電子煙成果報告影片2018年 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpHVe4YeaSY
201902 英國公共衛生局PHE 菸草減害實驗影片(短版) 中文字幕 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l87LRuI2Bnw
董氏林清麗 姚思遠 遭嗆菸害防制做半套 不敢提禁止香菸/紙菸20190513 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycZxNOPSU8Q
別讓醫藥商不高興》民進黨柯建銘:加熱菸不含尼古丁,尼古丁電子煙一定禁 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMk5E-TzR8o
衛生福利部次長 石崇良 早已知道紐西蘭衛福部電子菸減害戒煙策略(Vapingfacts) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kg1Km-Lz1yY
台安醫院醫師吳憲林:電子煙當菸品管是國際主流 禁止電子煙是少數 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DbE3dHlvK0&t=4s
《上樑不正下樑歪》國健署長吳昭軍跟衛福部長陳時中一樣不誠實:「電子煙」不是菸 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZy5HIfH_XE
英國的影片,結果英國已跳脫了,台灣還在繼續吸菸救長照、吸煙救健保、圖利醫藥財團 「吸煙救國」英國首相:紙菸每年殺死10萬人 我們能得到什麼? 每年40億英鎊稅收 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTWa7uKTsDY
【戰神你抽煙 我貪污 你能拿我怎樣?】請強力分享!|國會調查兵團 cic tw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLAvKBgcPjo
-- https://i.imgur.com/621ia33.jpg https://i.imgur.com/PPmqCOI.jpg
https://i.imgur.com/0YO0JoW.jpg https://i.imgur.com/iCELafr.jpg
WHO FCTC 菸草減害專家 王郁揚Danny(Yu-Yang) Wang https://i.imgur.com/xnVyBc9.jpg https://i.imgur.com/2Fi1w1C.jpg
台灣禁菸聯盟 ABC#TAIWAN、無煙台灣基金會FSFT、台灣菸草減害協會TTHRA。 台灣威卜 菸草減害網路媒體 VAPE TAIWAN https://vapetaiwan-media.com/ --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/Gossiping/M.1709794231.A.EDF.html
1F:噓 Golbeza: 滾 03/07 14:50
tobetwob:轉錄至看板 Tobacco 03/07 14:53
2F:推 mk5520: 推 03/07 14:53
tobetwob:轉錄至看板 HatePolitics 03/07 14:53
3F:推 pipiispipi: 一樓菸商親屬嗎 這麼生氣害怕喔? 03/07 16:35
※ 編輯: tobetwob ( 臺灣), 03/07/2024 19:03:40

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