戴爾美語練功坊中高級口說考題(12/10) 中高級英檢複試口說考題 1以下為近期中高級英檢複試口說考題,每題均列出參考答案供同學練習。 1-4題回答時間共15秒, 5-8題回答時間共30秒。同學應在時間內盡量表達 ,力求流暢感。 1. How do you teach your kids to prevent the danger of stray dogs? [答 案] 1) Watch out for the dogs without a collar or I.D. tag on their necks. 2) If chased by stray dogs, just stay calm and do not run away immediately. 3) Do not ride too fast in case a stray dog rushes to the road. 2. How do we solve the problem of water shortage in Taiwan? [答 案] 1) The government should build more dams and reservoirs. 2) People should conserve water as much as they can. 3) Plant more trees to prevent water from flowing away 3. The number of college student has become larger and larger in Taiwan. Please discuss pros and cons of this trend. [答 案] Advantages 1) More people can be well-educated. 2) Students can be more competent if they get advanced study. Disadvantages 1) College students may refuse blue collar jobs. 2) The quality of college students are decreasing. 4. Some residences of high officials are converted into caf?s or restaurants as a way to preserve cultural heritages. Please express your opinions and suggestions. [答 案] 1) It is a good idea to turn the official residences into coffee shops or restaurants as both preservation and economic purposes are under consideration. 2) It offers an opportunity for citizens to realize the history of their cities or counties. 3) The economic purposes should not overweigh the concern for preservation. 5. Express your opinions about emotional intelligence. [答 案] 1) EQ is as important as IQ because they have much to do with one's life. 2) If people have a low level of EQ, they had better spend some time or even take courses to learn controlling their emotions so that they can have harmonious human relations. 3) EQ has an effect on one's behavior, so people cannot overemphasize the importance of it if they want to make the society peaceful. 6. What are the ways to improve our traffic and prevent car accidents from happening? [答 案] 1) Car owners should perform maintenance regularly 2) Traffic rules should be strictly enforced 3) The knowledge about driving courtesy should be enhanced 7. It's said that learning English in Taiwan is not easy because there is no English-friendly environment. Please discuss how to create English-friendly environment。 [答 案] 1) Post bilingual public signs in Chinese and English. 2) Adopt international symbols. 3) Translate Chinese websites into English, so people can enjoy bilingual websites. 8. What's your opinion about physical punishment? [答 案] As far as I am concerned, corporal punishment in schools should be prohibited. 1) Corporal punishment is humiliating to students and may cause physical harm. 2) Students may be hurt mentally if the cases are not handled properly. 3) If corporal punishment is legalized, it seems to tell students that violence is a good way to deal with problems. --

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1F:推 Nectars:Thank u! 04/22 13:30

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