Gossiping 板


1.媒体来源: 卫报 Guardian News 2.记者署名: Sarah Marsh 3.完整新闻标题: 杰里米·亨特计划对电子烟徵税并提高菸草税 Jeremy Hunt plans to tax vaping products and raise tobacco duty 4.完整新闻内文: 社运人士表示,这项措施将有助於解决吸引年幼儿童使用电子烟的「零用钱」价格问题 杰里米·亨特宣布计划对电子烟产品徵税,同时提高烟草税。 在他的英国预算演讲中首次公布他决定使电子烟中使用的尼古丁液体受到货物税的决定时 ,亨特表示,为了确保菸草税仍然比电子烟更昂贵,菸草税也将增加。 他表示:“电子烟也可以在帮助人们戒烟方面发挥积极作用”,这就是为什麽还将进 行“菸草税的一次性增加”的原因。亨特补充说,他希望“保持一种选择电子菸而不是吸 烟的财政激励”。这一变化将从2026年10月生效。 财政大臣还重申政府“尽快”禁止使用一次性电子烟的意图。 活动人士表示,这项措施将有助於解决吸引许多年幼儿童使用电子烟的“零用钱”价格问 题,电子烟将按三个税率徵税:无尼古丁、尼古丁(每毫升不超过11毫克的尼古丁)和高 尼古丁(每毫升至少11毫克)。这些将分别设定为每10毫升液体1英镑、2英镑和3英镑, 将向英国制造商或进口商收取。 负责评估预算影响的预算责任办公室表示,这项徵税意味着高尼古丁类别的产品售价3英 镑的产品价格将翻倍,增至6英镑以上。它表示,该税将在2028-29财政年度前筹集500百 万英镑。 其他机构对此举表示欢迎,但要求政府确保税收的任何收益都用於应对电子烟对环境和公 共健康的影响。 地方政府协会社区福祉委员会副主席凯亚·科默·施瓦茨表示:“政府正在果断采取行动 ,使电子烟产品对未成年人不再那麽可负担…我们敦促政府确保税收的收益专门用於环境 、公共卫生和执法目的。 “这将有助於解决电子烟目前的零用钱价格问题,阻止儿童使用它们,并有助於打击非法 产品。” 特许贸易标准协会(CTSI)表示,该协会长期以来一直呼吁对电子烟徵税,以应对非法电 子烟市场带来的挑战。发言人表示:“通过将电子烟视为一种货物税和销售税,意味着执 法机构,包括边境部队和税收和海关总署,将更加密切关注该产品,这应该有助於进一步 打击非法电子烟市场。” 政府还将从4月初开始提供3000万英镑的资金,以支持执法机构,包括商业标准。 目前,电子烟产品和非烟草尼古丁都按20%的增值税徵收,对作为药品规管的电子烟则适 用较低的5%税率。政府担心电子烟的相对低价格使其对年轻人和非吸烟者越来越具吸引力 。 这项新税将与欧洲15个国家的计划类似,包括德国,那里每10毫升电子烟液体要徵收1.60 欧元(1.37英镑)的税,以及意大利,那里的税率是1.30欧元。欧盟还计划在27个成员国 实施电子烟 英文: Campaigners say measure will help tackle ‘pocket money’ pricing that attracts young children to vaping Jeremy Hunt has announced plans for a tax on vaping products, along with increases in tobacco duty. Unveiling his decision to make the nicotine liquids used in electronic vapes subject to excise duties for the first time in his UK budget speech, Hunt said tobacco duty would also increase to ensure it remains more expensive than vaping. He said “[e-cigarettes] can also play a positive role in helping people quit smoking”, which is why there would also be a “one-off increase in tobacco duty”. Hunt added that he wanted to “maintain a financial incentive to choose vaping over smoking”. The change comes into force from October 2026. The chancellor also reiterated the government’s intention to ban disposable vapes “as soon as possible”. In a measure campaigners said would help tackle the “pocket money” pricing that has attracted so many young children to vaping, vapes will be taxed at three rates: nicotine free, nicotine (less than 11mg of nicotine per millilitre), and high nicotine (at least 11mg per millilitre). These will be set at £1, £2, and £3 per 10ml of liquid respectively, and will be charged to UK manufacturers or importers. The Office for Budget Responsibility, which measures the impact of the budget, said the levy would mean a product in the high nicotine category selling for £3 would double in price to more than £6. It said the tax would raise £500m by the 2028-29 financial year. Jeremy Hunt leaving 11 Downing Street Budget 2024: Hunt gambles with highest tax burden since second world war Read more The move was welcomed by other bodies, but the government was asked to ensure that any proceeds from taxation go to tackling the environmental and public health consequences of vaping. Kaya Comer Schwartz, the vice-chair of the Local Government Association’s community wellbeing board, said: “It is good that the government are taking decisive action to make vaping products less affordable to minors … We urge government to ensure the proceeds from the tax are specifically targeted for environmental, public health and enforcement purposes. “This will help to tackle the pocket-money prices vapes are currently available for, deterring children from using them and helping the clampdown on illicit products.” The Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) said it had long called for a vape tax “to help tackle the challenges posed by the illicit market in vapes”. A spokesperson said: “By treating vapes as an excise product, and a tax on sales, it means that there will be more eyes on the product itself from enforcement agencies including Border Force and HMRC and this should help us clamp down further on the illicit market in vapes.” The government will also provide £30m of funding to support the work of enforcement agencies including trading standards from the beginning of April. Currently, vaping products and non-tobacco nicotine are taxed at 20% VAT, with a lower 5% rate for e-cigarettes regulated as medicines. Ministers fear that the relatively cheap cost of vaping has made it increasingly appealing to young people and non-smokers. The new tax would be similar to 15 schemes in European countries, including Germany, where a €1.60 (£1.37) tax is charged on every 10ml of vape liquid, and Italy where the rate is €1.30. The EU is also planning to impose a vaping levy across the 27-nation bloc. 5.完整新闻连结 (或短网址)不可用YAHOO、LINE、MSN等转载媒体: https://reurl.cc/M4mEQm 6.备注: 杰瑞米·杭特 Jeremy Hunt 英国保守党政治家,2005年当选西南萨里议员,现任英国财政大臣,曾任 文化大臣、卫生大臣、外交大臣。 绿共真他妈的「先禁国家」,懒得管电子菸就直接先禁掉,然後台湾官员讲那些干话, 英国菸害防制领先台湾多少年? 英国官员再次说明电子菸帮助戒烟, 而且电子菸可以课徵菸税菸捐。 民进党恶心,非常恶心! 英国公共卫生局(PHE)电子烟成果报告影片2018年 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpHVe4YeaSY
201902 英国公共卫生局PHE 菸草减害实验影片(短版) 中文字幕 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l87LRuI2Bnw
董氏林清丽 姚思远 遭呛菸害防制做半套 不敢提禁止香菸/纸菸20190513 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycZxNOPSU8Q
别让医药商不高兴》民进党柯建铭:加热菸不含尼古丁,尼古丁电子烟一定禁 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMk5E-TzR8o
卫生福利部次长 石崇良 早已知道纽西兰卫福部电子菸减害戒烟策略(Vapingfacts) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kg1Km-Lz1yY
台安医院医师吴宪林:电子烟当菸品管是国际主流 禁止电子烟是少数 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DbE3dHlvK0&t=4s
《上梁不正下梁歪》国健署长吴昭军跟卫福部长陈时中一样不诚实:「电子烟」不是菸 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZy5HIfH_XE
英国的影片,结果英国已跳脱了,台湾还在继续吸菸救长照、吸烟救健保、图利医药财团 「吸烟救国」英国首相:纸菸每年杀死10万人 我们能得到什麽? 每年40亿英镑税收 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTWa7uKTsDY
【战神你抽烟 我贪污 你能拿我怎样?】请强力分享!|国会调查兵团 cic tw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLAvKBgcPjo
-- https://i.imgur.com/621ia33.jpg https://i.imgur.com/PPmqCOI.jpg
https://i.imgur.com/0YO0JoW.jpg https://i.imgur.com/iCELafr.jpg
WHO FCTC 菸草减害专家 王郁扬Danny(Yu-Yang) Wang https://i.imgur.com/xnVyBc9.jpg https://i.imgur.com/2Fi1w1C.jpg
台湾禁菸联盟 ABC#TAIWAN、无烟台湾基金会FSFT、台湾菸草减害协会TTHRA。 台湾威卜 菸草减害网路媒体 VAPE TAIWAN https://vapetaiwan-media.com/ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Gossiping/M.1709794231.A.EDF.html
1F:嘘 Golbeza: 滚 03/07 14:50
tobetwob:转录至看板 Tobacco 03/07 14:53
2F:推 mk5520: 推 03/07 14:53
tobetwob:转录至看板 HatePolitics 03/07 14:53
3F:推 pipiispipi: 一楼菸商亲属吗 这麽生气害怕喔? 03/07 16:35
※ 编辑: tobetwob ( 台湾), 03/07/2024 19:03:40

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